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Why are Romney SuperPac Donors Shy?

…quietly to the local bishop on Sunday morning, or in private meetings, or online. People may know who the big givers are in Mormon communities, but it would be a breach of cultural etiquette to advertise one’s own contributions. Mormons listening to the NPR report would have likely chuckled to hear the familiar name of the Provo-based NuSkin corporation. NuSkin even launched the career of Congressman Jason Chaffetz, who started as a Nu-Skin inter…

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A New Goal for Anti-Choice Activists: Targeting “Sex-Selective” Abortion

…mony about PRENDA as an anti-woman wolf in pro-woman sheep’s clothing by a number of advocates. This from Miriam W. Yeung, Executive Director of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum: PRENDA pretends to speak the language of women’s equality, but, unfortunately, the voting records of its supporters do not strengthen civil rights, women’s rights, or the rights of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. For example, this year alone, spons…

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Latest Misogyny Wasn’t First Shocking Comment from Hannity’s Preacher Pal

…l Sean Hannity sits. So it’s perhaps unsurprising that Hannity ignored the online tirade and invited Peterson to join a panel critiquing Obama’s PR response to the bin Laden assassination. Unfortunately, as Hannity’s co-panelists hadn’t ignored the tirades, both he and Peterson were taken by surprise when FOX columnist Kristen Powers “hijack[ed]” the panel to confront both Peterson and Hannity, whom she asked: “why do (you allow) this misogyny?… Y…

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LDS Church-Owned Radio Station Stands By Rush Limbaugh

…thing for it, and I’ll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.” All of this in response to Ms. Fluke’s efforts to testify in support of employer-provided health care coverage that includes prescription birth control medicine used by millions of American women not only for contraception but also for cancer prevention and treatment of polycystic ovaries and endometriosis. LDS Church-subsidiary Bonneville Inter…

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Will Religion Solve the Obesity Crisis?

…kout classes, meal plans, support meetings, walk and worship sessions, and online workout trackers. In the video below, Warren associates good health with good religion. “I’m responsible to God to make the most of my time, my life, my body, my words, my relationship,” he states, “so there’s a stewardship issue.” This, despite a recent study showing a correlation between church attendance and obesity. As Warren has been shedding earthly pounds, psy…

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Is Change Possible? Shifting the Ex-Gay Question

…esearch and Therapy of Homosexuality board member, and purging of Exodus’s online bookstore of all materials advocating reorientation. The second was Columbia psychiatrist Robert Spitzer’s renunciation of his infamous study arguing that sexual orientation change was possible—a study based on research subjects recruited by Exodus. In the wake of these events, the “change” question is shifting from whether or not gay people can really change their s…

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Money, Technology, and the Silence of Churches: A Conversation with Susan Thistlethwaite

…Back when the John Birch society was handing out tracts it was fringe, but online culture has permitted the fringe to move to the center. The profound polarization that has basically ground the Congress to a halt is hugely dangerous to democracy. So, you have this internet social connective tissue of people able to do the kind of networking they were never able to do before with both speed and precision, and yet you also have dangerous alternative…

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Call Centers and… Congregational Email Lists

…want to see if we can get 1,000 Utah women to contribute a minimum of $25 online (the rules will actually “let” you contribute all the way up to $75,000 but we really just want to count you in at any level!) I invite you to pass this along to every Utah woman who can contribute $25… This is an investment that I’m asking you to make. This isn’t just throwing money at any old political campaign. Your donation is an investment in making America’s co…

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Neither The Joker Nor Godlessness Drove Batman Shooting

…trayed in The Dark Knight? There already are. Just look on YouTube for the number of videos where teens are dressing up as and imitating the lines of the Joker. Even more seriously, however, there have been crimes committed since the film’s release where the criminals have dressed in Joker makeup. The film would likely not be dangerous for those well-grounded in morality; but for the many in today’s world who have not received the moral training t…

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