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Religious Leaders Pledge to Protect Religious Freedom—For Everyone

…retary of the United Methodist Church Board of Church and Society, said as she signed the pledge outside, “the continued prejudice and discrimination against Muslims in the United States betrays the core values of religious freedom upon which the United States was founded.” “Tolerance is not enough,” she said, but respect for other faiths “is the pillar of democracy.” This post has been clarified to include the correct language in the pledge….

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‘Open Mosque’ in South Africa Receives Threats; ‘Blood Test’ for ‘Degeneratism’: Global LGBT Recap

…seems strange at a synod on the family. None of the 16 experts is from the United States; 10 are from Europe (including five from Italy), three from Asia, and one each from Mexico, Lebanon and Australia. “There are more laypeople among the 38 auditors, including 14 married couples, of whom two are from the United States. Many of the observers are employees of the Catholic church or heads of Catholic organizations, including natural family planning…

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Should We Expect to See a Rise in Christian Nationalist Violence in the US?

…ning the state with Jesus Christ first.” Taylor failed to mention that the United States is a Christian-majority country where Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists collectively comprise only about four percent of the total population. Similar sentiments have been expressed by a number of other prominent politicians with Christian nationalist inclinations, including Florida governor Ron Desantis, Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, Colorado congr…

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The ‘Fake Christian’ Deflection and Contrarian Concern Trolling: How Not to Write about Evangelical Authoritarianism

…prioritization of growth and power that motivated MacArthur has robbed the United States of an important source of social cohesion in a time of crisis.” Never mind that evangelical subculture has been a source of division in America since well before 2020. It’s after spending some time on MacArthur, however, that Hinch gets to what seems to be the crux of the matter for him—criticizing those of us writing pieces critical of evangelical Christian n…

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‘America First’ and the Origin of the Modern Jewish Conspiracy

…a of the West as a “Judeo-Christian civilization” comes primarily from the United States, although important Christian conservatives from continental Europe also subscribed to it. It was fundamentally an anti-totalitarian idea: both Communism and Nazism were seen as threats to the religious values on which the West was understood to be built. In this way, the idea of Judeo-Christian civilization became an anti-Communist ideology during the Cold Wa…

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Who Could Possibly Take Issue With ‘Human Dignity’? Beware of Trojan Horses

…three separate times, pairing it with the terms human nature, rule of law, freedom, and peace, thus making it a major theme. The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed that “recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.” No doubt, Stephen Miller’s language was intended, generally speaking, to invoke these lo…

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Manslaughter Conviction of Brittney Poolaw Represents Pattern of White Christian Policing of Black and Brown Women’s Bodies

…-wing, mostly white evangelicals would go down the path of theocracy given free rein, I suggest you take a look at the recent history of El Salvador. I heard a lot about missionary activity in El Salvador and Honduras in my 1980s evangelical childhood. It seemed like everyone my family knew had some connection to Christian missions in Central America. And those missions bore their toxic fruit. Today, El Salvador has a significant population of mos…

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The Forgotten History Behind Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Terrorism

…ributions of Muslims to the building of modern Western nations such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and France are just as important. It was U.S. Muslim writers and thinkers such as Mahommah Baquaqua and Mohammed Ali ben Said, who also served in the Massachusetts 55th (Colored) Infantry during the Civil War, that gave American readers some of their first accurate accounts of African cultures. North Carolinian Omar ibn Said penned the fir…

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Museum of (In)tolerance for Divided City

…s exhumed the graves under the supervision of an Israeli archeologist. The number of skeletons taken out of the site numbered between one thousand and fifteen hundred. According to Gideon Sulaimani, an archeologist who worked at the site before the court injunction went into effect “They call this an archeological excavation but it’s really a clearing-out, an erasure of the Muslim past.” In 1984, George Orwell’s great satire of totalitarian regime…

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In 2012 Bishops Join Fight to Repackage Discrimination as ‘Religious Freedom’

…practicing what we preach.” And that, apparently, includes not just opposition to abortion, but a conservative claim that “big government” infringes on religious liberty: “How can we train our college students to advocate for limited government and personal freedom—especially religious freedom—if we don’t fight this unparalleled attack on those very principles?” In short, don’t be surprised if the “religious freedom” argument finds its way into c…

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