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The Episcopal Church ‘Takes a Flying Leap’ into Controversies Old and New  

…specific.” “In sharing our stories,” said Partridge, who testified with a number of transgender Episcopalians and their advocates before the deputies and bishops, “we were really trying to be very specific” about the experiences of transgender people in the Church. This experience, he said, “is something that we really need to name at this time in the Church. We just believed this was important in reflecting not only our own lives but also the li…

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Trump’s Pathological Devotion to Border Walls Isn’t Political, It’s Theological

…ave only carried so many bullets with him. Americans knew how to watch the number of reported casualties go up, but we lost our collective minds when we watched the number of confirmed active shooters in Paris go up. The images coming out of Paris in the immediate term were of a city devoured by chaos and fear rather than the stillness of carnage, more terrifying for their uncertainty. There was a brief lull in the digital noise when an official g…

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ABC’s Hit Sitcom Black-ish Does God, Pushes Theological Respectability

…Assuming all African Americans believe because they are African Americans flies in the face of a growing trend, tracked by pollsters. The Nones, or unaffiliated, represent a growing percentage of the US population. And African Americans represent an important demographic within this growth. Keep in mind, too, that the number of African Americans falling into this category has almost doubled over the past thirty-years. Belief in God doesn’t bind A…

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Will Pope’s African Tour Change Attitudes on Divorce and LGBTQ Among African Catholics?

…attributable to higher fertility rates in African countries, but it also reflects the church’s success in missionary efforts. And where there are a decreasing number of vocations to the priesthood in Europe, where vocations have declined by 23%, African vocations have increased by 131%. In African countries where birth rates are much higher than they are in Europe and North America, family issues often come to the forefront of Catholic lives. The…

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The Gospel Church and the Ruining of Gay Lives: An Interview with Anthony Heilbut

…, and then I say, thinking of all the ruined gay lives, this really is the number that no man can number. It’s also interesting to me that “Writing It Out” is followed by the section “War on the Children.” Such an organization suggests that the latter was a reaction against the former—that as these voices emerge, there’s this really virulent reaction culturally against them.  And also it’s so very political. As the church has become more right-win…

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It’s Not Me, It’s You: Catholic Values Dumping Trump

…s, presumably, would unleash some new conservative Golden Age and make genuflection before the Trump idol worthwhile. Catholics, on the other hand, even the more conservative-leaning culture warriors, appear unwilling to give Trump a pass, even in the name of all that is holy to them: opposition to abortion and the restoration of Christian homogeny. Why? Steve Krueger, head of Catholic Democrats, told RD that, in essence, it’s not Catholics, it’s…

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What Color is Vatican Smoke?

…man Catholic WomenPriests webpage and count the black faces—then count the number of graduate degrees after the names of the almost exclusively white women interviewed in Pink Smoke.) As the African-American students at the black seminary I attended used to say to the liberal white women who cross-registered there, “Who ‘we,’ white girl?” The pity of all this is that the exclusion of women from Roman Catholic ordination really is an injustice, one…

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“I Speak to God in Public”: Are Young Black Millennials Reclaiming a Theology of Resistance?

…om 24 to 20 percent among historically black Protestant denominations. The number of 18-29 year olds among Catholics and evangelical Protestants ticked up 1 percent respectively, and among mainline Protestants it saw a 9 percent increase. In the interest of equity, blacks make up 9 percent of those who are unaffiliated with any religious tradition (“nones”), and of that, the numbers trended upwards among 18-29 year olds. Many news outlets covered…

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Park51 and the Ground Liberals Are Forced to
Fight On

…inciples so it’s kind of important when you see a poll that says a growing number of Americans think you might be a Muslim. The President continues to tell everyone he’s a Christian but yet the number rises. See that? Which came first, the thought he was a Muslim or the lack of trust? If he is a Muslim, he can’t be trusted? Or if you can’t trust him, he must be a Muslim? In any case, Obama strained mightily to placate the likes of Graham and Brody…

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Special Report: Have Evangelical Colleges Succumbed to “Theological Paranoia”?

…the pain caused by these colleges and universities is palpable. As Richard Flory recently observed here on RD, “many lives have been ruined in the name of theological purity.” I, too, am pessimistic about the future of American evangelicalism, but I join him in his reminder that that future has not yet been written. As the administrations at evangelical schools are acting on both ideological imperatives and financial incentives—donors often threat…

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