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Excerpt: The Christian Roots of Zionism

…Palestine’s population was Jewish, but many Christians, especially in the United States, thought of it as a Jewish land. … In the 1930s, the Nazi rise to power and the subsequent worsening situation of the Jews of Europe made the implementation of Zionist aims all the more urgent. Protestant groups in the United States reacted in different ways to this threat. The leading Protestant intellectual journal the Christian Century was skeptical about r…

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An Historic Meeting: African and African Diaspora Women Convene in Ghana for First-Ever Religion Conference

…s, and Christian denominational leaders and executives from Africa and the United States; representatives of Ghanaian Muslim women’s groups and Ghanaian traditional leader, Nana Amba Eyiaba, Queen Mother of the original Cape Coast area; as well as college, seminary, and university professors from Africa and the United States.   Beginning with its opening ceremony, the meeting celebrated the diversity of African-descended women even as it sought to…

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The Right Wing Slant on Religious Freedom is a Slippery Slope

…Natalia Del Pino. They write about adoption discrimination at the Holston United Methodist Home for Children. The students invoked historical Methodist views on religious freedom and antisemitism against the Methodist Home’s action. Quoting from the Methodist “Book of Discipline” they write: “We condemn all overt and covert forms of religious intolerance, being especially sensitive to their expression in media stereotyping. We assert the right of…

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Is the Pope’s Concern for Immigration Just a “Numbers Game”?

…for migrants either as a personal interest of Pope Francis or as part of a numbers game discounts the moral and religious reasons behind the Catholic Church’s actions. Also implicit in the latter explanation is the misperception, common to many American observers, that the United States is at the center of the church’s concerns. In reality, the Catholic Church’s interest in immigration ranges far beyond the Latino and Asian immigrants bolstering t…

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The American Right Hasn’t Adopted Children’s Rights — They’ve Redefined and Weaponized Them

…man history. But Faust and Manning bury in the footnotes the fact that the United States is the only member of the United Nations that has not ratified the Convention, which is due to lobbying by evangelicals led by homeschool leader Michael Farris (the godfather of the parental rights movement). Evangelicals incorrectly believe the Convention is a threat to parental rights, even though it explicitly affirms parental rights, declaring family is “t…

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Global LGBT Recap: Homogeopolitics; Dalai Lama Says Gay is OK; Pope Says Civil Unions May Be

…the world granted federal recognition to same-sex couples’ marriages. The United States, United Kingdom, France, and Brazil are just the largest nations that granted national recognition to same-sex couples’ marriages in the last year. Domestic LGBT movements triumphed by making the case that LGBT rights are fundamental rights, and they now want to see the same conviction incorporated into foreign policy. This movement, though, is happening in a…

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World AIDS Day: Sacralizing Change

…movement challenged the Catholic Church’s role in AIDS/HIV politics in the United States; in doing so, they challenged, as well, who “owned” the Church. As one organizer argues in the film (and here I paraphrase): “THEY are not the Church. We are the Church.” While a single example, this statement reminds us, today, on World AIDS Day 2008, that throughout its history, AIDS/HIV has been entangled with religion—for good and ill. As we move into the…

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The Cynical Use of “Freedom of Religion”

…make the amendment unconstitutional. Joe Conn, spokesperson for Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, suggested that the ADF’s project was simply a “stunt” by the religious right to “put their candidates into office. It’s part of the overall game plan.” Assuming Conn is right in his assertion, then the ADF is using the idea of religious freedom in the most cynical way, seeming to place religious freedom above all other rights—s…

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Who Defines Religious Freedom?

…d law professor Winnifred F. Sullivan has argued, religious liberty in the United States has always been a fiction. “There is no neutral place from which to distinguish the religious from the non-religious,” she wrote in The Immanent Frame after the Supreme Court’s 2014 Hobby Lobby decision. Few religions are self-contained, and religion in the United States has a long history of influence in the public sphere. But a society with hundreds of diffe…

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Virginians may Vote in Elections, But in Counties with Militias Democracy Hangs in the Balance

…ral” Virginia and Halifax in “Southside” Virginia. [49] “Quick Facts,” The United States Census Bureau. [50] Jason Dunovant, “Supervisors Pass Resolution Supporting Volunteerism, Leave Out Militia,” The Franklin News-Post, February 23, 2022. [51] Dunovant, “Supervisors.” [52] Campbell Robertson, “In Rural Virginia, a Militia Tries to Recruit a New Ally: The County Government,” The York Times, October 28, 2020. [53] Halifax County Board of Supervis…

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