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Obama Signs Executive Order Making Changes to Faith-Based Office, but Frustrations Remain

…federal funds to form separate entities to assure no mixing of federal tax dollars and religious tithes and offerings. “I don’t believe Barack Obama wants to go down in history as the president who helped George W. Bush roll back civil rights and religious liberty,” said Lynn. “At a time when jobs are scarce, it is especially troubling that qualified applicants can be rejected from government-funded positions because they don’t go to the ‘right’ c…

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“Liberal Nazis”: The Republican Crusade Against NPR

…has his staff hard at work untangling all those devious ways that your tax dollars support public radio (through college radio stations and the like). The assertion about the “liberal agenda” has been belied by numerous studies. The rather predictable and mainstream bent of commentators on the flagship shows seems of more concern than the tired rhetoric of liberal bias. But the point here isn’t to bean count partisan representatives on All Things…

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2010: What Did We Believe In?

…istory. What are the costs? Thousands of American lives lost, trillions of dollars spent, international reputation shot to hell, psychological instability of returning veterans with unprecedented numbers committing suicide, veteran services stretched thin—these are only a few items that come to mind though they only scratch the surface of the psychic, social, and cultural scars inflicted by this war. Historically and across cultures, warfare is of…

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The “Obamosque” Smears and the Money Fueling Them

…ccording to the Special Guests site, “he is preparing to spend millions of dollars for TV ads between now and the November elections to force elected officials to take a public stand on the building of the Mosque.” After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for an investigation into the money behind the Islamophobic fervor, Wheeler said, according to the Special Guests site, “Pelosi’s Stalinist tactics will not work on The National Republican Trust P…

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Hajj Journal:
This Cultural Hajj

…sorry to learn that from the sight of it, the difference is three thousand dollars! So, don’t shortchange yourself, folks. Anyone who wants the best, in today’s economic terms, must be willing to pay for it. Because, it is possible to come to Allah’s house, or to stand in Arafat on the day of mercy and miss the whole point. The conditions at Arafat are also tents (for most), but with no noisy AC it is actually more open and breezy. Anyway we only…

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CUFI Entices Donors for Israel with Christmas Ornament

…o offered to match donations of up to $500,000, to help it raise a million dollars by the end of the year. CUFI has always maintained — despite all evidence to the contrary — that it is primarily motivated by concern for Israel and the Jews, not by Hagee’s apocalyptic vision for the return of Jesus at Armageddon. In its fundraising solicitation, though, in which CUFI “invite[s] you to give a gift that will make a difference for Israel and the Jewi…

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Not Cause, But Effect: Jared Loughner and Tea Party Rhetoric

…adding any value while still requiring payment (or the expenditure of tax dollars). As Loughner explains, algebra is free. Charging a student for an algebra class amounts to selling a free product and is a scam.  If the world worked properly, grammar and currency would convey real value without distortion. But because of government practices of mind control and currency fraud, they do not. As a way out of these misrepresentations, individuals nee…

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In Wake of Murder in Uganda, LGBT Group Protests Prayer Breakfast

…te future leaders for Africa, into which The Family has poured millions of dollars working through a very convoluted chain of linkages passing the money over to Uganda. And in his more recent book, C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy, Sharlet delved into even more detail about the anti-gay climate in Uganda, and The Family’s and Bahati’s activities there. But though the Family has come under fire for their connections to the…

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The Sharks Circling Glenn Beck

…ene Scott, who drew on whiteboard constantly, and shilled for thousands of dollars from his church in downtown Los Angeles, California, once showing the rear end of one of his racehorses for three hours until he raised the money he wanted from supporters. And Scott’s show similarly included anti-government rants: Watching Scott was entertaining. Watching Beck is maddening and painful. I’ll give it to Scott, though; he at least paid for his airtime…

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