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Masculinity and Mass Violence: When Will We Acknowledge the Smoking Gendered Pronoun Hiding in Plain Sight?

…are, we can’t expect the Telegraph or NPR, which went more global with its list, to provide the 62 pages of gun-wielding detail offered by the Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence. Still, in less than a month since the Aurora shootings, two more killers have become eligible for the newsmaker list: Wade Michael Page, for an attack on a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin on August 5; and Thomas Caffall, who laid siege to a College Station, Texas…

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Obamunism? The Traditional Values Coalition Coins a Term

…“to secure the 41 votes necessary to sustain a filibuster against measures promoting federal taxpayer funding of abortion.” The Susan B. Anthony List, “a nationwide network” of over 150,000 Americans “dedicated to mobilizing, advancing, and representing pro-life women in politics,” played a prominent role opposing Barack Obama’s election. ++++++++++ Obama Should “Bring America Together” by Appointing Bush-Nominated Judges, says the Family Research…

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Mel Gibson’s ‘To-Do’ List

…do on a day-to-day basis? We managed to get a hold of some of their to-do lists which should give you an idea of what they’re up to these days. Jim Wallis 1. Keep digging until hit common ground 2. Give Glenn Beck a noogie 3. Clean up donkey dung in Senate chambers 4. Register God to vote 5. Email Bono that just joined R(ED) Glenn Beck 1. Give Jim Wallis a wedgie 2. Order assclown costume 3. Bring cotton candy to the media circus 4. Conduct taste…

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2010: What Did We Believe In?

…f science. On one of the many fronts in this battle, two sets of fundamentalists continue to duke it out: the New Atheists vs. the monotheistic literalists, led by the Christian Religious Right. This year’s news that one of the leading lights of New Atheism, Christopher Hitchens, has esophageal cancer did not tone down the war of words between the two camps about the existence of God, as well as what God should do about Hitchens’ cancer. Even thou…

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2011’s Best Books—
Or Just a Great Reading List

…is life must be better known, and this, along with Haley’s co-authored Autobigraphy of Malcolm X, is an excellent place to start. Tragically, Marable himself passed away only days before the publication of this bestselling work, but the impact it made—settling on the bestseller lists, for example—only underscores the scale of his scholarship, and the relevance it has to our world. Growing up, Haley’s Autobiography was profoundly influential in the…

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Fight the Power: How to Read, and Re-Read, the Book of Revelation

…t bishops were free to talk publicly about lists, as in: what is the right list of the New Testament books? We have a whole range of those lists—most of them leave the book of Revelation out. Eusebius’s Church History is the first such history we have. Eusebius, a bishop, is writing in about 325-340, right after Constantine became emperor and held the Council of Nicea. Eusebius makes a list of twenty-two recognized books, including the four gospel…

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Are All Religious Experiences Reducible to 16 Desires?

…mputer [to] determine which [goals] were very similar. We would reduce the list further, and then start over with the reduced list, repeating the process until we came up with the 16 desires. From that 16, we can generate almost any goal. Your model offers some new conceptual resources, particularly for thinking about how people’s “strong” and “weak” strivings inform how they participate in religion. The 16 desires are shared by everybody. We all…

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Campaign Calls On Anti-Gay Leaders to “Repent”

…think most deserve our attention right now in this political moment.” The list is quite long and includes some well known names like National Organization for Marriage leader Maggie Gallagher, radio host and American Family Association public policy director Bryan Fischer, Focus on the Family president Jim Daly, and supporter of Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” bill Lou Engle. The list also includes some prominent anti-gay African-American religious lead…

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Will Infamous ‘Candy Cane Memo’ Resurrect Flailing ‘War on Christmas’?

…ar. (I say unilaterally because Elkhorn’s district guidelines specifically list Santa as secular symbol, while the memo places Santa on the “unacceptable” list.) Cases often get silly when courts are asked to rule whether a specific symbol denotes a state endorsement of religion. As law professor Jay Wexler wrote, “The endorsement test makes judges render decisions that are more like interior decorating than constitutional law.” In this case, the…

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Catholic Cardinal Slams Jesuit’s Bridge-Building Book; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…o women. There is also a bill in Parliament to revise the current criminal code, which was basically translated from the Dutch criminal code. The latest version apparently does have a sodomy article. So we actually face the criminalization of homosexual acts.” Somoa: Prime Minister Says ‘Christian Country’ Will Never OK Abortion, Same-Sex Marriage Prime Minister Tuilaepa Seilele Malielegaoi said in a radio interview that Samoa is a Christian count…

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