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Government: Little Sisters Have No Case

In the latest development in the Little Sisters of the Poor’s lawsuit challenging, under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the contraception benefit coverage under the Affordable Care Act, the government today filed its brief in the Supreme Court. To recap briefly: in a flurry of activity at the end of the year, just before the regulations went into effect January 1, a district court in Colorado denied the Little Sisters’ motion for a prelim…

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Pope Francis, the Bouncer

…ringing the church back to its core message. And it is working. The Pope’s latest statement, Evangelii Gaudium, is a papal exhortation designed to promote evangelism in the Catholic Church. Most media outlets are not emphasizing the evangelism element, but are paying close attention to the pope’s criticism of the current economic system as “unjust at its very root,” and the Social Darwinism that pervades our societies.   Even President Obama found…

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Material(ist) Girl: A Philosopher Argues Against the Soul

…ayful review here on RD, Andrew Aghapour writes that Patricia Churchland’s latest book essentially asks two questions, each of which poses a challenge to nearly all of the world’s belief systems: “Could the new sciences of the brain be so powerful that we needn’t go looking elsewhere for insights into the human condition? Does the brain encompass an individual in totality, leaving no room for a transcendent soul?”  Noting that the human brain coul…

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Pastor Implicated in Sex Abuse Scandal is Back

…Mohler’s “world-class gifts.” This public display of affection is just the latest in a long-running and highly public friendship. Not only has Mahaney praised Mohler, he donatedover $100,000 to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Mahaney’s former “flagship” church, Covenant Life, gave an additional $15,000 to SBTS. And Mohler has been just as steadfast a friend to Mahaney, using his influence to help promote Mahaney’s work in the past with no s…

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Illinois Bishop Greets Marriage Equality with Exorcism

…n the tone set by Pope Francis and some of the U.S. bishops continues. The latest example comes from Bishop Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, who greeted yesterday’s arrival of marriage equality in that state with an exorcism service. Paprocki said, “God is asking me to speak out and give these prayers.” From the report in the Chicago Sun-Times:  “I exorcise you, every unclean spirit, every power of darkness, every incursion of the infernal enemy…

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Forty Years Ago, the Worst Mass Murder of LGBT People in the U.S.

…that this MCC met in on the day this fire was set. Forty years later, the latest data from the National Congregations Study reveals that “Nearly three in ten U.S. congregations permit gays and lesbians in committed relationships to hold volunteer leadership positions, a major increase from the 19 percent of congregations in 2006-2007 that allowed such opportunities.” The litany of denominations that have changed their stance toward LGBT people, n…

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Using Science to Diss Religion

…dard magazine. Their entertaining, short posts and longer features use the latest research to examine conventional wisdom and to propose new ways of thinking about old or intractable problems… among other things.  But, as one who’s often skeptical of the conclusions drawn from social science research—if not of the methodologies behind the research itself—I’m particularly disappointed to see misleading conclusions drawn from a PS post.  I’ll explai…

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Shutdown is Over, But There Will Be a Next Time

…r low-income Americans and for increased taxes on the wealthy are just the latest iteration of conservatives galvanized by FDR’s New Deal. And like older generations, many of today’s activists are as much motivated by religion as by politics and economics. Between 1933 and 1936, Roosevelt initiated a series of laws and executive orders to help Americans crushed by the Great Depression. Bereft of jobs, savings and security, millions willingly accep…

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R.I. Christians Tweet Atheist Intolerance Like it’s 1663

…h threats and required a police escort to attend classes. Judging from the latest round of tweets on her Twitter feed, the hatred has yet to subside.  It started when Ahlquist posted this tweet:  @jessicaahlquist: Cranston West put in new (secular) murals and had an invite-only unveiling and I wasn’t invited </3 (9/22/13)   Most of those tweeting at @jessicaahlquist seem to be card carrying Christians.  @RichardReed84: of course you weren’t invite…

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When the Steve Jobs/Apple/Religion Analogy Goes Too Far

…ing religion when discussing Apple and Jobs. O’Brien is just reviewing the latest, most scholarly contribution to this trend, Brett Robinson’s new book Appletopia: Media Technology and the Religious Imagination of Steve Jobs. In O’Brien’s description, Appletopia “examines the way that Steve Jobs drew on religious metaphors and iconography to elevate his products specifically, and technology more generally, into a kind of religion.” I haven’t yet s…

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