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A New Book By Esteemed Sociologist Robert Wuthnow Struggles to Show ‘Why Religion is Good for American Democracy’

…ve scoring for religion, but also a few points on the plus side make for a net positive overall. He moves on to consider freedom of conscience, where it can certainly be argued that religious groups—mainly the dissident ones—did in fact make some degree of conscientious objection possible in the midst of raging war fever during both the First and Second World Wars. Wuthnow doesn’t dwell on the religious voices that were baying for the objectors to…

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Pew Finds Trump-Era Increase in the ‘Evangelical’ Label — And Yes, They’re ‘Real’ Evangelicals

…me group of people polled after both the 2016 and the 2020 elections, is a net four percent increase in white Americans who identified as born again or evangelical over that time period, with the increase apparently driven by favorable attitudes toward Donald Trump. That’s an interesting finding, but it simply doesn’t sustain the conclusion that “evangelicals have exchanged religion for power,” as one writer summarized Charles M. Blow’s commentary…

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The Gutting of ‘Roe’ isn’t About Religion, it’s a Product of White Terror

…tabilize the lives of poor and working class women of color with no safety net but they will widen the multigenerational wealth gap in communities disrupted by the pandemic. Nationwide, Black and Latinx essential women workers continue to experience the brunt of pandemic shutdowns, downsizing, and lack of child care. And, as many have pointed out, SB 8’s sanction of Orwellian surveillance, vigilantism, and lawsuits against folks who assist with ab…

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What’s Missing From Popular Discussions of Today’s Christian Nationalism?

…Amalekites, the Ziklag Group is affiliated with United in Purpose, a data, networking, and messaging organization that’s played a substantial role in turning out the conservative Christian vote in past elections. You can get a sense of the Ziklag Group’s true raison d’ê·tre from a glance at its “membership/attendee criteria,” which appeared on the invitation. Attendance, I learned, was limited to those who are “committed to Christ,” are “Humble in…

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The Bishops Did Send a Message with Their Vote on Biden and Communion; Are We Sure It Was The One They Intended?

…conomic questions. They all seem to agree that a responsible social safety net is a good thing, and beyond that there’s some diversity in viewpoint. Same with immigration: they all believe that immigrants should be treated with dignity and respect. After that, there are a lot of different views. But where you get the real differences is in priorities. What’s more important: abortion or immigrant rights? Most bishops would try to say “both, equally…

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Battle of Antisemitism Definitions is Actually a Proxy War For Criticism of Israel

…ty subject to Israeli incursion and rules) to Kahanism, whether implied in Netanyahu or explicit in his “Religious Zionist” allies, none of whom are even condemned anymore by mainstream American Jewish organizations, as they were two years ago. The Israeli writer and public intellectual Yossi Klein Halevi made this clear to me in a recent interview, insisting that those like Naftali Bennett who advocate formal annexation without extending democrac…

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Inevitable Megachurch Abuse of PPP Funds is Coming to Light — Private Jet Included

…ion, with more than $25 million going to the television ministry. Osteen’s net worth is hard to pin down, but it’s probably around $50 million or $60 million. This isn’t a church that’s hard up for cash. And with sensible Americans worshipping at home, its massive televangelism empire probably only grew. Osteen took nearly millions of dollars meant for small businesses. Osteen’s church claimed that it used $4.4 million in taxpayer funds “to provid…

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‘People You May Know’ Reveals a War on Democracy Being Waged With Big Data

…focus on in the film, that Cambridge Analytica and Gloo were using church networks to identify people who were mentally ill and target them, it’s a really evil system. CS: So let’s talk more about how churches use microtargeting and the findings you explore in People You May Know. KGV: When I approached people about this initially in the churches, I talked about the modern outreach programs, and how churches are growing digitally in general. And…

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The Economy is Racism: Ending Race-Based Economic Violence is the Real Challenge of This Moment

…et is of course matched by the cruelty of a near-nonexistent social safety net that remains a source of horrified wonderment to observers from other developed countries. Yet again, the reason is racism. As New York Times economic journalist Eduardo Porter points out in American Poison: How Racial Hostility Destroyed Our Promise, the social supports created in the wake of the Great Depression and World War II were reserved exclusively for whites. W…

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A Shame-Positive Case for Keeping the Heat on Trump

…t to gut Social Security, the ACA, and whatever other pieces of the safety net they can get their hands on. This is not difficult. Finally, like Amanda Marcotte, I believe that a long-held goal of at least parts of the conservative movement has been to create cynicism in the media and among voters, which ultimately enables lawlessness with impunity and destroys hope, which in turn depresses turnout, which keeps the GOP in office. Good times, my fr…

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