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ABC’s Hit Sitcom Black-ish Does God, Pushes Theological Respectability

…e episode is marked by affirmation of problematic assumptions limiting the number of those who qualify as “black” by restricting what constitutes an acceptable relationship to dominant religious claims. For example, Dre wrestles with the origins of his daughter’s turn away from God, and concludes, based on a survey of his co-workers, that whites don’t believe and African Americans do. The implication is sure: belief in God is part of the cultural…

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Trump’s Pathological Devotion to Border Walls Isn’t Political, It’s Theological

…ave only carried so many bullets with him. Americans knew how to watch the number of reported casualties go up, but we lost our collective minds when we watched the number of confirmed active shooters in Paris go up. The images coming out of Paris in the immediate term were of a city devoured by chaos and fear rather than the stillness of carnage, more terrifying for their uncertainty. There was a brief lull in the digital noise when an official g…

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“I Speak to God in Public”: Are Young Black Millennials Reclaiming a Theology of Resistance?

…filiation. Only among historically black Protestant denominations did that number trend downward significantly between 2007 and 2014; the 18-29 age group decreased from 24 to 20 percent among historically black Protestant denominations. The number of 18-29 year olds among Catholics and evangelical Protestants ticked up 1 percent respectively, and among mainline Protestants it saw a 9 percent increase. In the interest of equity, blacks make up 9 pe…

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Park51 and the Ground Liberals Are Forced to
Fight On

…ore people are not trusting him. The trust issue is important. Plus, news flash: the last time I checked America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles so it’s kind of important when you see a poll that says a growing number of Americans think you might be a Muslim. The President continues to tell everyone he’s a Christian but yet the number rises. See that? Which came first, the thought he was a Muslim or the lack of trust? If he is a Muslim,…

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Special Report: Have Evangelical Colleges Succumbed to “Theological Paranoia”?

…re a variety of perspectives, Overbay allowed his film students to create classroom projects that did not adhere to Asbury’s public performance guidelines. All public performances at Asbury, according to these guidelines, must “promote a Christian worldview,” while cursing, taking the Lord’s name in vain, and sexual innuendo are all forbidden. The controversy stirred up by Overbay’s pedagogical approach, which he insists was not in violation of th…

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Dispelling the Zombie Myth of White Evangelical Support for Trump

…lical Protestants, America’s most church-going religious group, across the last decade. There has been a modest seven percentage-point uptick in the proportion of White evangelicals who seldom or never attend church (17% in 2023 to 24% in 2023), but these numbers are far below the proportion of the general population who have opted out of religious services (54%). And while there has been some fluctuation among the “super attenders,” those who att…

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The Gospel Church and the Ruining of Gay Lives: An Interview with Anthony Heilbut

…, and then I say, thinking of all the ruined gay lives, this really is the number that no man can number. It’s also interesting to me that “Writing It Out” is followed by the section “War on the Children.” Such an organization suggests that the latter was a reaction against the former—that as these voices emerge, there’s this really virulent reaction culturally against them.  And also it’s so very political. As the church has become more right-win…

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It’s Not Me, It’s You: Catholic Values Dumping Trump

…in a vestigial memory of the vehement anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant backlash their grandparents and great-grandparents faced. They may be particularly turned off by Trump’s promises of mass deportation and his categorization of immigrants as rapists and murderers. But it’s also possible that the great Catholic stampede of 2016 isn’t exactly what it seems. Writing in New York, Ed Kilgore notes that the PPRI poll may be an outlier, as it showed a…

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What Color is Vatican Smoke?

…, seven thousand black South Africans were killed under apartheid, and the number imprisoned was far higher. The Catholic Church neither kills nor imprisons ordained women and their supporters; excommunication, while painful, is not at all the same, even when financial losses accompany it. In 2007 I published an article in the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion explaining in some detail why highly educated white women simply cannot say that t…

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Evangelicals ‘Crossing the Tiber’ to Catholicism

…tellectual hunger. White describes himself as a “victim of Church history classes that start in 1517,” the year Martin Luther posted his Ninety-Five Theses. That is, until he took a course entitled “Foundations of Judeo-Christian Thought” at TKC. It “raised certain questions within me,” he says of the course. White cites Boston College philosophy professor and TKC visiting faculty member Peter Kreeft’s Catholic Christianity as a factor in his conv…

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