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ТОП эксперт Human Design Виктория Джем — ДИЗАЙН ЧЕЛОВЕКА

For International Human Rights Day, a Snapshot of LGBT Rights from the Vatican to Cape Town

…same time. Suriname: Country makes progress at home but votes against LGBT human rights at UN Human Rights Watch LGBT Program Advocacy Director Boris Dittrich writes: Suriname’s government is on the right track at home when it comes to protecting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people (LGBT) against discrimination and violence. The government introduced anti-discrimination legislation including sexual orientation in grounds for non-discrimi…

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Would We Have No Commitment to Equality Without Christianity?

…these rights—for instance, the right to marry or the right to a nationality—that are labeled “human rights” (a term that rose to prominence in English only in the postwar era) and recognized in international law. Accordingly, there are “two stories to be told about the recognition of human rights,” Wolterstorff notes. One is the story of the introduction and employment of the concept of rights and the inclusion of what we would now call “human rig…

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Global Religious Right Asks ‘How Far Can We Get?’; And More in the Global LGBT Recap

…that Chechnya has something even better than independence: its traditions trump Russian law, while 81 percent of its budget is funded by federal subsidies. South Korea: Presidential candidate woos conservative Christian voters with attack on homosexuality Associated Press reports that presidential front-runner Moon Jae-in, a liberal candidate and former human rights lawyer, “outraged persecuted sexual minority groups by saying during a television…

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Because We Dared to Exist: After Generations of Trauma Black Gun Ownership is on the Rise

…e a history steeped in trauma and continue to experience new traumas is by design. The design has been codified into our Constitution. The design has infiltrated our water. All this is meant to harden Americans in general, but specifically Black Americans, to their subhuman class. The trauma of historically being relegated to a subhuman class can manifest itself through 14 generations. No matter how callous we become to our individual trauma, our…

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Polygamy, Genius, and the Origin of Religion

…uman nature by finding fixed laws? Or do you grasp it by understanding the rules of humankind’s incredible un-fixedness? Shortly after finishing Barash’s book, I read a new essay by the photography critic Teju Cole. Reviewing photographer Steve McCurry’s new collection of photos of India, Cole makes a distinction between an individual piece and the total sensibility that’s developed by a body of work. Again and again, Cole writes, McCurry’s photos…

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What Irish Marriage Vote Means for Catholic Church; The Lonely Fight for Equality in Belize; Progress and Backlash in Tunisia; Global LGBT Recap

…orsing the work of U.S.-based Catholic groups such The Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, Human Life International, and Priests for Life, as well as bishops and other church leaders guilty of campaigning for the criminalization of sexual minorities. In Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and many other African countries, Roman Catholic bishops and priests—with the support of their colleagues in the U.S. and at the Vatican—have been at the f…

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Breaking Up with God: I Didn’t Lose My Faith, I Left It

…I left institutional Christianity because the church was sexist—which is true—but I also left institutional Christianity because my faith in God had changed dramatically. I no longer believed what I had once believed. I also told people that I lost faith in God, but I realized that isn’t exactly right either. I didn’t lose my faith. I left it. Writing this book I had to face deep parts of myself that were hard for me to look at, hard for me to ad…

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NPR Gives Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly a Pass

…context of opposite-sex commitment: We think it’s pretty clear that God’s design for human sexuality is a male and a female committed to one another in marriage, for life. It’s interesting, because Jesus talks about that in Matthew and Mark in the gospels where he restates the Genesis commitment, which is “a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one.” He doesn’t say anything about same-gendered peo…

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Capricology Week 5: Fathers, Funerals, and the Ethics of Gaming

…figure them out as we go along. Yet, that does not mean that there are no rules—only that the rules get established in the context of the game and that some of the rules we follow outside the game no longer apply. Games, by definition, have rules, while play spaces do not necessarily have rules. Games can be won, while play spaces have no clearly defined goals and outcomes. Play spaces respond to our impulses, while games force us to contain our…

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TED-Evangelism Harkens Back to a Forgotten 19th-Century Tradition

…a technical breakthrough. But the basic appeal is the same: here is an idea—here is the Word—that will change your life. TED, Lundberg argues, is tapping into “this really powerful cultural story about the character of redemption and the redemptive power of ideas.” If there is a single unstated question that animates the whole TED enterprise, it is this: what is the relationship between ideas and change? Against the catholicism of the academy, TED…

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