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Despite Vastly Different Values, Evangelical ‘Hamilton’ Connects Secular Left and Christian Right

…America, I investigate how religious communities like Door McAllen Church use musicals to practice a form of world-building where they and their beliefs can belong. I learned that this level of adaptation is not at all uncommon among religious groups in America, and for good reason. Musicals, like many religions, are invested in the not-yet, in the could-be. With their extravagant theatrics and larger-than-life mythologies, neither is engaged in…

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Fed. Court Rules Prop. 8 Unconstitutional

…micus brief: …the religious-liberty interest that Proposition 8 supposedly promoted was to decrease the likelihood that religious organizations would be penalized, under California’s antidiscrimination laws and other government policies concerning sexual orientation, for refusing to provide services to families headed by same-sex spouses. But Proposition 8 did nothing to affect those laws. To the extent that California’s antidiscrimination laws ap…

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Love the Scholarship But Hate the Scholar’s Sin?: ‘Himpathy’ for an Academic Pedophile Enables a Culture of Abuse

…t, as in so many instances of men in positions of power who are outed as abusers, the story doesn’t end there. The story should end with patriarchy because that’s where the pervasive phenomenon of men abusing others begins. It’s where the violence and exploitation is nurtured, made invisible, and transformed into the normal everyone else just has to live with. What does Joosten have to do with patriarchy? As news of his child-rape porn began to sp…

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How a Group of Catholic Pacifists Took on the Nuclear State

…und their defenses. I argue that they choose these latter defenses not because they are more successful—they aren’t—but because they are less particularizing. The relationship between religious groups and the courts in the U.S. often gets circumscribed within a sequence of First Amendment cases in which a certain power dynamic prevails: religious actors present their practices to be judged by authoritative courtroom agents who, in deeming those pr…

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‘Pro-Life’ Theater, Open White Nationalism, and Virility Fear — Day 3 of NatCon

…children to “thrive,” it’s imperative that they grow up in a (religious) household of their parents, a man and a woman, joined together in marriage, because “if no one’s having babies, what does this say about the state of our nation?” It seemed incomprehensible to all panelists that some women might not actually want to have 2.1 children—or any children at all. Waters points out that while national conservatives should be indeed happy that pro-na…

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Religious Kids Are More Selfish: The Stickers Don’t Lie

…zinger: according to Decety and his colleagues, kids from more religious households are less altruistic, and more apt to deal out punishment, than kids from non-religious households. Corollary zinger: on the punishment front, Muslim kids are even more vindictive than Christians. “Nonreligious children are more generous,” explained a headline at Science magazine. “It’s not like you have to be highly religious to be a good person,” Decety told Forbe…

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Beyond Alarmism and Denial in the Dominionism Debate

…e numbers alone to bring folks in, they need to interact for like-minded causes. Electing a “Christian” is a like-minded cause, whether you believe in dominionism or not. A politician like Perry knows that he has to get these groups to coalesce together on his side in order to get votes and support. Whether Perry believes what they preach is up for debate, but it is clear that he is willing to use them to the fullest extent to gain the support he…

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Did Darren Wilson Superhumanize Michael Brown?

…’s description of Brown as a demon, which is dehumanizing enough, it’s the use of “it” in reference to Brown’s face (“it looks like a demon”): This “demon”-ization of Michael Brown reminded me of a recent RD post from Joseph Laycock on “a psychological study suggesting that white people are predisposed to ascribe superhuman and magical qualities to black people.” Then I recalled a passage from earlier in Wilson’s testimony where he likens his grip…

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Coming Out Twice: Sexuality and Gender in Islam

…ppression, poverty and exploitation. In Islam, many scholars and activists use the word “reform” or “revival” rather than liberation theology, because the later term sounds too much like it was borrowed from Christianity and that might be a liability for an indigenously Islamic project.  In this sense, the legal scholar and reformer Khalid Abou El Fadl does “liberation theology” from within the Islamic tradition without actually calling it that. A…

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Can a Pig Heart be Kosher?

…such delicate matters.  As previously mentioned with Judaism, however, because the pig is not actually being consumed and is being utilized to save a human life, we can suspect such a transplant would be considered mubah, or permissible.   Of course, the question is bound to surface at some point as to whether they have to use a pig? Why not another animal so as to save the trouble of these religious debates? Unfortunately (or quite fortunately, d…

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