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Times’ Link of NOI With Capitol Killer is Based on Flawed Comparison Between Rightwing Christian Nationalism and Black Religious Nationalism

…ared element of Black religiosity, however it’s far from unique or even un-American. It is, in fact, quite an American tradition to warn the wayward masses of the sins of the moment. This tradition, the jeremiad, named for the biblical prophet Jeremiah, is discussed at length by Harvard scholar Sacvan Bercovitch in his monumental text American Jeremiad. From John Winthrop’s Dreams of a City on a Hill (1630), American Christians have proclaimed tha…

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Don’t Believe the Hype (About Believing): You Don’t Need Religion to be Happy

…re raised in it traumatized. And yet, unfortunately, the fact that much of American Christianity is harmful doesn’t stop Scientific American from echoing Christianity Today by claiming that a sharp increase in internet searches for “prayer” during a pandemic somehow indicates that religion is the cure for what ails us. Perhaps the ultimate irony here is that, according to the same Scientific American article, “psychiatrists are the least likely of…

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“Soul Freedom” versus “Christian Nation”: Exploring the Legacy of Roger Williams

…expelled from Massachusetts Bay Colony. He wrote an early primer on Native American language. That he anticipated American religious pluralism and freedom of religion in ways that seemed impossible in his era, even including ‘Turks,” Jews, native religion, and women preachers. He helped to found the Rhode Island colony, the first to give full religious liberty to its citizens, as a “shelter for persons distressed of conscience.” How do you think W…

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The ‘Fake Christian’ Deflection and Contrarian Concern Trolling: How Not to Write about Evangelical Authoritarianism

…t, “Since the megachurch movement took off in the 1990s, the percentage of Americans identifying as evangelical has declined from nearly a third to just over a fifth,” suggesting direct causality. But of course, correlation isn’t causation. And sociologists have long since established that it’s actually the evangelical culture wars and the association of American Christianity with the political Right that caused the rapid decline in religious affi…

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Reimagining Twentieth Century Harlem as a Jewish Mecca

…sh story of that “greatest generation.” What’s your next book? I have begun work on a Bronx, New York neighborhood that was created in the 1940s and housed Jews, Italians and Irish, but excluded African Americans. Today it is home to black Americans, Latinos and immigrants from many parts of the world. I will look at the story of its ethnic and racial transformation over 80 years….

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Don’t Worry, Be Happy: How Amazon, Google & Neuroscience Threaten American Buddhism

…s calls “the happiness industry.” Not surprisingly, this is something many Americans are eager to hear: mindfulness can give you sukha vedana, that “happy feeling.” Putting aside the metaphysical question of what in the world we mean by the word “happiness,” there’s the anterior fact that Buddhism isn’t about becoming happy. Happiness and unhappiness are what the Buddha called “Worldly Winds,” like success and failure, gain and loss. Buddhism’s in…

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Alabama Gov. Claims Only Evangelicals are His Brothers and Sisters

…fic than the generic references to divine favor and just gods that make up American civil religion—in American politics today? Bentley himself, despite his worldview, seemed to wonder. Standing behind a pulpit, he seemed to slip for a moment from politician to pastor; he, almost awkwardly, seemed to understand that there is in America today a difference but at the same time to believe that it was his responsibility to at that moment be both. His r…

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Simple Questions: The Why, What, and How of Changing American Christianities

…the least. Most obviously, it’s 43 years old! You maybe have noticed that American society is a little different than it was in 1972? Specifically, Americans aren’t lurching to the right anymore. In fact, according to Gallup, they might even be going the other way, getting more liberal on a broad range of social issues. Yet, as we know, the slide in declining church affiliation continues, and is even accelerating. Conservatives will no doubt poin…

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As Midterms Approach, White Christian Nationalism is Mainstream for the GOP — And it’s Only Getting Worse

…n, where he regularly preaches the Gospel of the Redoubt.” While dreams of American Theocracy are being fostered in the American Northwest, sociology professor Cynthia Miller-Idriss’s presentation focuses on how the far-right White nationalist fringe is responding to the themes and narratives of White Christian nationalism. The common denominator, which makes proponents of White Christian nationalism more susceptible and potentially open to moving…

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Top Ten Peacemakers in the Science-Religion Wars

…the inclusion of the Ground Zero cross in the 9/11 memorial museum In July American Atheists filed a lawsuit against those who planned to display a cross-shaped piece of wreckage at the 9/11 memorial.  In their statement, American Atheists said that the cross was a reminder to Christians “that their God, who couldn’t be bothered to stop the Muslim terrorists or prevent 3,000 people from being killed in his name, cared only enough to bestow upon us…

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