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Capricology: Tattoos, Blood, Cyber-Dating

…ke away that free will, except for those who have the capacity to hack the code and reprogram the car. We normally think of robots as almost pure code, yet the scene last week when Graystone orders the Zoebot to rip off her arm raises some interesting stakes in this. It seems to me that people may be treating the Cylons differently depending on what mix of code and law they believe governs their behavior. And of course, those of you who study reli…

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Egyptian Da Vinci Code Author Angers Coptic Christians

…ene, as the Egyptian authorities did in 2007 when they banned The Da Vinci Code. The Coptic community—which accounts for roughly 10 percent of the nation’s 80 million citizens—had raised alarm and demanded that both the book and movie be banned. Now, three years on, Zeidan’s bestselling novel is is prompting angry demands from that same community. In early May a group of Coptic lawyers demanded that the government imprison the author for five year…

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Seventh-Day Adventists & Gay ‘Cures’; Legal Victory for Kenyan LGBTs; Political, Religious Leaders Spar on LGBT Issues in UK; Global LGBT Recap

…ay, in addition to struggling with an addiction to pornography. This short promo video offers an overview of their stories. By promoting these voices as representative of the entire experience within the LGBT community, even though they do not currently identify as such, the Adventist church elevates stories that portray all LGBT people as damaged, sex addicts, drug and alcohol abusers, unfaithful in relationships, and utterly lost if they do not…

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Thanksgiving Reveals More About Us Than About 17th Century Events

…no matter how the human institutions of religion closed in on them. *** No Turkey For Me: Confessions of an Indian Militant Reactionaries decry that activists have come for Confederate statues and for Columbus Day, but for the most part Thanksgiving seems to remain untouched. A cynic might note that neither of those aforementioned observances is associated with turkey and football, but whatever the reasons for why Thanksgiving endures while Columb…

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New Study: Jews More “Spiritual” Less Ancestral

…it at a table, and eat his food with a knife and fork. But for the rest of his life, Rebbe Nahman could never be certain if he was a rabbi who had pretended to be a turkey, or a turkey pretending to be a rabbi. After all, maybe God wants turkeys. It’s difficult to say….

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Which Islamists?: Religion and the Syrian Civil War

…out war, there’s a deep sense of being abandoned by the world. You were in Turkey during Israel’s war with Hamas. How did Turks and Syrians respond to this war? Was Iran’s support for Hamas a complicating factor for Syrians? As expected, there was strong support for Palestinians and simultaneous condemnation of Israeli actions. Many Syrians saw Israeli actions through the prism of their own conflict. It facilitated several conspiracy theories incl…

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Mormons Fight Marriage Equality in Mexico; Is Catholic Church Italy’s Anti-Gay NRA?; Nigerian Anglicans Cut Ties With UK Diocese; Global LGBT Recap

…children for it,” Sommaruga said. Greece: Gay Syrian migrant to be sent to Turkey after asylum claim rejected “A gay Syrian migrant whose asylum claim was rejected by Greece will be sent back to Turkey,” reports AFP: The 46-year-old man arrived on the Greek island of Lesbos after the EU struck a deal to send some failed asylum seekers back to Turkey in a bid to stem the bloc’s worst ever migrant crisis. His application was rejected by Greek asylum…

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My Congregation Tried to Help a Syrian Family Settle in the US

…rite is simply to point to Jesus’ statement that “I was a stranger and you welcomed me…as you did it for one of the least of these, so you did it for me.” But even though they live at the quick of the faith, justifications are less interesting than simple facts on the ground. We had a community ready to welcome strangers in need with open arms, which is what everyone says Christians should do. But now comes the governor and a wave of his colleague…

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Nuns on the Bus: 2700 Miles, Nine States, and a Rock Star DC Welcome

…e and lobby group that hires young people had let out for lunch. This is a welcome but too-rare phenomenon, a hint that something new is afoot as many people come to realize what freedom for all really costs, and are willing to pay for it with their lives. The eldest bus rider was Sister of Social Service Diane Donoghue who, at 81, has done her share of social work. She minced no words in calling the Ryan Budget immoral, with the confidence and co…

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Catholic Conscience Over a Woman’s Life?

…h EMTALA, do we? I mean, it’s not exactly the Super Genius Challenge Brain Bonus Puzzler, is it? Doesn’t really require Sunday-Times-like attention to detail and mental storage of arcane knowledge to ask the obvious question! Because in fact, the only scenario we need to raise is this one: What if it’s an emergency and the woman needs the abortion or she’ll die? Which is, like, not outside the realm of possibility. From the American Journal of Pub…

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