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Martin Luther King in the Era of Occupy

…y.” The fact of the matter is, not so much has changed since 1967. African Americans under the first African-American president have watched the bottom fall out of the black middle class. What will the 2012 election change about this situation? Perhaps it is time for the churches to begin to “mic check” MLK’s words on poverty, in addressing all of our branches of government, in order to bring about Kings’s Beloved Community.   Kerry Pimblott______…

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Entitled And Enraged

…us is the subtle promise that believing in the American Dream makes you an American. Being American, after all, isn’t an ethnicity. Nor is it a matter of subscribing to a particular creed. It isn’t even a matter of being born in a particular geographical location. No less a “real American” than John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone. So what is the American identity? If William Cavanaugh is right, it’s a convenient fiction designed to bind…

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Duterte Cites Catholic Heritage in Opposing Marriage Equality, and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…lify for the general election. More from the Washington Blade: The Central American Parliament, which is part of the System of Central American Integration, promotes human rights and political stability in the region. Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic are members of the Guatemala City-based body. Honduras’ general elections are scheduled to take place on Nov. 26. Jordany told the Blade that she will “ho…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…bel, it turns out, was responsible for ousting Hargis from the Tulsa-based American Christian College (founded to teach “anti-communist patriotic Americanism”) after Hargis was embroiled in a sex scandal; Hargis was accused of having sex with four male and one female students; the woman, it turned out, married one of the men in a ceremony officiated by Hargis, and the couple found out on their honeymoon that he had had sex with both of them. But i…

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Predicting the Future of Religion: A Thought Experiment

…onality withers people will replace our civil religion for Mormonism, with Americans embracing the church’s American-centered cosmology and stable sense of family values. It’s the largest religious tradition actually birthed in America and remains one of our fastest growing religions—could it be possible that the twenty first century sees Mormonism becoming America’s dominant religion? And what about Europe? The Pew study indicates that traditiona…

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Good News for Jewish Justice

…werful statements in their own right, and to me they make intuitive sense. American Jews have a rich history of involvement in movements for social justice, and I meet growing numbers of American Jews who want to act as “Jewish global citizens” in pursuing justice around the world. As Pew notes, most American Jews are finding meaning as Jews outside of Jewish institutions. Therefore, we need to listen carefully to the innovative ways in which most…

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American Horror Story: Hotel and Monotheism’s Dirty Little Secrets

…how’s theology, or rather this season’s anti-theology, of the living dead. American Horror Story: Hotel has so far fooled most horror fans. Some feared that Lady Gaga would, in a very literal fashion, steal the show from us that’s become much beloved for its boundary-pushing, genre bending insanity. But, even that very meta-moment in which she portrays a century-old vampiress riding nearly nude into a 70s Studio 54-style club on a giant horse like…

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Vivek Ramaswamy Represents the Convergence of White Supremacy and Hindu Supremacy — And He May Well Be Trump’s Running Mate

…paign, and founded a platform called #iExitLeft, seeking to convince Hindu-Americans to leave the Democratic party for the far-right.² The Americans4Hindus PAC, also founded by Hindu supremacists, was established in late 2019 by another set of Hindu far-right leaders with the explicit purpose of punishing the Congressional Progressive Caucus for some of its members’ positions on human rights violations in India. Another VHP of America affiliate, V…

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No God but Country: The Religion of John McCain Has Something Important to Tell Us

…as investigative. I thought that I would review the alignment between the American military and American religions, a subject on which Jon Ebel has written eloquently. Instead I found something else. That “something else” is as much about what the American public needs to hear about religion as it was about what McCain felt or thought about religion. On August 30, 2018, John McCain’s family found some form of ritual rest for his body at the North…

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Fake, Evil, Spiritual, Commodified; What’s the Truth About Popular Yoga?

…Mohler, add that yoga’s popularization threatens the Christian essence of American culture. Hindu protesters, most notably the Hindu American Foundation (HAF), criticize yoga insiders for failing to recognize yoga’s so-called Hindu origins and illegitimately co-opting yoga for the sake of profit. I call this the Hindu origins position. The two are strikingly similar, most significantly insofar as they lean on the misconception that yoga is defini…

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