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Trump Election Could Threaten LGBT Rights Globally

…ntry’s former president when he moved toward closer ties with Russia. “The United States was a great example for us… Now we expect the backlash in all spheres of rights — LGBT rights, minority rights, women’s rights, migrant rights.” The Washington Blade’s Michael Lavers interviews a Palestinian human rights activist who believes that Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric is fueling extremism. At the United Nations, members of the African Group are pushing…

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Donald Trump Scares LGBT People Worldwide and More, in This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…il of Europe held a session on the rights of children in rainbow families. United Nations: Effort to strip language on SOGI from extra-judicial killings resolution fails As part of an ongoing backlash against LGBT human rights at the United Nations, the Group of African States continues to try to undermine the independent expert hired by the Human Rights Council to investigate violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and iden…

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Duterte Cites Catholic Heritage in Opposing Marriage Equality, and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…to “ideological colonization” by influential western countries such as the United States. “And this is terrible,” the Pope said last August. “We are experiencing a moment of the annihilation of man as the image of God.” UN: Some countries challenge religious freedom report dealing with sexuality Earlier this month, United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion and belief Ahmed Shaheed, delivered his first report to the Human Rights Coun…

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The War on Terror is Over; Tahrir Buried It

…ama with the Tea Party Republicans supported by the Christian Right in the United States). But even the Pakistan scenario is a positive direction for a country like Egypt with such a violent and divisive political past. Even gridlock between extreme elements that nonetheless agree to participate in a democratic electoral system is an advance over the savage civil war between a secular dictator and religious terrorists. In this sense even a tumultu…

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A How-To Guide for Keeping Up With the Events in #Egypt

…situation on the ground in Egypt. I don’t endorse all their views and opinions, of course, but I believe they are nuanced, interesting, intriguing, provocative or deeply insightful persons, whether on the ground or reporting from farther away. In no particular order: @Arabist @HSMoghul (hell why not?) @BelTrew @MaxBlumenthal  @RawyaRageh  @AymanM  @SherineT  @ddknyt  @shadihamid  @hahellyer  @Max_Fisher  @mosaaberizing  @monaeltahawy  @MattMcBradl…

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Where In The World Is Barack Hussein Obama?

In 2009, America’s first black President, Barack Obama, addressed the Muslim world from Cairo, Egypt. Once upon a time Cairo mattered. I disagreed with the choice of venue, for in my opinion even then Cairo mattered far less than we assumed. But the substance of his speech was heartening; the line that received the loudest applause was about democracy. Some two years later, Egyptians of all ages, creeds and kinds came out in force to demand Mubar…

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Obama Appeals to American Exceptionalism

…sen. Here he alludes unmistakably to the hoary and dangerous idea that the United States has a special pipeline to the divine, and vice versa. But I am quite sure the President is behind the people on this matter. Surprising, because his pollsters should have known this. Along with tiring of playing the world’s policeman (he certainly got that part right), we are also increasingly weary/wary now of the old shibboleth that we have a divinely-impart…

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Qaddafi Dies; Should it Matter How?

It is his fault. When his people rose up, he turned his armies on them; when they fought back, he slaughtered them. He laid siege to Benghazi, and promised a massacre. He was the one who seized power, who oppressed, repressed, tortured, humiliated, and offended. And yet. I was ecstatic over Egypt’s revolution, thrilled by Tunisia’s, and still hurt to see what’s happening in Yemen, Bahrain, and Syria. As much as I was concerned by the far more vio…

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Can Faith-Based Organizing for Gun Control Work?

…ann Budde, of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington who is active in Bishops United Against Gun Violence, described gun control organizing as “a long distance marathon for us,” with much of the grassroots political work taking place “below the radar.” Bishops United Against Gun Violence is calling for, among other things, an expansion of federal background checks to gun shows and online sales, and improving access to mental health care. “We don’t ha…

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London’s ‘Big Gay Iftar’ And More in Global LGBT Recap

…more pronounced in nations with large Evangelical populations, such as the United States and Brazil, than Catholic ones, such as Argentina, Ireland, and Spain. Decidedly less noted, and therefore less understood, are the political roots of the gay backlash. By openly embracing anti-gay violence and extremely homophobic legislation, many autocratic regimes across the world are doing what such regimes have done for centuries to groups as varied as J…

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