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Evangelicals Looking for Walker to “Do Nothing” in 2016 Election

…of the culture wars. Legal exemptions to permit florists, caterers, social service providers, or other businesses to refuse service to LGBT people are hotly contested, both in legal circles and in the court of public opinion. In another context, the Hobby Lobby litigation, in which the Supreme Court ruled that the contraception coverage requirement under the Affordable Care Act violated a closely-held corporation’s rights under the Religious Freed…

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Congress Reads the Constitution, Tea Party-Style

…r that human property counted for purposes of taxation and representation. Skipping over those passages is rather like skipping over the biblical passages that leave us uncomfortable, and that require our own forms of annotation, amendments, or just simple recognition of historical context—and the fact that interpretations of documents of course do evolve. As I heard clips of the speakers reading the Constitution (which finally devolved into total…

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Southern Baptists Embrace Minorities, but Not Gays

…munity would be a bit like spitting in the wind. But with their membership numbers dwindling over these past few years—and younger people increasingly growing more tolerant and accepting of LGBT people—the handwriting will be on the wall soon enough. Then perhaps we can celebrate the first lesbian first vice president of the convention as the denomination tosses a token bone to its latest minority in the hope of increasing membership. Wait, I feel…

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Six Overlooked Gems from the Future of World Religions Report

…3.2 million new adherents and “folk religions” (these tend to be small in number and tied to a particular people group or tribe) are likely to see gains of 2.6 million during the same time period. Such numbers are miniscule compared to the projected 61.5 million expected to switch into the “unaffiliated” category by 2050, nevertheless the 197% projected growth rate should turn more than a few heads. Something is causing people to be attracted to…

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How We Got to Super: Grant Morrison’s Visionary Gnosticism

…decades, reading pretty much every periodical in French and English back to 1800 as he looked for reports of “super-constructions in the sky” (what we would now call UFOs) and paranormal people. He found plenty of both. In works like The Book of the Damned (1919) and Wild Talents (1932), Fort created an entire super-vocabulary. Here we encounter things like a super-bat, super-biology, super-chemistry, a super-dragon, super-evil, super-geography, s…

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Ross Douthat: Trump Is Women’s Fault for Not Having More Babies

…ntury. The average woman went from bearing about seven or eight children in 1800, to between three and four by 1900, in tandem with the industrial revolution. And among the native-born white population that Douthat is so concerned about, average family size was even smaller. A two-child family was already the norm for many middle and upper-middle class Protestant women, leading men like Theodore Roosevelt to decry “race suicide” and the “base and…

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‘We’re all in this together’: The Perils of Kumbaya Rhetoric

…, 70% of the dead in Louisiana have been African American; in Michigan the numbers are 14% and 40% respectively, etc). The crisis has already condemned low-income families to a shocking level of food insecurity, with one-fifth of American kids now at risk of going to bed hungry each night. Many of those forced to work—especially women of color—will sicken and die in a too-rapid “reopening” aimed at saving businesses. The rapidly widening divide be…

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World Congress of Families Draws Anti-LGBT Activists to Budapest; More in Global LGBT Recap

…n review the status of LGBT people in Cambodia, which “has seen increasing numbers of gays emerging into public life as the country continues to rapidly normalize after three decades of war.” Cambodians have traditionally shunned the gay community, and LGBT practices are often viewed as being against nature and a threat to rebuilding the social order in the aftermath of three decades of war, which obliterated the country’s social fabric. Overcomin…

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The Faith that Faith Produced

…I’d perhaps never believed. There was, of course, the awkward flinch. The waiting, looking behind my back and all around me, with the faucet still at full blast while I listened to the sound of a world absent of divinity. There was even some disbelief in the efficacy of my disbelief, an uncertainty of what I had just accomplished. Just because I chose not to believe in God, how could that mean He didn’t exist? And then, more worryingly—could I re…

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