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First Congregational UCC, Ripon Wisconsin

Cheese State Reality Check: On The Wisconsin Idea and the Social Gospel

…t vision can be formed by bringing religious values into partnership with “new scientific facts, artistic wisdom and cultural knowledge” to fight “the denigration of knowledge”—or as we know it, “alternative facts.” Raushenbush also looks to citizens meeting to form a united vision for the common good and a commitment to the social good. It’s a sensible ideal for a university, where knowledge is developed, argued, and shared. And it’s well-rooted…

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Russian Attack on LGBTs at UN Rejected; Gay Cake Controversy Rages in N. Ireland; Bishop Calls for Marriage Referendum in Puerto Rico; Global LGBT Recap

…f the National Civic Council of Australia, described by the Northwest Star newspaper as “the leading Catholic-based lobby group campaigning against same-sex marriage in Australia, attended and gave his blessing to his daughter’s New Zealand marriage to another woman. Mr Westmore has railed against Australian and international moves toward same-sex marriage. In 2012 he told an audience at the National Marriage Day rally outside Federal Parliament:…

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Rand Paul’s Messianic Campaign Video Shouts “Yes I Can!”

…recites his mild variation on the usual rote declamation: “It’s time for a new way, a new set of ideas…and above all it’s time for a new president.” We’re invited to “Join the movement.” The latter notion worked so well for candidate Obama, although his campaign struggled to figure out how to translate the energy of so many young people into practical action after the inauguration. But the key difference between Paul’s rhetoric and the last succes…

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This is not a Religion Column: Sarah Palin, American

…e’s just as strong a movement toward cities, as hipster evangelicals plant new churches in New York, Chicago, and L.A. with names like The Journey, The Awakening, and Revolution. But Palin is not a hipster evangelical. She is, as she tells us over and over, a small town girl. And she grew up in a small town church, one with a fondness for spiritual war and a wariness of cosmopolitanism. “We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty and sin…

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Ground Zero is Sacred Space, But Not Just Because of 9/11

…into the fact that the loudest critics of Park51, notably Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich, are not New Yorkers and represent a political movement not generally associated with the rights of minorities. The most ringing defense of the proposed Islamic center came from Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York and a Jew. “We would betray our values—and play into our enemies’ hands—if we were to treat Muslims differently than [sic] anyone else,” the ma…

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McCain’s VP Courts Conservative Evangelicals

…ife Group members to become mentors themselves, and finally disciple other new converts. Religion scholar Alan Wolfe at The New Republic‘s Plank blog imagined Palin’s religion a libertarian-infused Western evangelicalism: toting guns, having taken drugs once, naming two children after witches, vetoing a ban on domestic benefits to gay couples. These were things Wolfe imagined could complicate her reputation with more straight-laced Southern Baptis…

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Trump Order A ‘Death Sentence’ For Some LGBT Refugees? Global LGBT Recap

…e Eidskog Church at the stroke of midnight on Wednesday, the moment that a new marriage liturgy for same-sex couples took effect after winning approval by the Church Synod the Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church. According to The Local, “The ceremony marks a new milestone for gays and lesbians in Norway, which like its Nordic neighbours is at the forefront of gay rights in Europe. Civil marriage and adoption have been open to gays since 2009 and…

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Rising Christian Right Movement, New Apostolic Reformation, Emerged as a Mid-20th Century Splinter of White Supremacy

In the days leading up to January 6, 2021, a New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) group known as Jericho March organized groups of Christians to pray, fast, and march around government buildings in Washington DC, in protest of the election results. Among the NAR apostles who called on their millions of followers to reject the results of the 2020 election are Lance Wallnau, Dutch Sheets, and Cindy Jacobs. Paula White—a popular televangelist, spiritual…

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Obama to Cave on Bush Tax Cuts: Letter to the Washingtonians, Chapter 1

…in the rejection of all that came before that fall might be used to seed a new time in our history. I hoped that my nation might be headed in a new direction. I hoped that my people might be more generous and open. I hoped that the wars might finally come to an end. I hoped that the government might rule fairly, for all. What have we received instead? A week after the election, we find that those who laugh at the idea of justice are returned to po…

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Religious Liberty…For Bishops

…Board of Rabbis issued a statement against the hospital policy. So did the New York Protestant Council. The Diocese of New York fought to keep the policy as it was. After a 4 month fight, the Board of Hospitals agreed to change the policy, meaning that birth control would be allowed in the public hospitals of New York City. There were many fights like that. But in this current controversy, only one religious voice is being heard despite the fact t…

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