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At Jeffress’ First Baptist Church of Dallas, Trump Support Is Part of a 150-Year Tradition

…ationists were “trying to upset all of the things that we love as good old Southern people and as good old Southern Baptists.” Even worse, he said, Baptists were succumbing to the pressure of civil rights activists. Criswell said these Baptists were an embarrassment to their martyred forefathers. There was some backlash to the speech but it also won Criswell some new political friends. H.L. Hunt, a wealthy Texas oilman and a committed conservative…

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Dems Need More Faith, Episode LXXI: The Beer Caucus Proposal

…in a heartbeat! That’s not even to mention the Dixie and Shiner vote down south, Olympia in the Northwest, Grain Belt in Minnesota, the Sam Adams patriots in the Northeast! Dems are leaving an awful lot of support on the table simply because they’re not willing to chug swill like Scott Walker on a Miller bender. What’s that you say? You say a beer caucus is a terrible idea? You say talking incessantly about alcohol would turn off many non-drinker…

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Colonialism and the Crisis Inside the Crisis of Catholic Sexual Abuse

…extend their ecclesial jurisdiction over 6 federal Indian reservations in South Dakota. By 2010, more than 65 Catholic priests and religious formerly employed at Indian boarding schools within those dioceses had been named in lawsuits targeting sexual abuse—a number that suggests a far higher per-capita rate of offending clergy than even in New Mexico. In New Mexico, the victims of abuse were mainly Nuevomexicano and Indigenous kids. The abusers…

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Unreleased Religious Freedom Manifesto Isn’t the Culture War Compromise It Hopes to Be

…ok no further than the beatings and murders of civil rights workers in the South and savage attacks on peaceful protestors against the war in Vietnam. (Many of us forget that King and Heschel also marched as leaders of Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam.) This is all the more remarkable given that Charter leaders were warned about the pitfalls of appeals to civility at their own program at the Brookings Institution in September 2017. Joshua…

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The Case Against Rebuilding Notre Dame

…to the canons’ residence, depicts the life of the Virgin; those above the south transept, which faced the bishop’s palace, the death of Stephen. Some of the earliest historical memories from Notre Dame likewise do not inspire thoughts of unity. In the early 12th century, a scholar named Peter Abelard dreamed of becoming the “master,” or chief teacher, at Notre Dame. To do so, he installed himself at a church outside the city walls on Mont Saint-G…

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How the Religious (and ‘Nones’) Vote May Tip 6 Swing States

…elicals tend to be conservative, giving the president a strong base in the South—this much is not surprising. Less obvious is that after Mormons, white Catholics and white mainline Protestants are Trump’s strongest supporters in the religious economy. As it happens, there’s a lot of voters like this in Pennsylvania and the industrial Midwest. In short, southern white evangelicals and northern Catholics and mainliners made it possible for Trump to…

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You Are What You Eat: New Book on Cannibalism Reimagines What It Means to Be Made of Flesh

…ng of David Shulman’s book The Hungry God, and particularly a 12th century South Indian story that Shulman examines at length. One day, a Shiva-worshipper called Ciruttontar receives a visit from the god, who has disguised himself as a wandering ascetic. Eager to honor the holy man, Ciruttontar offers him a meal from any of his three herds. Shiva, in diguise, refuses. “The beast we eat is human,” he says—specifically healthy five year-old boys who…

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Junior Falwell Unmasked Conservatism; Let’s Thank Him For It

…’ rights as an ideology was contradictory and could not mobilize the white South for the long haul. What mobilized the white South was the defense of slavery. Falwell and his new breed of confederate aren’t doing that, of course, but the spirit of treason, if not the act of treason, is the same. Conservatives tell us they prefer slow and gradual change, and stand united against radical attempts to bring it swiftly. But that’s not their true face….

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DeSantis’ Religious Exemption Will Kill—And it Violates the 1st Amendment

…elsewhere. Reuters documents the harrowing story of one infected person in South Korea attending two church services and spreading COVID to another 1,200 people and that that “Church cluster accounts for at least 60% of all cases in South Korea.” Clerics seeking exemption from social distancing orders are not simply asking for a right to gather and worship, they are also asking for a right to risk the health and lives of every other member of the…

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The Right Wing Slant on Religious Freedom is a Slippery Slope

…ptions.” The manual lists state laws from Alabama, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, and of course, Virginia. The most recent available Project Blitz manual (exposed by RD in 2021) adds Kansas and Oklahoma to the list of states that have adopted similar legislation. The title of the Project Blitz model bill has since been changed to the “Child Welfare Maximization Act,” perhaps in an effort to underscore that adoptive and foster care ch…

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