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Why Crux‘s Knights of Columbus “Partnership” is Problematic

…itled “We shall not look upon the likes of Mother Angelica again.” It’s a fairly balanced account of her life, but it also reiterates Mother Angelica’s scrappy insistence on orthodoxy as a model for women “wielding real power inside an organization often perceived as a boys’ club.” News about the recent bombing in Pakistan is focused on “anti-Christian hate,” several headlines about Pope Francis focus on his Easter message, and in the latest insta…

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I Always Knew Santa Was Make-Believe: A Retired Pastor on Losing Her Faith

…d the Grand Canyon in 2013, he walked one-quarter-mile on a half-inch cable 1500 feet in the air with no safety net. “Thank you, Jesus,” he said, his words recorded. “Lord, help this cable to calm down. I command it in your name. Praise you, praise you, Jesus.” I grew up talking to Jesus like that. Nik grew up walking on high wires since he was two like his mother, father, and extended family. Despite his strong belief, I knew Nik could not walk o…

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Close Encounters

…g, parasailing, and now faux flying in a wind tunnel. It’s true I love the air; I love rides in the amusement park that let me soar through the air. I’ll ride those bumpy exhilarating roller coasters, but my heart belongs to that elevated rotating swing that lets me whirl and whirl in the air, arms outstretched. Why this made me think about encounters with the Sacred, I imagine you can only guess. Some people do speak of moments that shake their v…

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Can Faith-Based Organizing for Gun Control Work?

…ail the number of gun deaths in America, the number of mass shootings, the number of accidents, the number of suicides. The movement would have more than these grassroots activists. It would have willing politicians, a legal strategy, and lots of money. All of these components would work in tandem to change people’s minds, to pressure lawmakers, to intimidate politicians running for office, to go to court when necessary. With these political, legi…

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God Dissolves into the Occupy Movement

…onventional religious categories onto something this new and undefined. A fair number of commentators and headline writers have been using the first part of the old Stephen Stills lyric in relation to OWS: “There’s something happening here…” I wish they would add the rest of that lyric: “…what it is ain’t exactly clear.” Instead, the eager pundits rush to tell us exactly what is happening here. Tom Hayden is right to be pleading for people to “jus…

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How to Choose a Tour Company for Your Hajj

…advance, two maybe three years. I first tried to go on hajj from Egypt (in 1981-2) because the total airfare was like 250 US dollars. I had my air ticket before I applied for a visa locally. In the end, the quota prevented me from going, despite the “reasons” given. We don’t have a quota in the United States. So when I first went online to get general information (earlier this year while still in Indonesia listening to my friends’ incredulity), n…

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The Spirit of January 6th: The Theology of This Seldom Discussed Movement Animates the Growing Threat to U.S. Democracy

…by Pentecostal students at Sharon Children’s Homes and Schools in February, 1948. Weary of what they felt was a “spiritual drought” in institutional Pentecostalism, they were in search of fresh spiritual experience. This is a driving aspect of NAR to this day. This anti-denominationalism led to accusations that the movement was taking members and churches out of institutional Pentecostalism. This was certainly a factor when the General Council of…

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Complicating the Prosperity Gospel Story: A Microeconomics of Pentecostalism, International Edition

…m terrible at thinking of titles and was rather pleased with Moving by the Spirit. Having to come up with something else is hard! In any case, the idea of “moving,” and the Pentecostal version of this, which is what I mean by “moving by the Spirit,” serves as an organizing motif for the book. So, the current title gives you a reasonable idea of what it’s about. How do you feel about the cover? I love it! So many books about Pentecostalism have cov…

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Charleston Killings: This is What a Sin Against the Holy Spirit Looks Like

…gians still argue about what exactly is meant by “the sin against the Holy Spirit” that three of the four gospels mention. But because ​in these texts the accusers and enemies of Jesus are ​murmuring that he, the one who casts out demons,​ is ​himself demon-​possessed, it seems fairly clear that what is indicated in committing the one unforgivable sin is projecting onto others one’s own sickened and corrupted and demonic heart. James Baldwin wrote…

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Recovering From Rejection: The Second Coming of Ted Haggard

…rculated email, and on his blog. London reportedly told the Religious News Service of Haggard’s plans to hold prayer services, “When you think of the ethics of that, it, to me, just defies explanation.” Not to be left out of the media feeding frenzy, other high-profile pastors in the conservative evangelical Christian community quickly piled on. C. Peter Wagner, who co-founded the World Prayer Center with Haggard and is well known for the exorcism…

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