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It’s Not Climate Change, It’s Climate Chaos: Lessons from COP22

…h it has likely been by the American election. “The European Union proudly welcomes the cooperation of non states in efforts to abate climate chaos,” proclaimed an expensive-looking poster put out by the EU early in the meeting. A second change is in language. People here are referring to climate chaos rather than climate change. Climates are always changing – and the language of climate change has unintentionally caused the climate deniers to won…

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Not All American Muslims Feel the Dread I Do

…fessor Stephen Sheehi notes, an “an ideological phenomenon which exists to promote political and economic goals.” Many Muslim Americans are keenly aware of how anti-Muslim tropes are institutionalized and deployed equally by Democrats and Republicans, from left to right, albeit in different discursive tones. Whereas prominent figures and ordinary citizens on the right might openly attack Muslims as “rag heads” who subscribe to a “wicked” faith, th…

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White Christian Nostalgia Strikes Back

…making their society better. A project of increasing their declaration of welcome to all people to include minorities might be right in their wheelhouse. You may say this is not enough, and you’d probably be right. Make no mistake: I think any church to the left of Franklin Graham ought to pushing anti-racism, strongly. But just to help white folks accommodate themselves to what the census is going to reveal after 2050 would be a start, and bette…

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Liberal Christians Come Out Swinging at Trump, Mostly

…to you” (Mt. 7:12), we maintain our longstanding commitment to support and welcome refugees and immigrants, and to stand with those who live in our midst without documentation. We reaffirm that like all people LGBT persons are entitled to full civil rights and protection under the law. We reaffirm and renew the principles of inclusion and the protection of the civil rights of all persons with disabilities. We commit to the honor and dignity of wom…

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For Some of Us, the Biggest Religious Event of 2016 Was the Gilmore Girls Revival

…ou can’t help but cringe at how truly awful it is—newcomers are simply not welcome here. The metaphor feels apt. What we read when we scroll through Facebook does something—the difference between names we see often enough to remember and those we don’t actually means something. But maybe this is where hope lies. Amidst the flurry of post-election news coverage, I worried I wouldn’t have it in me to explore the many online debriefs of the Gilmore G…

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Inside InterVarsity’s Purge: Trauma and Termination at the Premier Evangelical Student Org

…erienced InterVarsity through a campus chapter that celebrates her and has promoted her to leadership. When she read the TIME article, she cried angrily, feeling disconnected from the InterVarsity represented in the story. The ministry’s language felt “very dystopian” and she wondered how an organization that promotes, as core values, multiethnicity and women in leadership could not support her Afro-Latinx female leadership because she is pansexua…

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The Islamophobia Election: How “Muslim” Became a Racial Identity

…rica. They’re not all bad. We want them to help us, and feel included, and welcome them because we want them to sort of be on our side and help to reduce the problem of terrorism. We need to work with the Muslim community.” Then you have on the other side the Trump rhetoric, or the more conservative rhetoric, which is, “They’re inherently evil. They’re dangerous to society.” On the right there is the essentializing of Muslims as potential terroris…

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State-Licensed Ministers Can’t “Pray Away the Gay,” SCOTUS Affirms

…ul to their God. That might feel like a small victory, but it does provide welcome legal affirmation of the broad scientific consensus that LGBTQ people do not need to be (and indeed, cannot be) “cured.” It also offers a clear signal to other states considering bans on conversion therapy that they are on solid legal footing. Most crucially, it signals to those religious adherents who would hope to deny the humanity of their LGBTQ neighbors (or chi…

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“Pro-Life” Has Officially Lost its Meaning

…Thus we see Nancy Pelosi assuring those who oppose abortion that they are welcome in the pro-choice Democratic Party, while at the same time asserting, “I don’t think that you’ll see too many [Democratic] candidates going out and saying, ‘I’m running as a pro-life candidate’.” As Pelosi noted, “pro-life” now means not necessarily opposition to the basic right to abortion, but “how far are you willing to go on the issue” in terms of what limits sh…

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Here’s What the Court Didn’t Decide in ‘Masterpiece Cakeshop’

…the free exercise of religion. And therein lies a second, likely much less welcome upshot for gay rights advocates. Justice Kennedy’s opinion for the Court argued that the Civil Rights Commission unfairly treated Phillips in two ways. His first argument, that the commission permitted other bakeries to refuse service to customers who wished to commission cakes with anti-gay messages, doesn’t hold much water, as others have already noted. But Justic…

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