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Why I Will Not Submit to Arrest, Or, the Problem With Moral Mondays

…any neighborhoods across North Carolina, but in Durham, North Carolina his sign in your yard meant hopeful solidarity across the unbridgeable divides of race. It was a heady, heart-felt time for us, as we wrote letters and knocked door to door. But my daughter said something right after President Obama won that gave me pause. She woke up on November 5 with a deflated sense of purpose. She was going to miss being a part of a giant project for, well…

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Bryan Fischer’s Homophobic Attacks on Romney’s Spox

…ue with Grenell over his criticism of the Bush administration’s failure to sign a December 2008 U.N. resolution that called for decriminalizing homosexuality across the globe. While at the United Nations, Grenell fought unsuccessfully to have his partner, Matt Lashey, listed among the spouses in the United Nations’s Blue Book, a personnel directory. “It’s concerning that you would have somebody tapped to be potentially in an administration that wo…

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Hajj Journal:
This Cultural Hajj

…the airport, for my own travel or to pick up family and friends. The road signs had a little airplane logo to designate the way to the airport. I never got lost going, but always got lost trying to get back home. I used to say, there needs to be a sign with a little picture of my house to direct me. I knew how to get to the mountain but I forgot to make markers for getting back! Anyway, while wandering around until I found the road with that gate…

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Conservative Rep Grills Oklahoma Personhood Sponsors

…r a floor vote, and despite the likelihood that Governor Mary Fallin would sign it into law, I think SB-1433 is in danger of becoming a political hot potato. The die-hard “personhood” position—which holds that not just life, but legal rights, begin at some poorly-understood “moment of fertilization”—is not a position all pro-life people are comfortable with. And it’s not hard to understand why: What of women with life-threatening pregnancies? Does…

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No Space for American Islam?

…a shadowy leader with insidious motives and relationships. One man held a sign addressed to Bloomberg: “Don’t you know the Mosque has radical ties?” A woman at the hearing railed against a Cordoba Initiative project called the “Sharia Index.” During her statements, an advisor to Imam Feisal explained the project to me. Modeled after the UN Index, it was intended as a comprehensive measurement of quality of life standards in Muslim countries. It w…

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Shariah-Approved Sex Aids, Abstinence-Only Goes to China, and Abercrombie Hijab…

…sewhere in the state, a Memphis pastor put a “Welcome to the Neighborhood” sign outside his church to welcome the new Islamic center being built nearby. And a new mosque has gone up in Lousiville, Kentucky quite peacefully. Is the BBC anti-Christian? The Florida pastor who had planned to burn Qur’ans on 9/11 has instigated protests in Indonesia and the threat of a flag-burning protest in Great Britain. Indian officials have called for a media blac…

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Evangelicals have “Deep Concerns” about Beck

…ns and take aim at the Beck celebrity. “The possibility that Beck might be promoting Romney, promoting himself, or might be promoting his TV program or radio listenership, people have a right to suspect Beck’s motives and have a right to withhold a warm embrace,” said Smith. I asked Smith whether Beck’s “God-talk” on the Mall Saturday could act as a bridge between conservative evangelicals and the tea party movement. He said, “I think the answer i…

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Religious Groups Call On Justice Department to Protect Muslims

…ew the willingness of the Attorney General to meet with them as a positive sign of the seriousness with which the administration views the rising anti-Muslim bigotry and hate crimes. The original meeting participants will be joined by a broader range of faith groups, and are urging the Attorney General to make a public statement on these issues. Although not planned to coincide, the meeting takes place on the same day as the Emergency Faith Leader…

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Degrees of Separation

…are different dynamics vis-à-vis mosque politics. The more Urdu visible in signs and used for announcements from the men’s side on the loudspeaker, and from the women’s side from this one woman (always the same woman), means it is a predominantly Pakistani mosque. Arabic has a necessary privilege in the religion because of the text, and it was the language of the Prophet. So his statements might be placed on the walls or for decoration. Obviously,…

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The Ground Zero-Sum Game

…the empire. Many leaders of the Church considered the sea-change a divine sign of the absolute truth of their religion, that historical success proves theological truth. It was a zero-sum view of the world: “Truth is with us. All else is falsehood.” That conclusion would haunt Christian believers some generations later with the extraordinary success of Islam. Within twenty years of the death of the prophet Muhammad, Muslim armies controlled the M…

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