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Religious Freedom Battle Is Far From Over: Here’s What to Look for in 2019

…, when a federal judge in Wisconsin found the relevant portions of the tax code to be unconstitutional, but the three judges on the appellate panel did not tip their hand, although they showed few outward signs that they agreed. The regulation at issue is more than sixty years old, enacted in the 1950s to ensure that ministers at churches who could not afford to provide them with housing could nevertheless benefit from the same tax breaks as minis…

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Why White Women Are Leading Defenders of Kavanaugh

…ral character. Even respectable white women like Ford must comply with the code of silence protecting toxic masculinity. The demonization of Ford by the right is yet another indication of how low the GOP faithful are willing to go to gut human and civil rights. As ReproAction Network has noted, Kavanaugh’s repugnant record on women’s rights puts him in lockstep with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. His well-documented, insidious appellate co…

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Mormon ‘Humorist’ Robert Kirby Is Butt of His Own Dirty Joke

…s interactions with Kendrick. Why? Why would a well-established male journalist say to a female blogger young enough to be his daughter, “Hey, even though there’s no reason to sexualize our interactions, let’s sexualize them anyway!”? Maybe he wanted to feel young and frisky and cool, and thought he deserved to feel those things at her expense? In our collective imagination, prostitutes are people whose consent can be purchased, after which it can…

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Religious and Political Silence on India’s LGBTQ Decision Speaks Volumes

…cher; nephew of H.V. Sheshadri, the former general secretary of the nationalist paramilitary R.S.S.; Modi’s long-term spiritual advisor; and chairman of the committee for the International Day of Yoga—spoke about yoga’s power to make homosexuality disappear. Yet, despite all of the bluster and campaigning, when the same Supreme Court agreed this year to reconsider Section 377 in response to a petition claiming it violated LGBTQ Indians’ rights to…

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Is Alcoholics Anonymous a Religion?

…r living”). This is often lost on commentators. While scientists and journalists assess AA by the standards of the medical community (i.e. percentage of individuals who remain sober), AA members assess one another according to quite different metrics: levels of honesty, compassion, open-mindedness, and magnanimity. Although AA was instrumental in shifting the discourse about alcoholism from one of “sin” to “sickness” it nevertheless retained a foc…

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Is God a Winning Strategy for Democrats?

…News Service in a story about some campaigns hiring faith engagement specialists: “In coming years, Democratic candidates in particular may need to focus on hiring a ‘nones engagement’ specialist alongside a faith-based one.” Invoking religion is unlikely to convince conservative Christians to come over to liberal Christianity. It may, however, energize conservative Christians, white evangelicals, and Christian nationalists while turning off the “…

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Big Mo-Publican Primary Watch 2012 Begins

…team of former McCain advisors like Richard Quinn, Hunstman will focus on South Carolina and beyond—a cheeky strategy given how well Mormons traditionally do in the South. Romney will hold his national base of Mormon campaign donors and doers, but whatever Romney has in national infrastructure, Hunstman will make up for with his own deep pockets. Scenario two: Huntsman explores, then opts to postpone until 2016 and runs for US Senate in 2012 agai…

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What’s Ahead in the World of Mormonism for 2011

As The Book of Mormon: The Musical by South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker prepares to open March 24 at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre, many Mormons are bracing for what promises to be an irreverent send-up of our distinctive history, culture, and religious practices. I’ve heard others muse aloud that this may be our own twisted version of a Fiddler on the Roof moment—a moment when Mormon culture crosses over into the American pop cultural…

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What Religion Looks Like, Wisconsin Edition

…order that the rights of all members of the society may be maintained and promoted, we support innovative bargaining procedures that include representatives of the public interest in negotiation and settlement of labor-management contracts, including some that may lead to forms of judicial resolution of issues. We reject the use of violence by either party during collective bargaining or any labor/management disagreement. We likewise reject the p…

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Will the Religious Side with Workers?

…ing drives. No one should forget that the powerful and secretive fundamentalist organization called The Family had its roots in anti-unionism. My colleague Peter Montgomery nails the anti-union ideology of a range of religious right groups in his own piece here on RD. Identity politics among religious liberals: The Christian Century review of Winner Take All Politics quotes the authors’ spot-on analysis of progressive religious leaders’ conspicuou…

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