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Hawaiian Airlines Customer Service 1800-299-7264 Online Flight Reservations

LDS Apostle Says Same-Sex Attraction Can be Overcome

…avas and flip-flops with white shirts, ties, and suit coats. Young married Hawaiian men pushing double strollers and toting diaper bags around Temple Square. Peruvian viejitas sharing a sack lunch in the shade of the great granite Salt Lake Temple, built more than a century ago by Anglo-American pioneers like my great-great-great grandfather. The young blonde-haired, pink-stiletto wearing 21st century daughters of the original Utah pioneers. I wan…

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LGBT Mormons Ask in Historic Temple: “If they could just see us, don’t you think they would change their minds?”

…lesbians too; white, Asian-American, Latino, African-American, and Native Hawaiian. Many served LDS proselytizing missions, raised children, and held positions of responsibility in their local congregations before coming out of the closet.  Some have stopped participating in LDS institutional life, while others have continued by walking a carefully negotiated path. Many gay Mormons in attendance had partnered with other gay Mormons. I met an olde…

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‘Hardwired’ for Hetero Marriage, LDS Tension Mounts Over LGBT Rights

…l—historic legislation to secure civil marriage rights for gay and lesbian Hawaiians.  The contrast has commentators from the New York Times to Mother Jones writing about what appear to be divergent impulses on LGBT issues in a faith that built its twentieth-century branding on tight bureaucratic management of theology and public image. So what do Mormons really believe about homosexuality? Make no mistake about it: more than any other branch of o…

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Religious Freedom Is No Carte Blanche: Highlights from Mississippi HB 1523 Court Ruling

…every action has its predictable overreaction. Politicians reacted to the Hawaiian proceedings with DOMA and mini-DOMAs. Lawrence and Goodridge birthed the state constitutional amendments. And now Obergefell has led to HB 1523. The next chapter of this back-and-forth has begun. Less charitably, but also true, is the reality that every time lesbian and gay citizens moved one step closer to legal equality, voters and their representatives passed ne…

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Norwegian Catholic Church May Stop Civil Marriages; Global LGBT Recap

…d creates a space that is very profound and spiritual for me.” France: Gay Flight Attendants Seek Opt Out From Flights to Iran Earlier this month, gay flights attendants for Air France sought the ability to opt out of working flights on a new route to Tehran; female flight attendants were previously given that option after some objected to the requirement that they wear a head scarf when deplaning in Iran. Malaysia: Top Cop Says LGBT People Cannot…

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LGBT Editor In Bangladesh Murdered by Islamists—and More, In this Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…izations. Europe: European Parliament calls from stronger measures against online harassment The European Parliament adopted a report on Thursday that calls for measures to counter homophobic and transphobic hate speech online. Malin Björk MEP, Vice-President of the LGBTI Intergroup, who was involved in the writing of the report, continued: “Many women and LGBTI people face online harassment, hate speech or blackmail. However, it is often unclear…

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The Man in the Red Dress: My Unlikely Friendship with Cardinal Francis George

…man secure in his mortality, I thought as I craned my neck to look for the flight attendant refilling wine glasses. I recalled that unflinching newspaper when I learned Cardinal George had died last week after a lengthy battle with cancer, a disease he’d beaten twice before in the years since I left Chicago and the newspaper job that often put me in his company—whether I’d been invited or not. Cardinal George (or “Frannie G,” as some of us media c…

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Yom Kippur Prayers for Corporate Atonement at Occupy Wall St.

…e and was organized via social media? It’s definitely not the first Jewish service to take place at a protest, but a Kol Nidre service at an economic protest organized over Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook? Yes. Quite likely a first. It’s also super exciting to see such an incredible response. Kol Nidre is the evening service of the holiest Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur. These Aramaic words mean “all vows,” and in the Kol Nidre service the cantor recite…

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Evangelicals Looking for Walker to “Do Nothing” in 2016 Election

…of the culture wars. Legal exemptions to permit florists, caterers, social service providers, or other businesses to refuse service to LGBT people are hotly contested, both in legal circles and in the court of public opinion. In another context, the Hobby Lobby litigation, in which the Supreme Court ruled that the contraception coverage requirement under the Affordable Care Act violated a closely-held corporation’s rights under the Religious Freed…

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Citizen Speech in an Age of Data: Or, Why I’m Transcribing My Tweets Into Cuneiform

…7th, the Guggenheim held a summit to discuss its Åzone Futures Market. The online exhibition, which went live quietly in October, is an eerie online marketplace where users invest and trade in actual futures. Not stock futures, mind you: this is a marketplace for betting on the future of the human race. The Guggenheim conceives of Åzone as a place where museum visitors can—from anywhere in the world—discuss, evaluate, and predict the effects of te…

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