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Conservative Christians Finally Get Serious About Divorce

…it is sin, and it is a sin that is condemned in no uncertain terms. I give credit to Mohler for sounding the alarm. I have pointed out for decades the hypocrisy of the religious right on this issue. How dare they talk about the “sanctity of marriage” when they can’t keep their own houses in order? Bob Barr, the former US Representative from Georgia who wrote the Defense of Marriage Act, for example, is on his third wife. Which marriage was “sancti…

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Is it Fair to Question Rand Paul’s Religiosity?

…ide with his NoZe days. UPDATE: Greg Sargent (to whom I mistakenly gave no credit for exploring the Aqua Buddha story) writes that the Conway campaign insists the ad doesn’t question Paul’s faith. It doesn’t question Paul’s faith; it questions whether he respects — or did respect back in college — other people’s religion. As I said originally, the ad could have more effectively made a point about Paul’s politicization of religion if it had juxtapo…

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The Tea Party Illusion

The Tea Party is claiming credit for the Republican trouncing of the Democrats last night, but the Tea Party wave is just an illusion. This victory was by—and for—the theo-free-marketeers who have long controlled the GOP in the service of a “Christian nation” that boasts pro-big business legislation and policy. With the GOP re-taking control of the House, and Mike Pence (another of those Tea Party-supporting Republicans who has always said, “I’m…

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Nevada Rejects Nihilism, California Rejects Euphoria, and Volatility Reigns

…the polls. *The lone congressional Democrat in Idaho has fallen, but don’t credit the Tea Party quite yet. Freshman Blue Dog Democrat Walter Minnick lost Idaho’s 1st Congressional District 51-49% to Raul Labrador, who is Mormon and a graduate of Brigham Young University. But even though news sources are now touting Labrador as a Tea Party darling and Labrador’s campaign cashed a lot of Tea Party checks in its last weeks and months, those with a lo…

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Did The Democrats Punt On Faith Outreach?

…er in the Eleison Group, whose prior firm Common Ground Strategies, claims credit for increased numbers of religious voters pulling the Democratic lever post-2004, complained in the Huffington Post: Democrats did faith work differently than Republicans had in the past, focusing on authenticity of narrative and humility in how they brought faith into the public square. And the results were overwhelming. Democrats saw major gains nationally in their…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…rmal, natural, and healthy;” to eliminate prayer in public schools; to “discredit” the Constitution; to “discredit” family as an institution; to support “socialist movements” to take over government; and to “infiltrate” churches and “discredit” the Bible. After The Weekly Standard criticized Beck for promoting Skousen and his conspiracy theories, Noebel described Skousen in the Summit Journal as “a very honorable and careful scholar and author of…

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Beck’s Distortions Of It’s A Wonderful Life Mirror His Distortions Of Current Events

…r’s words echoing in the words of CNBC commentator Rick Santelli, who some credit with launching the Tea Party movement with his on-air rant about the government “promoting bad behavior” by offering foreclosure assistance. In another strange point, apparently in response to my statement that he’s trying to turn the movie into “a rallying cry for the conservative anti-government Christian right,” Beck asserted that Life clearly is a Christian movie…

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For God or for Fame? The Making of a Teenage Bomber

…ithin a media world was the Osama bin Laden-like video he recorded to take credit for the bombing. He changed his clothes for the video and put on a white robe and a white-and-red headdress. He told his FBI handler that, “he wanted to be ‘Sheik Osama style’.” His attachment to Osama bin Laden was based on a dream he had had of the mountains of Yemen, the land of Osama bin Laden’s ancestors. He was around fifteen years old at that time. He also see…

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Florida Gov’s Plan Would Aid those who Seek Biblical Law

…n about that here and here. They have been strong advocates of tuition tax credit and voucher plans as a way to move children out of public education facilitating the “replacement” of public schools with “Christian” strategies for education. In just one example, Florida’s existing voucher plan is used by Christian Reconstructionist Rocky Bayou Christian School (RBCS) in Niceville, Florida to add significantly to their student numbers by attracting…

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Pope Warns of “Christianophobia”

…risen up over it. In that spirit of brooding retrospect, the Pope, to his credit, turned to what should clearly be a dominant concern for this papacy in this somber time: what he called (echoing Revelation) “the great tribulations to which we have been exposed during the past year.” First on his list of such tribulations, and made damningly ironic in this, the Vatican’s self-styled Year for Priests, is the fact that “in this year of all years and…

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