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Suicide Bombers and the Prozac God: A Review of Dying for Heaven

…implications on the ground. Of his book, Glucklich writes on the HarperOne site: The obvious topic is whether Iran can be deterred from using nuclear weapons against Israel when they finally do acquire them. Can deterrence ever work with an actor who is completely committed to a religious life? An Indologist by training, Glucklich has written highly acclaimed, prize-winning books that adroitly analyze the Hindu tradition and its mythic claims. He…

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Obama in India: Missed Opportunities

…alues of the world’s religions—Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, etc. He visited Gandhi’s home and his cremation site, affirming the value of nonviolent resistance as the greatest mean to sustainable social change. Yet he also gave meandering, academic answers to students pressing him on the topics of jihad and Pakistani support for terrorism. And he showed fear before principle in the decision not to risk being photographed in a head-covering goi…

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Hawk Attack on Liberal Pro-Israel Conference

…“Israel lobby’s” ongoing effectiveness in shaping the thinking of elected officials, even if it’s out of step with most American Jews. Goldfarb’s most recent calumny pits Armageddon-hunting pastor John Hagee and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel against J Street. For Goldfarb (whose former boss, McCain, was driven to reject Hagee’s endorsement because of, among other things, Hagee’s suggestions that the Holocaust was part of God’s plan for the Jews) Hag…

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Prison as Resurrection

…years. I’m still involved in other related projects too, including the Web site Imagined Prisons. What are some of the biggest misconceptions about your topic? Most people seem to assume that the prison is eternal and inevitable. My students are often surprised to learn that punishment has a history: that the modern prison was invented as a response to certain social and philosophical changes around the turn of the nineteenth century. Partly becau…

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American Fever: A Tale of Romance and Pestilence

…l is his defense of that enterprise. One of the clever features of the Web site, in fact, is that one can in fact purchase “personal protection gear” via links to Amazon. Disease, the Internet, and Cultural Anxiety If there’s a hero in American Fever, it might be, in fact, the Internet itself. Technology does not, as in other stories of scientific heroism, create a cure for the virus. Instead, the Internet is what allows the narrator to manage his…

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No Garden to Get Back to: Understanding Post-Avatar Ecological Depressive Disorder

…the eco-recovery treatment program prescribed above. The much-maligned fansite,, for example, is buzzing with suggestions on how to, in effect, bring about a kind of Pandora on Earth. One poster on this site suggested joining Greenpeace. Another announced that he would be writing angry letters to Wall Street and GM and all other corporations who are imperiling the delicate balance of life on this planet. People have quit smoking…

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Christianity Today counsels “patience” on Uganda’s anti-gay law

…seek simply to be allowed to live openly and with dignity. Open Doors’ Web site lists the top countries where Christians are persecuted like North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Somalia. Everywhere they are persecuted, Christians are working to change the system, through prayer, protest, or other actions. Yet, they would deny this kind of action to gay and lesbian people simply because we should take our time and stop and “listen” to why the peopl…

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Updated: Gay Activist Beheaded in Uganda…
Is it a Hoax?

…gay sermon a few weeks ago, is now missing. The New Vision, a Ugandan news site, reports that he was “mentally stressed” but does not mention his support for gays and lesbians. The reality in Uganda is that the gay and lesbian community is under constant threat of violence or death, and religious leaders in the United States like Lou Engle and others have a direct responsibility in fueling the flames of hatred in that country. Colin Coward, at the…

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Conservative Media Firm Pushes Claim That Gaza Withdrawal Caused BP Disaster

…ernan runs a ministry, Defend and Proclaim the Faith and, according to the site’s biography, is a “pro-life leader” in central Pennsylvania, where he lives. He’s also the founder of International Cops for Christ because “[t]he Bible refers to the police as God’s ministers and God has granted awesome power to the police for the subduing of evil. This power includes arresting people and suspending their liberty, putting people in jail, starting civi…

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Closing with Gospel in Morocco

…s. I am not sure why, but the Moroccan audience—and Bab Makina has a large number of upper-class Moroccans in attendance—really enjoy gospel. It’s an appreciation that appeared to cut across generations. Based on comments I heard, people are aware that many of the songs praise Jesus as the son of God, an idea that is anathema to Muslims. Unfortunately, I could not understand the appeal, outside of the aesthetic, but it was wonderful to see so many…

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