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Atheists are Americans Too, Vuvuzelas, Etc.

…her she is “really a Christian.”  However, there are still those who don’t buy her conversion to Methodism. Are social media changing religion? Maybe. But could religion be changing our media, as well?  Again, maybe. Apple’s Steve Jobs, a guru for techies, has become a favorite among conservative Christians for his crusade against pornography in the world of Apple.  At least one Indonesian celebrity might agree with Jobs.  Nazril Irham faces 12 ye…

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Khalifah: We Really Do Have Control Over Our Own Destiny

…ol over the matter. So when I had to introduce myself I just went with the numbers as the doctor had given them to me. I’m in that pre-diabetes state, and if I get a handle on it I can avoid progression to a worse state, or stroke or death or whatever. I took her seriously when she told me and I took measures to address it before I came to class, ordering my own books to return the ones I borrowed from the library. Actually getting some of those l…

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New Study: Motivation Doesn’t Improve Group Success

…human social cohesion and organization—groupwork, if you will. Whether you buy any of these theories or not, it’s hard to disagree with the assertion that religion is a profoundly social enterprise. Is there something inherently special about groups and how they think—something more than the sum of their individual members? As an educator and observer of learners, it makes intuitive sense to me that human groups have what scientists call ‘collecti…

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The New “Values Voters” Mantra

…OH-16), and Tom Perriello (VA-5). In a press release about the $125,000 ad buy, FRC highlighted its campaign against Perriello, a Democrat representing a swath of central and southwest Virginia who was once considered a poster child for the Democrats’ faith outreach. After helping to launch Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Faithful America, Perriello beat Republican incumbent Virgil Goode in 2008, but is now virtually tied in the poll…

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Getting Back into Blogging

…hing I thought about on this trip. I made a last-minute effort to at least buy presents for my grandsons, who already have a quite a collection of T-shirts from various places, if not from the airports on the way out of those places. It’s one of those “thought that counts” kind of things: a way of sharing something from my time away with them. In the dream, one of the members of my tour group lands in the holy city with an inflatable Eiffel tower….

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Little ‘Value’ in New Harris Book

…s is a bit like the Henry Ford argument that if everyone is paid enough to buy a car, I will sell more and my profits will go up. But does this hold generally? And more importantly, why should I care about the well-being of others if I can increase my own? This is precisely the debate we are having in America today. There are those, like myself, who think that even if the very rich do get a better quality of life than the rest of us—Mayor Bloomber…

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Better Dead Than ‘Fed’: Behind Palin’s Dig at ‘Unbiblical’ Fed

…e Chairman Ben Bernanke last week, in a speech attacking the Fed’s plan to buy up $600 billion in government debt to stimulate the US economy. While the plan known as “quantitative easing” has been, like all monetary policy, the subject of debate, Palin’s speech wasn’t disagreement so much as it was a rallying cry for Tea Partiers, and a reassertion the Christian Reconstructionist belief that the Fed is unbiblical. From the safe confines of Facebo…

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Fox News “Report” Targets Group Led by McConnell Staffer

…im Mafia, the Fox report is largely guilt-by-association, conspiratorial claims. It’s the sort of red meat that resonates in the conservative culture that feeds on paranoia over a Muslim fifth column out to subvert the U.S. government. But will Minority Leader McConnell buy into the Fox panic, or will he bring some reason to bear to the conservative base’s Islamophobia? Will he feign concern that his very office—his computer system—is manned by so…

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Let Gay People Rehab Marriage

…l revolution that meant no one had to buy the cow to get the milk, growing numbers of cohabiting couples, no-fault divorce, serial monogamy, and of course, the Pill for giving women control over their own bodies. While he doesn’t come right out and blame the gays for the decline in marriage, he does take a backhanded swipe at the marriage equality movement noting that “the concept of marriage as a sacred covenant has given way to the idea that mar…

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Way Beyond Atheism: God Does Not (Not) Exist

…e Christian denomination in which that person had been brought up, I would buy her a pint of beer. As luck would have it I was not broke at the subsequent revels. It turns out that he was not broke because no one took the bet. But the story points out a very interesting idea that Turner pursues in the course of his essay: The atheisms of most committed, principled atheists are often not more than mirror images—inversions—of the theisms they negate…

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