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The War Within: Religion and Our Tangled Relationship with Our Bodies

…the questions that inspired me to write Shameful Bodies. Essentially, the book examines American culture’s preoccupation with body improvement, the dominant fantasies of physical perfection that orient the quest for improvement, the traditional religious and philosophical narratives that are tacitly embedded in this quest, and the shame many people experience as a byproduct of their particular body’s refusal to live up to the normative ideal. (No…

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Updated with Response: The Black Church is Dead—Long Live the Black Church

…within seminaries of suffering, these venerable institutions represent the best of American society in general, and black human strivings in general. For instance, the organizational acumen and creative cultural genius of early black denominations disrupted the logic of white supremacy. With few resources other than a theological vision of equality and unrelenting commitment to freedom and justice, black congregations became sites of social improv…

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Is God a Delusion? A Reply to Religion’s Cultured Despisers

…in. At one point I spent a good two pages looking at an atheist children’s book from the 1970s, a book that basically made the same key claims Dawkins makes in The God Delusion, except far more briefly and with pictures. On review, I decided this discussion was fun but didn’t advance my argument. What are some of the biggest misconceptions about your topic? There’s a tendency to think that philosophical arguments for God’s existence have to be all…

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At Moms for Liberty Summit, ‘Mama Bears’ Declare Spiritual War on the ‘Radical Left’

…s we were escorted by a throng of police officers out of the Museum of the American Revolution, where Wallbuilders president Tim Barton had just butchered American history in a speech punctuated by his plea that “we have to make America great again!” In between speeches, speakers would hold prayers to bless the “hotel staff, those who serve our food, who make our beds,” and praise to God for not letting “hotel staff” be swayed by the protesters ou…

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Progressive & Religious

…red by the media in recent years don’t represent the majority of religious Americans. This book is the culmination of a three-year journey to find “the other religious America,” one where religion functions as a force to bring people together to work for justice and the common good. What’s the most important take-home message for readers?     The most important message in this book is that there is an emerging, vibrant, progressive religious movem…

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Why Crux‘s Knights of Columbus “Partnership” is Problematic

…ations have largely shown that they don’t. A celebrity pope can garner headlines, but will we also lose headlines about a priest denying communion to a gay couple, an archbishop demanding teachers sign a morality clause, or even the efforts to support immigrants? These stories are the ones that affect people every day, far beyond the reaches of the Vatican walls. Some of us will keep trying to tell these kinds of stories. But with fewer secular or…

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“I Had No Intention to Write Atheistically”: Darwin, God, and the 2500-Year History of the Debate

…nce writer Richard Dawkins likes to put it, a “blind watchmaker.” Dawkins’ books have become bestsellers in the United States and Britain, and his vision of human evolution (or more precisely, the vision of it that he popularized from the work of such preeminent late-twentieth-century biologists as William Hamilton and E.O. Wilson) is shared by many evolutionary biologists today. Humans, like all living organisms, “are survival machines—robot vehi…

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Trump is Helping the Economy… The Apocalypse Economy

…a portable fuel-less generator and filter-equipped water bottles. The show offers plenty of reasons that would-be shoppers should stock up on all these survivalist goods. Bakker spends most of his time on-air discussing how current events match up with biblical prophecy, and the 2016 election has been a frequent theme. He’s voiced concern that if Hillary Clinton is elected the government will shut down his ministry and all other religious activity…

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The Bible Says… and Other Myths About Scripture

…, “Uncannily Akin” to the 16th? To be sure, finding new ways to talk about books as books is hard enough; to communicate that new way of seeing in book form is harder still. In The Bible and the People, Lori Anne Ferrell does just that, telling the story of all the most precious Bibles in the possession of California’s Huntington Library (for whom she was curator of a 2003 museum exhibition). But this book also offers a luxurious visual walking to…

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