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But What Did We Learn? Hate-Watching the First Clinton/Trump Debate

…wn better. Clinton started off as she meant to continue: ready to push the policy overviews and talking points that anyone who has been paying attention to her speeches, website, or ads should be familiar with. Trump started with a dog whistle about Mexico and fleeing jobs, then continued with the moment that set the tone for the rest of the debate: To some it may not seem so bad at first glance, but any woman who has ever had to smile politely wh…

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Australian Church Nixes Straight Couple’s Wedding Over Their Marriage Equality Support; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…Nurkhoiron, denounced the “mental illness” argument, saying that, “Such a policy should not be used by any state institutions, including the Attorney General’s Office.” This shift in tone was an important reversal for a government that for the past year and a half has taken virtually no action to stand up for Indonesia’s beleaguered LGBT community. Beginning in January 2016, public officials fueled a flurry of anti-LGBT incidents across Indonesia…

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The Only Common Denominator of American Conservatism is Anti-Blackness

…vehicles, castigation and public denouncement of the Lügenpresse, a senior policy advisor dedicated to stamping out a secret plan for white demographic replacement, and a threatened American Nuremberg rally held on Juneteenth is, according to them, unprecedented. It’s too terrible to admit that millions of their compatriots can not only stomach the stench of concentration camps and strange fruit but can also inhale it deeply and be exhilarated by…

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Top 2011 Religion Stories That Weren’t

…vide within the Latino community was evident across a wide range of public policy issues related to gay and lesbian rights. The Latino Catholic latitudinariansm on marriage tracks another almost-unreported finding, to wit: that the single most gay-friendly religious body in the U.S., bar none, is the lay Catholic community. Bishops, are you listening? 6. Upside-Down Ideas about Religious Liberty The dramatic new push for religious liberty exemptio…

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Atheists of Color Transcend Opposition to Religion and White Atheist Privilege in Working for Social Justice

…who bemoan the Religious Right’s grip on the Trump White House and public policy, yet remain silent on the racist criminalization of communities of color or rising homelessness among Black and Latinx folk. Secular social justice is a way of defining and articulating these critical differences in focus and approach. Progressive secularists of color argue that you can’t fight for economic justice in communities of color without advocating for repro…

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Gingrich’s Anti-Secularism Greatest Hits

…ta, first published in 2006, became the basis for his speeches at Pastors’ Policy Briefings, the purpose of which were to mobilize “pastors and pews to restore America to her Judeo-Christian heritage.” It was at these meetings that the idea for Gingrich’s organization Renewing American Leadership was hatched. When Barton, who serves on ReAL’s board, appeared on Glenn Beck’s program last year, the organization boasted that “David’s appearance build…

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No God but Country: The Religion of John McCain Has Something Important to Tell Us

…bordinate to his proudly proclaimed truths. It is merely to say that, like policy positions, religion has an evidence pool. If a man says he supports nuclear power, we can check his voting record and decide for ourselves if the votes support that position. If a man says he believes in God, the evidence is harder to find. Did Jesus die for your salvation? We take it as a matter of faith: McCain says so, then it is so. But for the religionist, this…

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Both Sides Expect Obama to Side with Bishops on Contraception Coverage

…s absolutely no reason to expand this exception,” said Sarah Lipton-Lubet, policy counsel for the ACLU. “There’s certainly no legal reason for it to be changed. The current rule doesn’t infringe on anyone’s religious liberty as a matter of law.”  As with the fight over the Stupak amendment, the Bishops’ concerns took precedence over those of rank-and-file Catholics, and certainly over those of non-Catholics. Stupak insisted, despite all evidence t…

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The Failure of Obama’s Faith Strategy Revealed

…t the president’s decision was a matter of personal conscience, not public policy. But he said that some religious leaders wanted to hear Mr. Obama say that explicitly. “We hope the president will reach out to people who disagree with him on this,” Mr. Wallis said. “The more conservative churches need to know, need to be reassured that their religious liberty is going to be respected here.” Mr. Obama has reached out to Mr. Wallis, Mr. Hunter and t…

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Exclusion is Causing Great Harm: A Conversation With Suspended UMC Pastor Rev. Cynthia Meyer

…hin days charges were brought against her for violating the UMC’s official policy against openly gay individuals practicing as clergy. Despite the fact that her own congregation accepted her choices, the Bishop of The Great Plains Conference where she serves ruled to suspend her for a minimum of two years. As a result she is now faced with a difficult decision: wait out the suspension in hopes of being reinstated, or leave the church. I spoke with…

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