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RD News Round-Up—September 29, 2008

…lobal warming, check out the Evangelical Climate Initiative. ++++++++++ American Family Association’s voting guide The Rev. Donald Wildmon’s American Family Association, one of the major Christian Right organizations spearheading up the drive to pass Proposition 8 in California—the anti-same-sex marriage initiative—has issued its 2008 Voter guide. Not too extensive in its coverage, the “Voter Issue Guide” for the 2008 Presidential Race is divided…

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Trickle-Down Metaphysics and the Dawn of a Trumpian New Age

…olous—phenomenon. But it is part of a loose set of spiritual ideas that infuse all kinds of American conversations about right and wrong, self and other, and the nature of the good life. Arguably, that complex of American individualism and optimism encompasses both prosperity gospel Christians and California yogis, who may often have more in common than they realize. As the ideological shake-out of the Trump era unfolds, it will become more import…

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Give Me That Old-Time Ex-Gay Snake Oil

…mistakes symptoms for the disease here. To say that homosexuality is the cause of substance abuse, depression, violence and early death in the LGBT community is like saying being a teenager causes gangs. While gang membership may be predominantly composed of teenagers, there are societal and familial forces that bring those teens into the gangs. Gangs, aside from the violence they perpetrate, are often a replacement for the love, opportunity and s…

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Muslims Need Not Apply—To the White House or Congress

…ing that Obama should be impeached because he is a Muslim (complete with a promo promising free guns, paid for by “a millionaire” who wants you “protected against what’s coming.”) The video in the email is by evangelist Jack van Impe, known for his premillennial rapture theology and his disconnected rambling in Bible verses. It is entitled “President Obama’s Religion in Question” and argues that he is really a Muslim. Joan, who claims in an email…

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The Deadly Burqini, Or, What Exactly is an “Islamic Swimsuit”?

…s and resulting euphoria might result in a sense of physical and emotional freedom. What could be better? Hell, they might make it as far as throwing off their yoke and joining the ranks of the liberated. Swimming is probably the best form of cardiovascular exercise for almost everyone, including individuals with depression, obesity, arthritis, diabetes, and various age-related ailments. Unlike jogging, it does not cause strain to your joints. Wat…

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The Quietly Crumbling Wall of Separation

…ate funding. Taken together, both trends are a serious threat to religious freedom in America.” To be fair, some church-state scholars—as lawyers are wont to do—argue details, cautioning that the sturm und drang among religious-freedom advocates over religion’s imperiled place in the constitutional order may be overblown. “I think the scope of change can easily be overstated—and often is, by those on both sides of the church-state debates, who hav…

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Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Theory Industry

…of the Ethics and Public Policy Center’s Program to Promote and Protect America’s Freedom. Santorum, who is considering a presidential run, depicts an American battle against radical Islam as a civilizational war against “Christendom.” The theological warriors include Jewish groups as well. “Shari’ah is an Arabic term referring to a legal framework to regulate public and private aspects of life based upon specific Islamic teachings,” maintains www…

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Clergy May Soon Find Taxes Soaring As Result of an Under-the-Radar Ruling

…nancial burden on a group of religious persons was neither required by the free exercise clause nor prohibited by the establishment clause.” She suggested that there are a variety of ways in which Congress could constitutionally support ministers’ housing needs: by creating an exemption for all taxpayers whose nonprofit employers require them to live near work, for instance. But an exemption available to some religious employees, and no one else,…

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Catholic Bishops Meeting For Family Synod; South Africa’s Dutch Reformed Church OKs Gay Weddings, Ordination; Court in Malaysia Deals Setback To Transgender Advocates; Global LGBT Recap

…s Bruce, transgender Venezuelan National Assembly candidate Tamara Adrián, Costa Rican Deputy Minister of the Interior Carmen Muñoz, Honduran Vice Minister of Human Rights and Justice Karla Cueva, Gonzalo Cid Vega of the Chilean Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, gay Long Beach (Calif.) Mayor Robert Garcia and others. Kenita Placide of United and Strong, an LGBT advocacy group in St. Lucia, also attended the conference alongside Marcela Romero…

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Religious Right Historian: Net Neutrality is “Unbiblical Socialism”

…he production cost of whatever they make. Often what is framed as a choice between the free market and socialism is neither. Net Neutrality prohibits ISPs from charging for internet service based on usage. This seems straightforward to Barton and Green: “what they mean is we’re not going to let you choose who you need to charge more to.” But it’s not that simple. First, the internet service providers (ISPs) don’t “own” the internet. They own the m…

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