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The Rise and Fall of an American Gang: Religion as Camouflage?

…can be argued; nevertheless, Islam was without a doubt fundamental to the spirit of the organization.” Perhaps, depending on what “fundamental to the spirit” means. Central to the imagery and rhetoric? Sure. Defining of the practice and worldview? Not so much. Where the Book Falls Short My frustration with this book, however, isn’t that it doesn’t push deeply enough into issue of religion—that would be an unfair expectation; that book has yet to…

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Ken Ham Uninvited for Mocking Fellow Speaker’s Version of Creationism

…re. He has been uninvited for exhibiting a “proud, ungrateful and divisive spirit.” Since the decision was announced late last week, there has been a good bit of back and forth including hundreds of comments on Facebook, responses and press releases from the parties involved, and the release, by Ham, of a two-minute clip from a convention talk that he says is at issue. It seems Ham had been critical of one of the other speakers who is not a young…

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Will the Religious Side with Workers?

…her spoke pretty much the same language—and I don’t mean German. During the 1950s and 1960s, civil rights heroes like King and Heschel respected the unions and understood their central political importance despite the strong taint of white racism within craft unionism. They and other religious figures helped progressive unionists begin to turn this racist legacy around to the point that the labor movement eventually became the most racially divers…

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Squaring Tahrir Square

…k is instinctive. It is a reflection of the indomitable power of the human spirit—and in doing what they have done in the Square, far beyond the political achievement of toppling a dictator, maybe Egyptians will inspire the world to revitalise civil society far beyond its borders. The Square provides lessons, I think, not just for the people of Egypt, but for the people of the world, who all exist in societies that are plural in some way or anothe…

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Walt Whitman’s Sacred Democracy

…f American spiritualists-in-letters—was ultimately a psalmist of the human spirit. He was, as we would now say, “spiritual (or sacred), not religious.” But then, in his judgment, that’s what democracy is all about. The very coin of the democratic realm is “sacred.”  Whitman saw the work of fostering such a “religious democracy” as the work of the 20th century, and that task continues unabated today. He warned that there was only one thing that rea…

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The Other Puritan Dinner Party

…on of hands, and women’s washings and anointings before childbirth. In the 1990s some feminists who restored these elements of Mormon history to our consciousness were excommunicated. When I saw the Dinner Party, I was dismayed to find that the place Chicago set for Hutchinson was designed in colors of grief and mourning, sadness and loss. No doubt, her life was not easy, but I prefer to remember Hutchinson—and others like her—as women who refuse…

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Misusing Cesar Chavez in Immigration Debate

…vez staged three public fasts, including the “Love Fast,” begun on February 14, 1968, which ended twenty-five days later with an ecumenical mass in which he broke bread with Robert Kennedy. Each of Chavez’s three public rituals was dubbed a “spiritual fast,” during which he took communion from priests and communed prayerfully with Protestant ministers, rabbis, nuns, and atheists/humanists. Despite posthumous efforts to contain Chavez within an ort…

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LGBT Mormons Ask in Historic Temple: “If they could just see us, don’t you think they would change their minds?”

…s Burning”—the very hymn our ancestors sang to dedicate the Kirtland temple 175 years ago, in 1836, on a day when, as the folklore goes, neighboring villages reported seeing a cloud of fire hovering over Kirtland. Standing in the sunlit white interiors of the temple, Liam, a young gay LDS man who had travelled all the way from London just to take part in the conference, wept openly. His mind was on the leadership of his Church, the Church of Jesus…

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The Mystic in the Rye: JD Salinger’s Religious Fiction

…n starred on that show, dominating the airwaves with childlike wisdom, from 1927 through 1943 when the youngest of the clan, Franny, signed off for the very last time. The Glass children, that is to say, found their spiritual careers bookended by the World Wars. Then they took their radio profits and went to college, each one in their turn. You see Salinger’s point; no GI Bill in this family; spirituality paved their ways to a degree. We learn mos…

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Sex, the Body, the World: It’s R. Crumb’s Bible Now

…ritual universe, in which the single word ru’akh means wind AND breath AND spirit, has been lost in the spiritualizing afterlife of the Bible. Crumb’s illustrations do not merely restore the physical dimension suppressed by theologizing abstraction, at their best they convey that there are no differences between these realms, as there is none between—in one of the more charged corollaries of the distinction between Earth and spirit—sex and love. M…

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