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Grading Geltanthropy: The Case of Kellogg’s

…(he’s the spokesmodel for Share the Power), but really: this campaign is a perfect example of Faux Philanthropy Meets Creepy Credulity. Whether the kids get fed or not, we know who gets an extra helping of filet mignon from these deals. The worst of it is the number of people who will dutifully click—and imagine that they have eased a child’s hunger that day. Jesus said, “if your child asks for bread, will you give her a stone?” No, not a stone: j…

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Dining with Dawkins in the Humanist Bosom

…Speaking to the converted, Dawkins used the occasion to comment on how he deals with theists. Noting that he is often accused of abusing creationists, for example, Dawkins stressed that he calls their ideas stupid, not them. Individual creationists may simply be ignorant, insincere, or insane, he conceded, with the generous air of a Victorian aristocrat commenting on the mob storming his place. Dawkins’ list does not exhaust the possibilities; cr…

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Australian Church Nixes Straight Couple’s Wedding Over Their Marriage Equality Support; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…andido Portinari and Lygia Clark – of promoting blasphemy, paedophilia and bestiality, charges its curator vigorously denied. “They are passing the limits of tolerance and we are giving them a response,” said Silas Malafia, a leading evangelical pastor. Brazil’s artistic community has attacked the protest as dangerous censorship in a country that lived through 21 years of military dictatorship. “It is an exhibition that deals with issues of identi…

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Inside Outsourced: Come See Where Your Jobs Went

…conscious of the shooting schedule and rhythm of workflow to determine how best to meet the daily prayers. Ramadan is also challenging. Making a million decisions during the creative process on an empty stomach, I’ve found, is harder than a full day of hiking up a mountain during the fast. You can also forget about tarawih prayers and seeing friends and family for iftars. You basically miss the things that fasting prepares you to benefit from. Tha…

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The Second Coming of Black Jesus

…not at all appropriate for farming. However, in the theopoetics that Jesus deals in (biblical Jesus as well as comedy Jesus), where metaphor and symbolism are essential teaching tools, the garden represents more than healthy food or a place to grow weed, it is a transformation of the neighborhood and those who live there. “I think Jesus just wants us to be better people,” says Ms. Tudi, a local marijuana businesswoman. This transformation is most…

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New Creationist Museum Undermines… Religion

…has framed Fundamentalism as a confounding of mythos–a way of knowing that deals with meaning and the experience of being human–with logos–a pragmatic and empirical way of knowing. By pitting Genesis against scientific theories, Creationists have tacitly conceded to materialist claims that scripture is only of value if it is true in a historic and scientific sense. By claiming Creationism is “true science,” the Northwest Science Museum ironically…

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What Does Heidegger’s Anti-Semitism Mean for Jewish Philosophy?

…s engaged in this book, although you are correct that the core of the book deals with European thinkers, who wrote in German and French. On the most elemental level, my philosophical training was primarily in what used to be called continental philosophy, and especially in hermeneutics and phenomenology. I was also interested in American thought, especially the pragmatism of James, Peirce and Dewey, and in the Anglo-Saxon process thought of Whiteh…

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What Robot Theology Can Tell Us About Ourselves

…at least in principle, these are the kinds of questions that D.A.V.I.D. is best equipped to provoke. A huge dream to put on technology When I visited SES, Staley replayed for me the robotic routine—also called, in NAO-user lingo, a “behavior”—that he designed for the robot’s unveiling. Staley has the patient, low-key attitude of an engineer, though he programmed the robot to open with some banter and corny jokes before getting suddenly, almost chi…

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Are Evangelical Films Destined to Leave Secular Audiences Behind?

…on the other side. When he and his brother Peter Lalonde first turned the best-selling books into movies, they argued it wasn’t possible to make Left Behind in a way that would appeal both to people who were waiting for the rapture and people who thought the whole thing was preposterous. You couldn’t do both. They made the movie cheap and released it to the home market. It only had a limited run in theaters the following year Peter Lalonde said s…

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What if Courts Considered Sincerity of “Religious Freedom” Litigants?

…it should trouble us—at least those of us with an interest in how the law deals with these questions—regardless of whether or not the Hitching Post gets its exemption or not. And that’s because the doctrine as it currently exists doesn’t have a good way of taking account of these kinds of facts. There was a similar pattern in Hobby Lobby, where it became apparent that (1) Hobby Lobby had covered contraception in its health plan until the ACA was…

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