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Can a Submissive Wife be President? Michele Bachmann says Yes

…ld submit to her husband.” They booed loudly and long enough to give her a minute or so to come up with a way to dodge the views she has expressly embraced in the past: views shared by the religious right voters she is courting in Iowa. The question has been called sexist and even anti-Christian. Bachmann defenders are suggesting that it was a personal question and not appropriate for a presidential debate. Bachmann responded as though the questio…

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Op-Ed: Ramadan and Religious Freedom

…prevent them. Moreover, the Muslim sunset prayer takes only three or four minutes. It’s hard to believe that a five-to-ten minute break at sunset for plant workers is a hardship for the employer. The non-Muslim workers at the plant in Colorado, as well as the community in Tennessee, in giving vent to their anti-immigrant and anti-Islam feelings have missed an important point: whatever their personal sentiments about immigrants or other religions,…

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Obamunism? The Traditional Values Coalition Coins a Term

…s about the film? Angel Manuel Soto, producer and director: The film is 28 minutes long with credits. 22 Weeks is a drama, but due to documenting true events in a dramatic way, some people call it a docudrama, but I would never say that it’s a documentary. It’s not meant to inform or educate. Rather, it is meant to impact, create awareness, and motivate people to be informed on their own and to study and raise questions. The film is directed and p…

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So Deep a Wound: Home, and the novels of Marilynne Robinson

…ts are shown to be sinners and sinners saints. Nobody deciding at the last minute not to get on that plane. Yes, Glory has something of an epiphany at the end, but it takes no epiphany on the reader’s part to see the uneasy mix of beatitude and desperation in what she feels. Only a Christian of uncommon mettle could write a novel so untainted by the bastardized tropes of Christian culture. It is as if Robinson told us the Nativity story without on…

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Israel Under Bush: The Islamophobia Years

…al gestures toward peace in the Middle East, we also saw a remarkably high number of attacks on Islam, on Iran, and on Arab Americans. There was the Republican outing of Barack Obama as a ‘secret Muslim’ and the promotion of this theory to both elderly Jews and conservative Christians. One survey, released in October, showed that at a sizable portion of the Texas voters polled actually believed Obama to be a Muslim. The other glaring example was t…

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Bad Karma: Life Lessons From Earl

…m and national loyalty. But this show, if extended beyond its immediate 30-minute airtime, projects a different posture: actions have consequences. Perhaps the United States, like Earl, must examine its conduct, recognize the web-like nature of human interactions, and acknowledge at least the possibility that the United States as a nation has not lived up to the best of its democratic ideals, has not represented in its internal practices and forei…

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RD News Round-Up—September 29, 2008

…ll of Dayton and words from the 25th chapter of Matthew.” (To hear the one-minute ad go here) On September 24, the Presidential Prayer Team, described by Charisma magazine as “a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization whose mission is to pray for national leaders year-round,” launched an effort called 40 Days to Pray the Vote. “Together, we will make this the most prayed-for election in the nation’s history,” said John Lind, president of the President…

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This is Not a Religion Column: The Audacity of Compromise…

…ng via the liberationist preacher Jeremiah Wright — disinvited at the last minute from Obama’s 2007 announcement of his candidacy, nowhere to be seen in Denver. Last Thursday, Obama made history not by introducing liberationist ideas into American politics, as readers of Obama’s 2006 campaign book “Audacity of Hope” might have, well, hoped, but by reviving the Social Gospel’s cautious optimism. That’s no small feat in a country where “liberalism”…

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RD News Round-Up—September 22, 2008

…ver.” Although encouraged by the Democratic Party’s “pledges to reduce the number of abortions, … [he] now worries [that] the party is using abortion as a wedge issue by running ads sharply contrasting Palin and Obama on abortion rights,” AP reported. “Strang said he’s waiting for the Republicans to talk more about health care and the economy—and is both intrigued and unmoved by Palin. ‘It’s a great story, but I don’t know what’s changed,’ he said…

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Evolution Challenged in ‘Textbook’ Case: As Goes Texas, So Goes the Nation

…er a majority vote in favor of the “weakness” language. However, in a last-minute push for alternative amendments, they were able to eke out a majority vote to insert other dubious phrases through a back door. As a result, creationist and pro-intelligent design organizations like the Seattle-based Discovery Institute are now claiming victory “for science education.” But science watchdogs say the board actually created a road map to pressure publis…

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