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Teach Your Children Well: Challenging Religion-Based Sexism

…victim of severe trafficking… if the girl is an American and of color, she will too often be arrested, charged with prostitution and jailed. Brave Young Women The degraded morality of black and Latina girls is not an abstract concept. Attitudes about sexually impure young women come ready-made from the conservative religious traditions most of my students have absorbed, whether it’s biblical fundamentalism or Catholic dogma. In this context, any y…

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The 50 Shades of Evangelicalism

…rancis Collins’ BioLogos—that have formed around the topic. Cracks are likewise showing in what once was understood as a unanimous and uncritical evangelical support of Israel as epitomized by a 2006 New York Times headline noting that, “For Evangelicals, Supporting Israel Is ‘God’s Foreign Policy.’” Just last month, Christianity Today featured a review of Caitlin Carenen’s The Fervent Embrace, in which Wheaton College professor Gary Burge took is…

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A collage of a Bible, Valdimir Putin, and the Kremlin and an outline of Russia

Putin’s ‘Year of the Family’ Declaration Blends Russian Nationalism with the Far-Right Rhetoric of the Global Pro-Family Movement

…family” evokes the image of an ethnically pure Russian traditional family with “with three or more children.”[41] As Russia’s geopolitical borders and national identity continue to shift, Putin’s choice to center traditional family values in his 2024 campaign is telling and alarming. In the Kremlin’s rhetoric, the “traditional” family—that is, a heteronormative, Christian, Russian family with three or more children—is a defining feature of Russia…

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Fasting and Faithy Friends of Convenience

…elcome the responsibility of engaging the country in this big argument, or will he shrink from it? Will his political advisers remain robotically obsessed with poll results about the 2012 election, or will they embrace Obama’s historic obligation — and opportunity — to win the most important struggle over the role of government since the New Deal? That the question is even a question shows just how toothless the Democratic-religious alliance is (a…

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Demonized and Demonizing No More.

…oming out as queer, what really made it possible for me to identify myself within a queer narrative was the fact that there were a number of different narratives available to me. Identifying as an atheist, I went through a similar process, but there weren’t the same range of narratives. And I kept meeting other atheists who felt the same way I did—who felt like their identities and their stories weren’t represented in the most dominant atheist nar…

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American Jewish Leaders Get Gaza Wrong

…an Jewish critics of Cast Lead “morally deficient, profoundly out of touch with Jewish sentiment and also appallingly naïve.” Yoffie’s words supporting what the Israeli military has named Operation Pillar of Cloud horrify me. The current president of the URJ, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, treated what the New York Times calls a “ferocious assault” with less bellicosity, but still without more than a pro forma empathy for Palestinians (emphasis mine): We have…

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Do Atheists Belong in the Interfaith Movement?

…president and CEO of the Center for Inquiry, an organization I have worked with a number of times (I recently accepted an invitation to join their Speakers’ Bureau) and whose “Living Without Religion” campaign I greatly admire. In his blog, Lindsay wrote that “it’s nice that some politicians are finally willing to acknowledge our existence, but are we so desperate for acceptance that we’ll allow others to condescendingly misdescribe us as adherent…

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Evangelical Pastor Argues for Full LGBT Inclusion: “I Think It’s Inevitable”

…ne Paul offered those in Rome: stop judging one another and live in peace. Wilson spoke with Religion Dispatches’ Candace Chellew-Hodge about the book and how it’s being received. What prompted you to write this book? I had been doing a rethink on this question for a number of years and my convictions had changed but I didn’t know how to process it in the congregation at that stage. I had processed it with the church board and pastoral staff and d…

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Death Without Religion

…nd I learned much more from Kagan—ironically because his aims are in a way more modest. He wants to convince you of his physicalist stance; however, he doesn’t want to tell you how to reconcile with death. That part is up to you. So maybe it’s not a question of how to live with the fact of our mortality; maybe the better question is how to live, period….

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