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The Role of Faith in the Lives of Abortion Providers

…Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers, held on the anniversary of the 1993 assassination of Dr. David Gunn by an anti-choice extremist outside his medical office in Pensacola, Florida. “Dr. Tiller’s murder really affected me,” Sister Donna Quinn, a nun, feminist activist, and former clinic escort (or as she describes it, “peacekeeper”) at a clinic on the south side of Chicago, told me this week. “To think that he was murdered inside a church…

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Papal Encyclical Becomes Part of Congressional Record

…he American bishops in their pastoral letter, “Human Life in Our Day” (Nov. 15, 1968), even laid out the norms for licit dissent. Expression of dissent is in order “only if the reasons are serious and well founded, if the manner of the dissent does not question or impugn the teaching authority of the Church and is such as not to give scandal.” Paul VI himself, in a letter to the Congress of German Catholics (Aug. 30, 1968), stated: “May the lively…

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Heaven On Earth: A Non-Hysterical History of Shari’ah

…but it should not; adaptability has been key to its endurance over the last 1400 years, and it is why the religion has taken root in every continent on Earth.   At the same time, it’s always important to remember that justice requires not only that appropriate rules exist, but that they are applied consistently. That means the legal fluidity comes with a risk—the possibility of arbitrary enforcement. Anyone concerned with the operation of Islamica…

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The Reagan Era, Still Going

…low. As a percentage of GDP, American taxation is at its lowest level since 1950, 14.8 percent—well below the take of other wealthy nations. More importantly, the debt problem is a byproduct of tax policies that have fueled massive inequality since the early 1980s. It cannot be solved with any moral decency without rectifying the legacy of Ronald Reagan, who led the Republican Party and many Democrats into temptation by contending that deficits do…

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Sacrifice, Suffering, and Rick Santorum

…cs of the season seems to demand a candidate’s show of meanness. A Kind of Spiritual Egoism? Isabella, aged four, as many may know, is the eighth Santorum offspring. She recently came down with one of those attacks to which Trisomy 18 children are chronically, and predictably, vulnerable. One can only commiserate with the Santorums in their time of sorrow, as I do. My quarrel, such as it is, is with the lack of responsibility shown by the Santorum…

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Obama’s “Phony Religion” is Environmentalism, Santorum Explains

…tique was the basis for the opposition to efforts at population control (in 1975 Rushdoony wrote The Myth of Overpopulation). By 2000, in his Systematic Theology, Rushdoony wrote: “The anti-Christianity of modern humanism has led to an hatred of both God and man, and a readiness to sacrifice man to nature…. The Bible separates man from the rest of creation because man is God’s image-bearer and is called to exercise dominion. The environmentalists…

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An Atheist Hero is Something to Be

…ve it. I go there and it fills my—whatever atheists have in the place of a spirit. This whole interview and I haven’t even mentioned your great, great grandfather Charles Darwin. He said that human beings and their brains cannot throw off a belief in God just as a monkey cannot throw off his instinctive fear of a snake. You quoted that in your memoir and then you wrote about yourself, “For this monkey, at least, he’s right.” Really? I’ll tell you…

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First Gay Bishop? Give Me a Break

…Communion not invited to attend. Both his isolation and his indefatigable spirit are palpable as he chats with folks outside the gate, visits an AIDS charity, and hangs out in a coffee shop, never able to get close enough to his fellow bishops to have the kind of conversations he had hoped for. Director Alston gives plenty of time to other voices; both those allied with Robinson and those who oppose the changes he is asking the church to make. On…

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Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, and Pro-Home Birth

…ess along. “Everybody will lay hands on the mother, and we invite the Holy Spirit into the event,” she explains. “This will happen spontaneously. There’s nothing more rejuvenating and encouraging for a mother than listening to people pray for her.” Prentice, like many midwives practicing in rural Christian communities, is “naturally pro-life,” but she sees legal access to home birth care as a “choice” issue. “I fully believe in a woman’s right to…

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