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Margaret Thatcher: A Muslim’s Perspective

…ization” proponents would surely have been pleased. As Thatcher said, “the Western world and its values” face a “deadly threat” from Islamic extremists which is to be countered militarily. If only she had the curiosity of Miss Marple she might have perhaps questioned the “Us vs. Them” narrative. According to the blogger writing under the pen name of Archbishop Cramner, Thatcher was a devout Christian with a mission of political reform. Thatcher’s…

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The Myth of News Media as Secularist Conspiracy

…verage of the Leo Frank trial and the anti-Hindu coverage that ran through Western newspapers in the 1910s and 1920s. Reporters were no more open-minded, judicious, or incisive in the 19th century. Newspapers went all out to cover religious scandal and sensation: the Tilton-Beecher adultery trial, the David Swing heresy case, and Dwight Moody’s barnstorming revivals were all reported in exquisite detail. Although many observers decried the lack of…

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To the Wonder: Terrence Malick’s Mystical Lens

…ssion cooling, my heart turning more toward the dharma and less toward the Western God, more toward contemplation and less toward devotion. Mysticism was once my passion—now I see it as a set of mind states which may be transformative, or may be dangerous. I have come to feel that the costs of religious fervor probably outweigh the benefits. Dancing Hasidim and joyous Christians no longer inspire me; they make me nervous. Unlike the priest in Mali…

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Amid Uncertainty, Eight Things We Know for Sure About the Boston Bombings

…nity has done so for many years. Consider the undertone of sympathy in the Western media for the plight of minority Christian communities in Egypt or Syria today. Or, what of the French mandate that created the modern nation-state of Lebanon largely to protect its Christian population after the fall of the Ottoman Empire? Were the Russian Empire’s campaigns against the Ottomans into Georgia and Armenia similarly devoid of globalizing sympathies wi…

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What to Make of the Chechnya Connection? An Expert Weighs In

…asis. It’s been more or less a hidden war for a generation, for which “the western news media has no in-depth knowledge,” especially when compared to situation in nations of the Middle East where news media have more or less open access. Without that core understanding of what is going on in the region, what the issues are, and what people’s actions are there, there is no way to make any association with what the two brothers in Boston did or why….

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An American Muslim Abroad, Or, Things I Saw in Dubai

…ritual ablution known as wudu’, which includes washing your feet. In many Western countries, this means the awkward moment when your colleagues find you barely balanced on one leg with your opposite foot drowning in the sink and your arms and hair sopping wet. Usually the encounter is so unexpected that no words are exchanged, just brief, pregnant glances, moments never to be spoken of again. If your colleagues are particularly unlucky, they’ll j…

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If Apes Could Talk to Atheists

For centuries, a dominant majority of Western philosophers and intellectuals have asserted that humans are the “rational animal.” Our ability to reason, so the logic goes, is the one thing separating us from the plethora of other animals on the planet. Instinct, passion, and emotion, traditionally assigned to the animal side of life, often meant that being “good”—being the sort of human who behaves morally—required a removal of the animal or “bea…

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Vandalism as Conversation-Starter

…and Rapids, Michigan via YouTube or Pandora or Slacker to a church wall in Western New York while the forty or so diehard worshippers at Grace Episcopal (fewer than half of whom, according to Broad, use any electronic communication) sleep perhaps a bit too soundly through the night. The promise of conversion in this story, then, has to do with a church waking up to a bigger world, a more complex and challenging religiosity, and responding to it wi…

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Republicans Silent on Islamophobia

…alize, or deny the threat of militant Islam to America, Israel, and all of Western civilization.” Gabriel once said that America’s “immigration problem” will cause its “fall to radical Islamic forces.” She said, “Not only are we inviting our enemy in, but this enemy is coming into the United States, marrying American citizens who are Muslims who are sympathizers of Hezbollah terroriss, and producing more children.” One of ACT! for America’s chapte…

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American Buddhism: Beyond the Search for Inner Peace

…ks that Occupy Faith has set itself are: to ally with unions and others to promote fair wages for all, especially low-wage workers  to work for fair tax policy  to join coalitions supporting constitutional change to get money out of politics and limit the power of corporations  to participate in events and initiatives organized to promote justice and fairness  to take nonviolent, direct action to the streets and halls of corporate and government p…

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