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Vatican’s ‘Dumbed Down Version of an Old Argument’ on Gender Can’t Stop Changes in Catholicism

…ndings of gender, sex, and how good people live their lives. University of Chicago legal scholar Mary Anne Case lays out the contours of the Vatican’s long and increasingly damaging campaign in a well-researched, complex, and convincing article, “Trans Formations in the Vatican’s War on ‘Gender Ideology’”. She explores “…the Vatican’s decades-long, worldwide, multifront war on what it has come to call ‘gender ideology’ from its very recent incarna…

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Why Did a Muslim Civil Rights Group Oppose Democrats’ Plans to Confront White Nationalism?

…ere we identify three ways to begin to “think ourselves out” of the bipartisan consensus around CVE that pervades contemporary American politics. This “3-step program” was developed in conversation with colleagues at a recent symposium held at Northwestern University.* Conflating dissent with terrorism CVE programming is shorthand for a family of U.S. government and government-supported programs intended to prevent terrorism. According to the Depa…

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The Myth of the ‘Lone Wolf’ Shooter Blinds Us to the Reality of White Supremacy

…fia and organized crime have been. Nobody believes someone suited up in a “Chicago overcoat” is the work of a lone killer. Such acts, like most of the mass shootings both here—in El Paso, Orange County, Pittsburgh—or abroad—in New Zealand or Norway—point unambiguously to “packs” of white supremacists or other radical collectives. We need to begin to regard such acts of terror with a “social” eye. In the past, in other contexts, Americans have show…

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Religious Freedom Battle Is Far From Over: Here’s What to Look for in 2019

…nts in December 2017 and issued its 7-2 ruling in June. Disappointing partisans on both sides, the Court neither affirmed that antidiscrimination laws apply across the board, nor carved out space for merchants who believe that their faith conflicts with their legal obligations. Instead, Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority opinion dodged the fundamental question, while invoking concepts that have long characterized his rulings in gay-rights cases. I…

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Thanksgiving Reveals More About Us Than About 17th Century Events

…f 1979—has broken down. Refugee resettlement has emerged as a starkly partisan issue, and government leaders at all levels have forcefully opposed resettling Syrian refugees. *** Thanksgivukkah, with a Side of Christmas Envy Part of the creative ferment of Thanksgiving, as an invented and endlessly malleable holiday, are the ways in which America’s diversity of cultures and religions can repurpose the holiday. Jodi Eichler-Levine writes about the…

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The Women’s March, Anti-Semitism, and ‘The Jewish Farrakhan’

…Engel notes about antisemitism. Sarsour, for instance, raised tens of thousands of dollars in her Muslim community to repair the desecrated cemetery in St. Louis after an antisemitic attack, using some of the extra funds to repair a Jewish cemetery in Colorado. She also raised tens of thousands of dollars to pay for the funerals of the 11 Jews massacred in Pittsburgh (the American Muslim community was one of the first to donate money to the Jewis…

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The Racist Message of Do-Nothing Religion, Courtesy of Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick

…V ad they’d produced. But the late Senator demonstrated a quality his more sanctimonious colleagues appear to lack: integrity. That’s what’s missing from the current crisis—not God per se, but the Godly virtue of integrity. While we can never really separate politics and religion, we can still demand they be woven together ethically, in a way that respects and preserves the purpose of each. When ethicists talk about integrity, they point to a few…

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This Supreme Court is an Effect Not a Cause: The Hidden Century-Long Funding of the American Right

…ourt majority. But despite the fact that they’ve achieved so much as their numbers have dwindled, and often in deeply unorthodox ways, most commentators fail to mention, perhaps even to see, what enabled them do it. Our new book on evangelicalism in the US emphasizes that institution-building over more than a century has created a vast and evolving network of institutions that spreads ideas, mobilizes energy, and amplifies political and theologica…

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Reconsidering Reagan’s Racism: Trump is the Culmination of The Gipper’s GOP

…t dog-whistled to white nationalism so much as he’s supplied it with a megaphone, Reagan, like other recent Republican presidents, especially George W. Bush, has benefitted from a historical nostalgia that imagines a kinder, gentler GOP in the modern era, particularly on matters of race. In this telling, Trump is an aberration of the American presidency and an apostate of traditional conservatism. Mythmaking of Reagan by #NeverTrump Republicans, a…

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Because We Dared to Exist: After Generations of Trauma Black Gun Ownership is on the Rise

…ly trauma is the curse that we are always seen as armed and dangerous. Cellphones, toys, wallets, all of these objects become guns to the racialized eye. And if we are damned to always be seen holding a gun, why not actually hold a gun in hopes that our curse may become our enemies’ undoing? Owning a gun is a risk, but it’s a calculated one. The “well-intentioned” classify this calculated risk as “naïve” or “misguided.” Beyond appropriating Black…

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