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Heaven is All-American

…art, landlocked. What about the rest of us?, I wonder. But even being “All-American” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be anymore (if it ever was.) Such is the discontent of Pastor Burpo. When Colton begins to burble about things he saw in heaven while on the operating table, Todd gets rather agitated. Everyone else seems to not care or shrugs off Colton’s fancies as being a product of the potent combination of a 4-year-old’s sense of unreality combine…

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AR-15 Lapel Pins are More Than Political Provocation — They’re Symbols of the Violence at the Heart of White Christian Nationalism

…deem them too inclusive, and alter them to showcase who they see as “real” Americans—with the addition of the “thin blue line,” for example, to showcase their contempt for the Black Lives Matter movement and the fight against police brutality. And while the American flag is not seen by all Americans as the inclusive symbol that it purports to be, replacing it with the preferred gun of White supremacists out to kill Americans they deemed unworthy s…

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Tea Party Needs a History Lesson on Islam in America

…t America is a “Christian nation.” In fact, during the early period of the American republic America depended on many Muslims for its economic success. On the one hand, many of the African slaves that worked to produce the raw materials of early American industry were Muslims. On the other hand, during the trade of goods between India and New England, some of America’s trading partners were South Asian Muslims. These two economic factors helped ke…

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Guns, God and Government — The Coming of White Minority Rule?

…hite nationalist extremism. At each stage in the march of white supremacy, American Christianity has carried its banner—not just evangelical Christianity, but white American Christianity in general. While progressive denominations and liberal wings of mainstream denominations have attempted to push back against the most oppressive features of American Christianity, this embodiment of the Christian faith has been firmly wedded to the project of whi…

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The Grand Old Homonationalist Party: The Issue that Keeps the Log Cabin Republicans, Republican

…ir lives. Research by the FBI demonstrates that between 2005 and 2014 LGBT Americans surpassed American Jews as the most likely target of hate crimes in the country, not despite, but because of rising cultural acceptance of same-sex-loving persons. And according to the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP), reported homicides against queer people have risen sharply since 2007, disproportionately harming transgender women and LGBT pe…

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Oklahoma Bill Would Violate Basic Freedoms, Rewrite the Ten Commandments

…the United States was founded. No law—and this would be a law—can tell an American to worship a god, let alone which god. Americans are free to be godless (as a growing number are), or, if they wish, to worship every god from every holy book. Olsen’s commandments would prohibit free expression and art by outlawing the creation of graven images; prohibit free speech by making it illegal to take the Lord’s name in vain; and, per the tenth commandme…

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Awakening, Counter-Awakening, and the End of Church

…ere’s a reason for the phrase, ‘It’s darkest before the dawn.’ So often in American history the greatest movements toward social justice and greater democracy and new religious institutions only happened in the wake of the very dark chapters in history that preceded them. In American history you get, at the very same time, the unfolding of the progressive movement and the strongest expression of the Ku Klux Klan at the beginning of the 20th centur…

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Putin Theo-Propaganda Minister Kirill Invokes 600 Years of History to Lay Claim to Ukraine — Here’s What it Means

…Abraham Lincoln. This is also, to be clear, a religious question. For many American Christians, particularly some American evangelicals and members of the Latter-day Saint movement, American history is as sacred and theologically charged as medieval and early modern Eastern Mediterranean and Eastern European history is for Orthodox Christians. If you believe in a God of History, you inevitably also believe your own history is divinely-mandated and…

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A New Goal for Anti-Choice Activists: Targeting “Sex-Selective” Abortion

…his from Miriam W. Yeung, Executive Director of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum: PRENDA pretends to speak the language of women’s equality, but, unfortunately, the voting records of its supporters do not strengthen civil rights, women’s rights, or the rights of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. For example, this year alone, sponsors [of PRENDA] voted to defund family planning, eliminate funding for the United Nations Populat…

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“Dark” Skin No Longer a Curse in Online Book of Mormon

…sionary growth in Mexico, Central, and South America. Over the years, some American Indian and Latin American indigenous Mormons have actively claimed a “Lamanite” identity and positioned themselves as the direct heirs of the Book of Mormon. (I have heard Navajo LDS friends tell me that what they read in the Book of Mormon resembles stories they’ve heard from their grandparents.) Today, the Church’s greatest convert growth in the US is among Latin…

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