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Protests Force Torch Detour in San Francisco

…ese performers sang Olympic pop promos and protesters waved signs reading “Free Tibet” and “Free Speech Now.” One man shouted, “Protect the First Amendment! This isn’t Communist China!” Police and park rangers tried convincing the protesters to leave the plaza and join the pro-Tibet contingent out in the street, but the protesters would not budge. Along the waterfront, the local chapter of Students for a Free Tibet drew huge crowds with their Chin…

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The Economy is Racism: Ending Race-Based Economic Violence is the Real Challenge of This Moment

…of anti-Black violence from Irish workers who saw both enslaved people and free people of color as their economic competitors). But the nexus is always there. Not for nothing was the Trump campaign slogan easily construed to mean “Make America White Again.” As Sven Beckert and Seth Rockman remark in their introduction to Slavery’s Capitalism: A New History of American Economic Development, the coerced labor provided by enslaved people was not some…

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Supreme Court: Law School Christian Group Can’t Exclude Gays

…oaning the tolerance found on college campuses: “Our proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom of express “the thought that we hate.” Today’s decision rests on a very different principle: no freedom of expression that offends prevailing standards of political correctness in our country’s institutions of higher learning. I mean, really, the First Amendment ought to give groups the right to name who they will hat…

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Paul Weyrich, “Godfather” of Modern Conservative Movement, Dead at 66

…l movement for liberty. That is how Paul Weyrich changed the world for the better.” Norquist added that Weyrich “brought leaders of various freedom impulses together. Most of the successes of the conservative movement since the 1970s flowed from structures, organizations, and coalitions he started, created, or nurtured.” The Rev. Louis P. Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition also noted that Weyrich was a “pioneer of the conservative movemen…

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Secularist Activists Are Being Murdered in Bangladesh: An Ongoing Crisis Causes Many to Flee

…secular and democratic Bangladesh, where people have secure life and enjoy freedom of speech, freedom to publish, and freedom to express.” Still—what has he and his family lost? And what is Bangladesh losing as a result of this unchecked mayhem? Who Will Remain? As the attacks illustrate a deep problem in Bangladesh, these two stories illustrate a deeper success: since February 2015, more than a dozen writers, publishers, and activists—and, in som…

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Hicksters, Stickers, and Affection: Why I Left D.C. for the Family Farm

…omatoes use their hands every day, work outside, get regular exercise, are free from the restraints of a cubicle, and even live in “tiny home” communities (formerly known as “trailer parks”). It may sound idyllic to the young, well-educated, and the restless masses of yesterday and today. But not many of us are seek employment alongside migrant laborers because of the near constant physical pain and discomfort, regular exposure to toxic chemicals,…

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‘Religious Freedom’ Rally Sets Stage for 1st Amendment Collision

…xactly what the Establishment Clause prohibits. The Stand Up for Religious Freedom rallies emphasized the Free Exercise Clause and their own “religious freedom,” but they ignore, most certainly not by accident, the principle upon which Judge Stearns’ decision rests: “[t]o insist that the government respect the separation of church and state is not to discriminate against religion; indeed, it promotes a respect for religion by refusing to single ou…

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HuffPo Columnist Tries to Link Darwin to Hitler

…for free. In exchange for all this unpaid content, columnists are largely free to write about whatever it is they like. Consequently, Huffington Post’s living pages have long been filled with various anti-science sentiments and new age woo, from vitamin cures to the “science of distant healing.” Most egregiously, it has provided a place for Jenny McCarthy and others to peddle ongoing claims about there being a link between autism and vaccine shot…

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Trump’s DOJ Wants Constitutional Protection for Wedding Cakes, Not LGBT People

…tened judicial scrutiny because they may constitute an undue imposition on freedom of expression. Anthony Kreis, an attorney and visiting assistant professor at Chicago-Kent College of Law who specializes in “religious freedom” and civil rights, told RD that the DOJ’s brief is par for the course of an administration that started its tenure by rescinding Title IX protections for transgender students, then went on to claim that federal laws against…

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Khalifah: We Really Do Have Control Over Our Own Destiny

…. Before the introductions got around to me one woman (despite being on diabetes medications) said, “I am not a diabetic. I am not going to own up to being a diabetic unless the Lord tells me that is the case.” She keeps taking her medication and she eats 5 to 6 small meals a day, so has pretty good control over the matter. So when I had to introduce myself I just went with the numbers as the doctor had given them to me. I’m in that pre-diabetes s…

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