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New Ex-Offender Program Puts Church Ahead Of State

…n email, “could raise serious Constitutional problems.” Content on its Web site, he continued, suggests “Out4Life is designed to funnel ex-prisoners to churches for reentry programming. If state funds are being used to support this effort, state money could be unconstitutionally supporting religious indoctrination.” There is not, Out4Life staff claim, a direct line connecting prisoners from PFM programs inside prison to those outside. Their progra…

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Do Not Arrest the Pope: New Atheists’ Call for the Pope’s Arrest Isn’t Likely to Produce Justice

…instructed to always report sex abuse cases to local authorities, Vatican officials reiterated there insistence that the 2001 document’s call for “pontifical secrecy” extends only to internal Church proceedings and was never meant to bar church officials or victims from reporting abuse to local authorities. This insistence is given some credibility by the Vatican’s endorsement of a policy, introduced by U.S. bishops in 2002, which explicitly requ…

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Kung Fu Nuns, The Beatles, & Amish Healthcare: The Week In Religion… Poetically

…State claimed that homosexuality, not celibacy, was the cause of the high number of pedophilia cases in the Church. The Vatican issued a long overdue policy Monday that bishops must report sex abuse cases, but it did not impose a zero tolerance policy similar to what is in place in the U.S. Focus on the Family was for the possibility of a gay Supreme Court nominee before they were against it. Televangelist Joyce Meyer condemned the Uganda Anti-Ga…

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The Return of Christian Terrorism

…linics on the Eastern seaboard. Bray published a newsletter and then a Web site for his Christian anti-abortion movement, and published a book theologically justifying violence against abortion service providers, A Time to Kill. He is also alleged to be the author of the Army of God manual that provides details on how to conduct terrorist acts against abortion-related clinics. Recently Bray has publicly defended Paul Roeder, the Wichita assassin,…

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Capricology: Tattoos, Blood, Cyber-Dating

…“wearing their hearts on their sleeves.” By using tattoos on the body as a site for memory, the Tauron belief system, like the STO, is firmly rooted in ideas of embodiment, and what it means to be human. Joseph’s struggle to find his daughter’s avatar will test the strength of his religious faith and practice surrounding the body. Sister Clarice, on the other hand—with her idea about both the soul and the body continuing on for eternity—focuses us…

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Islam, Meet Maureen Dowd

…trange thing it is to wonder why one cannot force a religion’s most sacred site to bend to one’s fleeting impulses. Because of her voyeuristic desires, centuries of Muslim practice and belief must go. One can almost hear her stamping her feet: Change for me. Because, after all, I’m an important person. But I do not visit a synagogue and expect that I, a lone person facing thousands of years of Jewish faith and practice, have any right to demand Ju…

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Diagnosing Robertson’s Alzheimer’s Statement

…ct. The rest of his recommendations, including those gathered from his Web site and other published writings, aren’t specific evidence-based treatments for A.D., but rather a potpourri of unproven treatments, such as antioxidants and proprietary nutraceuticals. Amen has said he was called by God to do brain scans, an argument similar to that made by Robertson as to why people should listen to his ramblings. Amen claims to be able to ascertain a pr…

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Creationist Publisher Says No Plans for Pandas Redux

…e doubt about the validity of evolution. Last week, according to FTE’s web site, it sent a letter to the state education agency, saying now that it would not be submitting any materials. As I wrote last week, FTE is the same publisher who wrote Of Pandas and People, the intelligent design textbook that was so famously exposed as rehashed creationist literature during the trial of Kitzmiller v. Dover. The Board of Education will review materials su…

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Conservatives Waiting for Palin Rapture

…Palin have been reeling, some making excuses, others defecting for a rival site, Palin4 America. Palin’s Gideon’s Fleece bus tour of earlier this year did not seem to give her a sign to run, and now the footage resembles highlights from a retirement reel, rather than the fodder for a crop of Palin 2012 commercials. Put this together with the doubling down of conservatives like Ann Coulter, who said this about Palin on the O’Reilly factor: She is “…

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Reporting from Paris During COP21: A Haunted Sabbath

…dral Canon, was away in Canada dealing with visa problems. I went to their site to get directions to the church and ended up listening to several excellent sermons, including one the Sunday after the bombing at La Republique.) On this Sunday, Rev. Harper covered asserted multiple times and ways that politics and religion are siblings, not enemies. The Baruch 5: 1- 9 text mattered: “Take off the garment of our sorrow and affliction, O Jerusalem, an…

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