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Pope Francis v. Kim Davis: A Vatican Game of Thrones

…ed a rebuttal to the Vatican’s statement on the meeting, which is naïve at best. Staver lying at the Values Voters Summit about 100,000 people in Peru praying for Kim Davis proves that he’s willing to stretch a story to fit the narrative of Kim Davis as a Martyr and “conscientious objector.” No matter how much he may continue to assert that “Vatican officials approved the visit,” I would suspect the only Vatican official he most likely spoke with…

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Prisoners In the Hands of an Angry God: A Conversation About Religion and Reform

…document how religion causes people to take certain political stances. At best, however, the authors have isolated a correlation between perceptions of God and stances on political reform. There’s no clear proof that one causes the other. They could both be a product, for example, of a person’s psychology. Exactly. This study does acknowledge that to some extent by noting some of the ways answers vary according to race and gender—but to isolate b…

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Trump In Colorado: When the “Facts” Are No Longer Checkable

…at world. Any such claim is laughably unpersuasive, despite James Dobson’s best efforts. Rather, I mean “faith” not in any specifically theological sense, but more in the sense of the evidence of things not seen. (The “substance of things hoped for” is what Trump alone can provide, judging from his RNC address). Initially, this came in thinking about Trump’s RNC portrayal of an America in grave peril of mass death from drunk drivers who happen to…

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SCOTUS Likely to Support Memorial Cross; Should We Even Care?

…there and run the option, or a cover two, or just to go out and play their best. That’s religious neutrality. A secular government is not a government that promotes religion or atheism, it’s a neutral government. This is the only fair solution in a diverse society and it’s what our Constitution demands. Our government has no religious authority. Politicians occupy an office temporarily. The office belongs to us, to “We the People.” That office is…

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Good Mourning Modeled by Chaplains and Clergy at the Oakland Ghost Ship Fire

…gious people, but that it was the fault of Christians who haven’t done the best job of “acting like Jesus.” So, he says, he “wanted to apologize for that.” Rios’ church is a Seventh Day Adventist congregation. Like the institutional Catholic church where Landeza ministers, Adventism has remained stridently opposed to same-sex marriage and has often made life difficult for LGBTQ members of the denomination. However, as with the many individual Cath…

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A Victory for Conservatives in Revised AP History Curriculum

…kewise be quite useful to keep Americans thinking that ​God still loves us best despite the ​daily evidence of falling fortunes. ​I should be clear that I think the admirable aspects of the white American story should certainly be taught. ​In my youth I taught an AP class in American literature in relation to 19th century American history. Were I teaching that same class today, I would have no difficulty inviting my students to think of the consti…

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To Fight White Supremacy We Must Resist Essentialism: The Author Responds

…now is this: how can we wage this battle even more effectively? How can we best shield ourselves from the inevitable onslaughts of predatory journalists, readers, and politicians who prefer “fake news” over evidence-based, critical discussions on religion and society? How can we more fully reap the rewards of living dangerously? It is not about policing our tone or maintaining respectability. On the contrary, I beg public intellectuals: do not san…

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Does NIH Head Francis Collins Believe in Intelligent Design?

…hile Lewis’s case is popular because of its accessibility, it’s hardly the best version of this kind of argument. Robert Adams’ Finite and Infinite Goods is far more powerful. But given Lewis’s accessible approach, it makes sense that Collins would be both familiar with it and prone to invoke it in popular lectures. This line of argument is, obviously, controversial. It relies on the premise that there are standards of moral truth that hold regard…

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Jerusalem Honors Right-Wing Mogul Sheldon Adelson

…” They ought to be offensive to Israelis as well, but Adelson is doing his best to spread the message through Israel HaYom (Israel Today), a free tabloid that is the country’s must-read news outlet. Adelson told reporters at the Jerusalem gathering that he does not dictate the newspaper’s coverage or editorials, but that both reflect his point of view and that of his close friend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In a nation of news junkies, Isr…

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2023 CPAC Lived Down to Expectations, But Don’t Buy the Narrative: The GOP is Not as Divided as You Might Think

…e allegations. The large ballroom of the main stage was half-filled at the best of times—even during Trump’s speech, the “highlight” of the conference. Perhaps more than ever before, this year’s CPAC was a spectacle of right-wing grifters, garish influencers hoping to make it to Fox News with a viral clip, and the most MAGA of the pro-Trump wing of the Republican Party. The speakers who turned up tried their best to rile up the audience—with varyi…

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