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Christian Punk Meets American Pop; Evangelicals in the ’Burbs

…ce members were often not Christians and rejection could be interpreted as sign of authenticity. I’ve never attended a Christian metal or punk show, although I saw Danielson Famile, who could be described as Christian indie rock, at a music festival. You talk a lot about the authority Christians have given to rock musicians, and how in turn, they wish to co-opt or reclaim that power for their own spiritual message. Didn’t Christians, at least in p…

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Death With Dignity: Combatting Religious Opposition to Physician-Assisted Suicide

…t have allowed palliative sedation death to occur,” he said. That may be a sign that even the strictest of religious traditions have a tendency to shift with time, and as our culture changes. Like Niedzielski’s friends, people who claim intense faith and adherence to a certain doctrine may likely reconsider those beliefs as technology advances and its use becomes accepted in everyday life, Campbell said. Even if official church policies don’t chan…

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Jerusalem Countdown: Christian Zionists and the New Israeli Government

…“Send your congratulations to Benjamin Netanyahu.” It asked supporters to “Sign the letter of congratulations to Prime Minister Netanyahu,” and Evans, founder of the Jerusalem Prayer Team, pledged that he would “personally present it to him.” In a Washington Times op-ed piece dated February 22, Evans talked about meeting a “quiet, almost shy” Netanyahu in 1982, and he writes that he “was so impressed” with him “that the following day I asked Prime…

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Denying Darwin: Another Peculiar American Institution

…ventually, a federal judge would strike down the teaching of intelligent design as unconstitutional, noting that it was merely revamped creationism. Intelligent design advocacy groups would retreat and lick their wounds only to reemerge, as they have done recently, pushing for new anti-evolution concepts in the public schools under the guise of “strengths and weakness” and “academic freedom” bills. But that would be more than a year away. At the t…

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Women’s Liberation Through Submission: An Evangelical Anti-Feminism Is Born

…tion of the aims and principles of the submission and patriarchy movement. Signers affirm their belief that women and men were designed to reflect God in “complementary and distinct ways”; that today’s culture has gone astray distinctly because of its egalitarian approach to gender (and that it’s “experiencing the consequences of abandoning God’s design for men and women”); and that while men and women are equally valuable in the eyes of God, here…

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Time for Jews to Abandon the Old Foundation Myth of Israel?

…; cooperation is perfectly possible, so it pays to make serious efforts to promote it, which means being responsive to the changing concerns of everyone else in the web. There are rights and wrongs done on every side; it makes no sense to measure how much blame accrues to any one side, because finger-pointing blocks the way to cooperation. Self-esteem comes from promoting cooperation; if self-esteem must depend on showing one’s strength (an open q…

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Creationism Makes Its Mark

…cuse city school system. Three of the teachers were actively interested in promoting intelligent design. He suspects that the reason that so few cases make it to the public stage is that many parents aren’t always aware of what’s going on in the classroom. Also, children are often unaware that the teacher has crossed a Constitutional line. “A lot of times students just don’t know what their rights are,” Wiles said. Resolution Far Off On that day i…

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Gutless Americans: Religion-Baiting Heading into Election Day

…e for Faith in Public Life, who urges citizens of all political stripes to sign Faithful America’s petition calling for the NRCC to take the ad down, told me: “Slamming Faithful America for expressing regret over the disgraceful abuses at Abu Ghraib is just disgraceful. Whoever wrote that ad should be ashamed, and its sponsors should not only take it down, but repent for running it in the first place.” Amen. Over in the Senate, incumbent Sen. Eliz…

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Election Day: Hope, Heartbreak, Naiveté, and Studs Terkel

…profess. (“Honk if you’re for traditional marriage!” I saw blaring from a sign held by a young man in a black suit.) We Americans pride ourselves on our cultural diversity and our separation of religion and state. But this election has been an illustration of the difficulty most people have accepting the former and separating the latter. On a brighter note, perhaps the distasteful religious xenophobia in this election will help us more clearly de…

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RDNews: Oct 20, 2008

…—even self-identified pro-life Catholics and evangelicals—who aggressively promote Obama’s candidacy and even declare him the preferred candidate from the pro-life point of view.” Read the full piece here. Focus on the Family has prepared a video called “Election Update: Deciphering the Debate,” which “examine[s] how the presidential contenders handled a debate question concerning Roe v. Wade and the nation’s courts.” See the video here. +++++++++…

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