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Is Being Trans a Religion? Why the Christian Right Wants You to Think So

…Smith, then gender-affirming healthcare should not be funded with taxpayer dollars any more than a religious institution should. This is a particularly bad-faith argument coming from a senior fellow of the crypto-creationist Discovery Institute and a zealous, culture-warring convert to Orthodox Christianity whose conservative movement seems determined to funnel as much taxpayer funding to conservative Christian institutions as possible—not least t…

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What’s Missing From Popular Discussions of Today’s Christian Nationalism?

…they aren’t racist after all. But the strategy works with a nonnegligible number of voters of color, too. Between 2016 and 2020, Trump made substantial gains among Latino voters in particular. In Kissimmee, the speakers, and especially the speakers of color, had a unified message about race, and it was one that Democratic strategists might wish to note as they craft their own messaging and outreach in the run-up to the 2022 midterm elections. Spe…

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Will the Taliban Actually Remain Somewhat Moderate This Time?

…freedom-loving urban constituency. Throughout Afghanistan people have cell phones and access to the internet. It’ll be difficult to have the same kind of social control two decades later. Another factor is the way the Taliban came to power in recent months. In February 2020, then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo represented President Donald Trump in meetings with Taliban representatives in Qatar. Trump essentially surrendered to the Taliban in excha…

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The Biggest Lesson Learned From the US War in Afghanistan is How Little We’ve Learned

…disrepair. The misappropriated and misspent billions of American taxpayer dollars spent on the military campaign achieved no discernible goal and helped nobody, especially not Afghans. The devastation of Afghanistan in the aftermath of the US-led invasion may seem like a problem best left to history. However, by evading the central issue of Pakistan’s involvement in the creation and fortification of the Taliban, the US is now forced to negotiate…

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The Right Wing Slant on Religious Freedom is a Slippery Slope

…ate.” Her words proved to be prophetic. “It’s infuriating to learn our tax dollars are funding discrimination against us,” Gabriel Rutan-Ram said. “If an agency is getting tax money to provide a service, then everyone should be served—it shouldn’t matter whether you’re Jewish, Catholic or an atheist. We’re all citizens of Tennessee, regardless of our religion.” Defenders of the bill deny that it’s discrimination to deny anyone service who doesn’t…

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The Road to Decriminalization of Psychoactive Drugs Runs Through Religion

…corporations are increasingly interested as well, resulting in millions of dollars of investments in psychedelic research. Concurrently, Americans across the nation consumed psychedelic drugs for various reasons, including, but not limited to, the pursuit of religious, spiritual, or mystical experiences, as well as for their purported psychopharmacological benefits. Their effects were emboldened by a 2006 decision, in which the U.S. Supreme Court…

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Why Did an Antisemitic Christian Zionist Have the Chutzpah to Declare That He’d Be Leading a Holocaust March?

…world Jewry to Israel, Christian Zionist organizations funnel millions of dollars every year to support Jewish emigration efforts as well as illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem, and elsewhere, supporting and often encouraging Israeli Jewish attacks and takeovers of Palestinian land, as is happening in Jerusalem and Gaza today. As shocking as it would have been, then, for an antisemite like Evans to lead the March of the…

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Barna Plays God, School Board Boot Camp, and the Birth of the ‘SAGECON’: Day 3

…le by the Left,” warns Perkins, “to indoctrinate our children with our tax dollars.” Amy Cawvey, a school board member in Lansing, Kansas, outlines her journey as a mother of three and active parent volunteer who decided to run for school board in fall 2020, outraged by “masking, CRT policies, gender ideology” and other decisions by her local school board. Cawvey and two other conservatives “ran on our values as conservatives, and we won…[and] now…

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After Roe: 3 Troubling Trends from the ‘Compassionate’ Anti-Abortion Crowd

…ple who passed them didn’t really mean what they were doing. (They did.) A number of others have expressed a similar view, like the panelists in a recent discussion hosted by Georgetown University who lamented the moral “compromises” that anti-abortion activists have made. Others, like Religion News Service columnist Charles C. Camosy, have—either naively or disingenuously—called on the movement to move past Trump, as though the movement could eas…

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Robbing Peter to Give Charity to Paul: The Dirty Secret Behind American ‘Giving’

…n pre-Covid days we would see Salvation Army Santas ringing those bells as dollars rained down into their buckets. And we Americans do give generously. We do see the desperation of the hungry and homeless and open our wallets accordingly. This is all to the good. I’m not here to disparage compassion. Not when 26 million adults report living in households where there’s often not enough food—and not when more than one in six U.S. households with you…

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