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Anglican Communion Gets Anti-Gay Secretary General; Black Gay Christians Challenge Conservative Evangelicals in Africa; Global LGBT Recap

…its fellow European Union members have passed — would allow for someone to change their legal gender through simply filing an affidavit with a notary without a significant waiting period, eliminates any requirement for medical gender reassignment procedures, and prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity. It now heads to the desk of President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, and LGBT rights advocates expect her to sign. It also includes s…

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Muslims in America, Fifty Years Later: New Poll Shows Pride and Optimism In the Face of Bias

…Nation of Islam. The 2017 Pew poll also reveals that the more things have changed in Muslim America, the more they have stayed the same. Muslims faced a lot of suspicion and discrimination in 1967, just as they do in 2017. In 1967, the Nation of Islam was identified by the F.B.I. as a prime target of its infamous COINTELPRO, or counter-intelligence program. Meant to eliminate what J. Edgar Hoover thought were subversive organizations in America,…

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John McCain: No God But Country

…bordinate to his proudly proclaimed truths. It is merely to say that, like policy positions, religion has an evidence pool. If a man says he supports nuclear power, we can check his voting record and decide for ourselves if the votes support that position. If a man says he believes in God, the evidence is harder to find. Did Jesus die for your salvation? We take it as a matter of faith: McCain says so, then it is so. But for the religionist, this…

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Well, It Would Have Been a Good Religion Question…

…Religion questions are always pegged to the US religious right’s domestic policy agenda. Not that these aren’t crucial issues facing America: the restriction of access to abortion, the enduring discussion of long-settled questions of the effectiveness and morality of using contraception, the exposure of retrograde views of national politicians about rape all deserve attention.  Throughout the presidential and vice-presidential debates, though, qu…

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For International Human Rights Day, a Snapshot of LGBT Rights from the Vatican to Cape Town

…James Martin, editor of America magazine, said the new statement does not change much regarding the leeway that the “deep-seated” language gives individual bishops regarding gay priests who are committed to a life of celibacy. “The people who were open to accepting healthy gay men into the seminaries will still do it,” he said. “It does not negate the fact, nor could it, that there are thousands of healthy and hard-working and holy and celibate g…

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Confessions of a Former Gun-Worshipper

…early impossible to have a sober, data-based public conversation about gun policy—blocking even the collection of data on gun violence, as Tom Diaz of the Violence Policy Center explained here last month. We’re all waiting, of course, to hear what Vice President Joe Biden will say next Tuesday as he presents the findings of his gun task force. You can bet there will be something about closing the now infamous “gun show” loophole that allows for ne…

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Missing the Forest for the Witches

…the categories into which minority religions are classified, the library’s policy appears to violate the Constitution’s establishment clause. By extension, it would be unconstitutional for any government agency to use Netsweeper to censor public access to “occult” sites. However, Netsweeper is a global corporation and thus not particularly concerned with the United States Constitution. In fact, much of their business comes from countries such as Q…

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RD News Round-Up: October 27, 2008

…d 4: According to a statewide survey released on October 22 (by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) with funding from The James Irvine Foundation) Proposition 8, which would ban same-sex marriages in California, is losing among likely voters 52 percent to 44 percent. Proposition 4, which would require a parent to be notified before a minor can have an abortion, is leading by a slim margin, although it hasn’t reached the 50% threshold….

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Will 2018 Be the Year of Catholic Health Care Dominance?

…ing an Oklahoma practice owned by Ascension. For now, Ascension’s official policy appears to be that it will “tolerate” the prescription of contraceptives by individual physicians under its purview, but that could change at any time. Catholic hospitals are also entering anther front in the culture wars by refusing to provide gender-reassignment surgery for trans individuals. According to the ERDs, in addition to specific services that are banned,…

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King as Inspiration, Not Guide

…iberty and justice abroad while denying them at home? Sometimes this drama changed what was in people’s heads and in a few cases it changed what was in people’s hearts. As a result, every “legal” impediment to the civil rights of black people eventually fell. The appeals that characterized the King-led marches work best and perhaps only work where the issues are literally black and white. Even then they worked only with great difficulty. Civil rig…

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