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Seguros de vehiculos en California llama ahora al 888-430-8975 Entidades aseguradoras Seguros contra todo riesgo para vehiculos Que cubre un seguro de auto Agencia de seguros para autos Agencia segura Comparador de seguros

The Cynical Use of “Freedom of Religion”

…is strategy as well, but with a different aim. On November 4, the state of California passed Proposition 8, which adds the following phrase to the California state constitution: “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” Losing Prop 8 by only a slight margin, the progressive community has been working together to find solutions to negate the passage of this discriminatory amendment. On November 17, California r…

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RD News Round-Up—September 29, 2008

…ian Right organizations spearheading up the drive to pass Proposition 8 in California—the anti-same-sex marriage initiative—has issued its 2008 Voter guide. Not too extensive in its coverage, the “Voter Issue Guide” for the 2008 Presidential Race is divided into three sections: “Homosexuality”; “Sanctity of Life”; and “Other Key Issues.” Each area contains five points. Homosexuality: Federal Protection of Traditional Marriage—Limiting marriage to…

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God and Prop. 8: New Poll Holds Surprises on Gay Marriage

…position 8, the ballot initiative that ultimately outlawed gay marriage in California. She was part of the 53 percent of Hispanic voters who cast ballots in favor of the measure. “It’s our tradition,” she told the Washington Post after the vote. “In Latino Central American culture, the gays aren’t accepted.” A new poll released by the Public Religion Research Institute reveals two years after Prop. 8 that attitude among some Hispanics in Californi…

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An Evangelical Intellectual Takes On Same-Sex Marriage, Grasps at Straw Men

…sex marriage, “seismic” is one of the most common. Given the centrality of California to this discussion, headline writers have found “Seismic Shift” difficult to resist. And it makes sense—the earth seems to have moved, structures shifted or collapsed. In recent weeks the metaphor has found fresh resonance. Opponents of same-sex marriage are frantically rushing to raise and brace their beams. Historically, opposition to gay rights has had a relig…

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The War Within: Religion and Our Tangled Relationship with Our Bodies

…n and should conquer our bodies? And what are the social and internal consequences of this idea for people whose bodies refuse to obey? These are the questions that inspired me to write Shameful Bodies. Essentially, the book examines American culture’s preoccupation with body improvement, the dominant fantasies of physical perfection that orient the quest for improvement, the traditional religious and philosophical narratives that are tacitly embe…

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When God and Gender Mix: New Book Examines the Southern Holiness Movement

…lief is merely a thin veneer for other interests. This feeling has mostly fallen out of fashion as religious studies scholars and historians of religion are producing great works right now that demonstrate how significant belief is for most people. We all know that there are varied influences on people’s identity, but for a time, there was the idea that religious belief was solely a stand-in for other interests. I simply think that idea is wrong….

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Grace Under Pressure: Reclaiming Hope for Progressive Religion

…by the hospital. Frye-Jackman’s care is paid for with Medicare and supplemental insurance, but other patients can’t cover the cost of full treatment. The doctor has considered putting donation boxes in the lobby. “If this is what it’s like in Nevada, with cancer stuff closing, is it like that everywhere?” said Frye-Jackman’s daughter, Margaret Bakes, accompanying her mother to the doctor’s recently. “Are all the other states closing stuff too?” A…

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Restoring Dignity: The Employee Free Choice Act

…ppression by employers who figured out that it’s much cheaper to take the penalties currently handed out for labor law violations (which are extremely weak and rarely delivered) than to allow workers to unionize without interference in free and fair representation elections. By the Numbers The cold, hard facts are these: Polls consistently report that 60 million Americans would join a union tomorrow if they could, which clearly suggests that there…

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Dreaming Cyborg Dreams: Virtual Identity and Religious Experience

…lves as shaping their real lives in meaningful ways. In this respect, virtual environments produce the possibility of what Polish artist and game theorist Miroslaw Filiciak calls “liquid identity.” One of the problems of virtual identity became apparent last spring in a course I taught entitled “Religion, Ritual and Virtual Reality.” I wanted to show my students the new virtual hajj experience sponsored by in the online world of Sec…

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Will the Religious Side with Workers?

…rinding down union support. If the National Labor Relations Board imposed penalties for blatant labor law violations, employers would merely chuckle and pay the fines (deducting them as a business expense, of course) in order to maintain union-free workplaces. These aggressive new moves, combined with the capacity to shut down unionized workplaces and ship the work to the non-union American South or to the Global South, took their predictable deva…

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