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The Resurgence of Right-Wing Anti-Semitic Conspiracism Endangers All Justice Movements

…white nationalist movements is that generations of progressive Jews in the United States have worked patiently and covertly, through myriad channels of civil society, government, and business, to orchestrate “white genocide”—the disappearance of the “white race” in the United States through gradual demographic minoritization, and cultural marginalization. The alt-right’s premier intellectual, evolutionary psychologist Kevin MacDonald, has helped s…

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Faith-Baiting in Minnesota and Elsewhere Follows the “Project Blitz” Playbook

…ing of “writings, documents, and records … that reflect the history of the United States, including, but not limited to, (i) the preamble to the Constitution of this State; (ii) the Declaration of Independence; (iii) the United States Constitution; (iv) the Mayflower Compact… the National Motto” and more. The Oklahoma legislation, like the model bills it draws on, is a transparent effort to slip in overtly religious documents like the Ten Commandm…

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An Historic Meeting: African and African Diaspora Women Convene in Ghana for First-Ever Religion Conference

…s, and Christian denominational leaders and executives from Africa and the United States; representatives of Ghanaian Muslim women’s groups and Ghanaian traditional leader, Nana Amba Eyiaba, Queen Mother of the original Cape Coast area; as well as college, seminary, and university professors from Africa and the United States.   Beginning with its opening ceremony, the meeting celebrated the diversity of African-descended women even as it sought to…

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The Dark Side of Our Obsession With Trapped Thai Children

…te, trapped by nature in their own country and at a safe distance from the United States. We’re obsessed and fascinated by them. They are different but still part of our shared human community. Our sense of “us” can safely expand to include them. But the “illegal” kids are migrants whose parents—Trump has described them as “rapists”—threaten U.S. national security and Americans’ personal safety and quality of life. According to Sessions, whereas t…

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Amway, Religious Right Pyramid Scheme, Returns to the Motherland

…M. Hutchens of the Christian Zionist “Jerusalem Connection,” who has been promoting the piece. Why? Bartholomew: “I can see why Freund would enthuse over this, but it’s less clear why a conservative evangelical like Hutchens would want to promote the idea of 500,000 to 1 million Portuguese and Spaniards embracing a religion other than Christianity. Such are the mysteries of Christian Zionism.” Coral Ridge Ministries Produces Is Jesus God?: Since…

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The Right Wing Slant on Religious Freedom is a Slippery Slope

…Natalia Del Pino. They write about adoption discrimination at the Holston United Methodist Home for Children. The students invoked historical Methodist views on religious freedom and antisemitism against the Methodist Home’s action. Quoting from the Methodist “Book of Discipline” they write: “We condemn all overt and covert forms of religious intolerance, being especially sensitive to their expression in media stereotyping. We assert the right of…

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Is the Pope’s Concern for Immigration Just a “Numbers Game”?

…ago. Before mentioning migrants from Latin America traveling north to the United States in his speech to the U.S. Congress, Pope Francis spoke of Europe’s immigration crisis. “Our world is facing a refugee crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War,” he said. He will likely spend more time on this topic at the United Nations. People from Syria—but also Mali, Gambia, Nigeria, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere—are streaming into Europe…

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The American Right Hasn’t Adopted Children’s Rights — They’ve Redefined and Weaponized Them

…man history. But Faust and Manning bury in the footnotes the fact that the United States is the only member of the United Nations that has not ratified the Convention, which is due to lobbying by evangelicals led by homeschool leader Michael Farris (the godfather of the parental rights movement). Evangelicals incorrectly believe the Convention is a threat to parental rights, even though it explicitly affirms parental rights, declaring family is “t…

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World AIDS Day: Sacralizing Change

…movement challenged the Catholic Church’s role in AIDS/HIV politics in the United States; in doing so, they challenged, as well, who “owned” the Church. As one organizer argues in the film (and here I paraphrase): “THEY are not the Church. We are the Church.” While a single example, this statement reminds us, today, on World AIDS Day 2008, that throughout its history, AIDS/HIV has been entangled with religion—for good and ill. As we move into the…

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Religion in Tension on World AIDS Day

…movement challenged the Catholic Church’s role in AIDS/HIV politics in the United States; in doing so, they challenged, as well, who “owned” the Church. As one organizer argues in the film (and here I paraphrase): “They are not the Church. We are the Church.” While a single example, this statement reminds us, today, on World AIDS Day 2008, that throughout its history, AIDS/HIV has been entangled with religion—for good and ill. As we move into the…

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