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The Clenched Fist of Truthiness: Why Religion Won’t Fix This

…5143105118208 Most Americans root their moral precepts in faith, or at least they say they do. And Americans are practical universalists in some important senses. They like to think that “God is bigger than those things which seek to divide us,” as Rev. Traci Blackmon preached today; that although each faith has its own peculiarities, in the end they all point back to the same God with the sa…

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Inside the American Family Association

Today’s Times piece on the American Family Association frames AFA’s hosting of the Rick Perry prayer rally, The Response, as its assertion of itself as a player in presidential politics. But AFA founder Don Wildmon has long been a part of a group of religious right activists who hosted “policy briefings” to introduce GOP candidates to pastors; in 2008, the group zeroed in on Mike Huckabee, who was shunned by many GOP and conservative activists. W…

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The Irony of Trumpism: A Turning Point for Muslims in American Politics

….S. are not exclusively immigrants. Abdul-Jabbar and Ellison, both African Americans, converted to Islam when they were young. Furthermore, speaker after speaker ranging from Jesse Jackson to Andrew Cuomo condemned the anti-Islamic rhetoric of Trump as fundamentally un-American. The United States has a history of intolerance toward religious minorities, including Catholics, but history has also shown that members of disenfranchised groups often do…

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Strange Bedfellows: The American Far-Right and Today’s Jihad Do Have Something in Common — Just Not What You Think

…insight, even as critics cautioned against this framing. Not only does the American past and present offer plenty of parallels and predecessors that help explain the Capitol assault, but the recourse to terrorism tends to dehumanize and pathologize. Whether they’re viewed as evil incarnate, religious fanatics, nut-jobs, or “wackadoodles,” pathological explanations for political violence remain alluring despite their well-known empirical limitation…

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Searching for Moral High Ground While Houston Drowns: A Perspective on the Lakewood Church Controversy

…e in the Great Recession. This correlation highlights how certain veins of American Christianity function so closely with some of the core American ideals around free-market capitalism, wealth and consumerism. Prosperity gospel, for instance, only makes logical sense in a system of free-market capitalism. Those core American ideals have come under assault in very public ways when measured against the yardstick of liberation theology and faith-base…

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A Boundary-Busting Memoir of Love, Mental Illness, and Being Muslim in America

…conscience. What are some of the biggest misconceptions about your topic? American Muslims—how could there possibly be any misconceptions? (Sarcasm.) I once read a poll that indicated that whether an American thought Obama was a Muslim was the single greatest predictor of whether she voted for Clinton or Trump. It’s flattering to represent a demented national obsession, but it’s also deeply disturbing. Yes, ISIS is dangerous and, true, Muhammad A…

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A Pastor Takes on BP in New Orleans

…eep South Center connection was crucial as many of its leaders are African Americans who reside in the New Orleans East neighborhood where the Vietnamese community is found. New Orleans East is a historically and predominantly African-American region—the largest in the city—so the prospects of cooperation between the two communities was vital. “Both communities have been willing to be in a relationship; it’s just that [the] process has needed assi…

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The Flaws in the Latest Anti-Gay Islamic Theology

…ements like Black Lives Matter have surely played a part in allowing young American Muslims to make common cause with LGBT Americans in the fight against white supremacy, neoliberalism, imperialism, and hatred toward those who are different. The good news? Unless young socially conservative American Muslims come up with original arguments for the immorality of same-sex relationships, we should expect greater affinity between these marginalized min…

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‘We’re Through the Looking Glass Now’: Talking Deradicalization with Dr. John Horgan

…ventions to bring people back from the edge. One place to start addressing American extremism may be conspiracy theories—it seems that’s what most American extremists have in common and that what attracts people to conspiracy theories is well understood. Correct. We know which kinds of people and what factors make them fall down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. But I think what is the wrong question. It’s when. When distress and uncertainty…

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American Supports Ugandan Anti-Gay Bill

…and Uganda. Critics accused Engle’s event of being the next in a series of American evangelical efforts to persecute homosexuals in Uganda and feared that Sunday’s gathering would help rally attendees behind the proposed legislation. The Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009, introduced last October by parliamentarian David Bahati, had its origins in a March 2009 visit by three anti-gay American evangelists—Scott Lively, Caleb Lee Brundidge, and Don Sch…

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