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Double Helix: Science & Religion as Cultural Kindling; A Response to The New Republic

…n the blank with: how the earth moves around the sun, why we look like our parents, why the proteins in a bacterial flagellum work the way they do, why only humans can write columns like this), so God must be—or be responsible for—blank. The problem with this, which Coyne complains both Giberson and Miller ultimately call on, is eventually science explains away the gaps, and space for God becomes smaller and smaller. There’s that whole thing about…

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Malta Adopts Marriage Equality Over Objections of Catholics and Evangelicals; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…surveys showing increasing tolerance, particularly among young people, and participation at Pride surging since the first parade in 2000, when only 50 attended. But the event’s growing profile has unnerved South Korea’s conservative Protestant church groups, which have millions of followers, enormous political lobbying power, and see homosexuality as a psychological illness to be “healed”. The story quotes Pastor Hong Ho-Soo, secretary general of…

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The Women’s March, Anti-Semitism, and ‘The Jewish Farrakhan’

…n party, he was elected to the Israeli Parliament in 1984, and in 1987 the Parliament passed a “Racism Law” (written specifically for him and his party), which resulted in his removal from the Parliament and marked the end of his political career. But he continued speaking, writing, and touring in Israel and in American synagogues and universities until he was assassinated in New York in November 1991. I offer this very brief synopsis to suggest t…

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Global LGBT Recap: Nigeria Jails Gays, Russian Orthodox Spox Calls for Criminalization Referendum

…showed no patience for such rigid thinking and has during his still-young papacy adopted a rhetoric aimed at building a more inclusive church. But that language of inclusion of historically shunned individuals — such as homosexuals — has created discontent among the church’s more doctrinaire members. Kozlowska says the campaign also serves as “something of a diversionary tactic” from the church’s failture to confront the child sexual abuse scanda…

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Gay Men Detained and Killed in Chechnya, and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…esian economy of attitudes and policies that prevent LGBT people from full participation in the country’s social and economic life could be $12 billion or more annually. Human Rights Watch published an open letter to French President François Hollande urging him to raise the issue of LGBT human rights during his visit to Indonesia: Specifically, we ask that you press President Jokowi to… publicly condemn all major incidents of anti-LGBT violence a…

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Can Expelled Teach Us a Thing or Two?

…deas in the science classroom, but in a different way. And here is where I part company with most of my colleagues who say, ‘Creationism and intelligent design belong in history or religion class, but in my classroom I only teach science. Besides, I’ve got too much information to cover as it is.’ And there’s the rub: science is taught simply as information, as a collection of facts, and as if these facts exist in an ethical vacuum not connected to…

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Mitt Romney’s Prosperity Gospel

…time that he was having the better evening because of his way with a microphone and his remarkable capacity to modulate his voice (not to mention outing himself as LDS pastor and bishop). But it was Billy Graham’s endorsement, splashed into our faces via an expensive full-page Sunday New York Times ad, that triggered my flat-out recognition: the 94-year-old daddy of all televangelists is laying his bony patriarchal hands upon a fellow preacher wh…

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Swift-Boat Veterans of American Jewry Charge Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street

…Barack Obama. Antisemitism is a serious, real thing. When it is used as a cheap shot—as when pro-Palestinian advocates throw around terms like “Nazi” and “concentration camp”—it is an offense against all those who were murdered over the centuries. Diluting the meaning of the term ‘antisemitism’ is, itself, antisemitic. Second, as I described in a recent post, there is indeed a structural similarity between some of the Occupy movement’s concerns a…

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Pride Month & Prejudice; ‘Worrisome Time’ For LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…, the assembly of Catholic bishops in Poland asked Polish Catholics not to participate in the parade, claiming that advocating for LGBTQ issues was “falsifying the church’s unchangeable teaching.” AP reports that “several far-right nationalists tried to block the parade but were removed by police.” Ireland: Gay son of immigrant father set to become fiscally conservative prime minister Leo Varadkar is set to become Ireland’s youngest and first open…

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Vatican Reverses Anti-Liberation Policies in Mexico

…at promoted liberation on the ground. With financial support from Mexico’s Papal Nuncio, the bishop established schools for catechists that drew scores of Maya indigenous to San Cristóbal where they encountered the Catholic teachings of Vatican II and, for the first time in Maya history, were entrusted with the Bible. After a period of church testing and consultation with local communities, Bishop Ruiz began ordaining some of these catechists to t…

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