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Ian Buruma on the Political Excesses of Religion

…beral go together in that sense… Yes, in the sense that a liberal does not promote any particular belief. Which is not to say that a liberal doesn’t believe in anything. Liberals do believe in something, whether it’s the 19th century variety or the American left-of-center variety. But it doesn’t seek to impose a particular belief on society at large. And that’s in some ways held against it by those who want society to be overtly Christian, or kick…

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Dawkins and Hitchens Hope to Arrest the Pope

…ceedingly difficult to say anything but ‘amen’ to the new atheists in this latest quest. On the other hand this move could backfire and spark ire among Catholics causing them to circle the wagons and dull their own criticism. It’s a fine line. The problem was caused by the inability for the Church to police itself adequately. While it’s preposterous to believe that any institution—whether it be the US financial services industry or the Catholic Ch…

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Are They Jewish Bones? Battle for Separation of Synagogue & State in Israel

…e bones of Jews cavalierly are our enemies.”  The bones that generated the latest controversy were found during construction of a hospital wing in the city of Ashkelon, on the Mediterranean. Barzilai Hospital, the city’s major medial center, which serves hundreds of thousands of people, is in dire need of a new emergency room. The plan was to build an ER that is bombproof, as Ashkelon lies within the trajectory of Qassam rockets fired from Gaza. T…

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Off That (Rationalist Anthem)

Here’s the latest provocative hip-hop video from self-described rap troubadour Baba Brinkman in which he blasts pseudo-science and irrationality. A Chaucer scholar who started out rapping the Canterbury Tales, lately he’s been branching out into the world of science and religion. In 2008, the Vancouver artist developed the utterly brilliant Rap Guide to Evolution. I met him last year while he and I were on a tour in the U.K. in celebration of the…

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Brooks Misreads Niebuhr

… conversation with Peter Beinart, it’s worth noting that David Brook’s latest atrocity is also a shallow recasting of the ideas of Reinhold Niebuhr, except that meh, it’s not. If you’ve read Moral Man and Immoral Society, you’ll know that Niebuhr was indeed concerned with the tradeoffs in moving from individual to social relationships. As the book’s title implies, Niebuhr thought it was easier for individuals to be moral, because they didn’t c…

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The Pope and Social Media: A Digital Counter-Reformation?

…uraged priests, very particularly, to proclaim the Gospel by employing the latest generation of audio-visual resources (images, videos, animated features, blogs, Web sites) which, alongside traditional means, can open up broad new vistas for dialogue, evangelization, and catechesis. Many commentators saw Benedict’s statement as a bold move by the Roman Catholic Church into a new era of open, interactive communication with the faithful. But the Pop…

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No Garden to Get Back to: Understanding Post-Avatar Ecological Depressive Disorder

…ng to “return” to the magical world of Pandora depicted in James Cameron’s latest film Avatar, and simply wanting to die as I watch Planet Earth perish all around me. I feel a bit better with each passing day, but climbing out of a sadness like this can be a daunting, arduous process. I realize that this may seem like a strange, somewhat juvenile affliction, but before telling me to “get a life” and reminding me that Avatar is “just a movie,” I’d…

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Better Science Through God?

…ism. And, while Christians grapple to find their notion of the soul in the latest neuroscience, metaphysicals (together with the Dalai Lama) can’t get enough of it. Fortunately, we don’t have to choose. Science as a way of living doesn’t depend utterly on theology. An evangelical can map the human genome, an atheist can unravel the big bang, and a Buddhist can be twice as likely to become a scientist than the average American. In any case a theolo…

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Vatican Equates Women’s Ordination with Priest Pedophilia?

…hurch, which eventually built cathedrals for just such periodic gatherings of the local groups that otherwise worshipped and carried out their justice work in their own homes and centers. So while the Vatican staff is busy translating its latest dictum into various languages, Catholic people, with the help of our friends, are living new models of Church. We do so in the hope that we might salvage the heart of the tradition we value, even while the…

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The Myth of ‘Voodoo’: A Caribbean American Response to Representations of Haiti

…fascination with the ‘problem of Haiti.’ As Robertson narrates it, in his latest fiction-disguised-as-revelation, “something happened a long time ago in Haiti,” and that something was Haiti’s vodou heritage. The earthquake, an unfortunate turn of events in Haiti’s unnatural history, presents Robertson, and the Christian cohorts supporting his ministry, yet another platform to characterize Haiti as a reprobate nation destined to suffer one disaste…

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