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Trump’s Fear and Loathing Won’t Silence The Nation’s Sole LGBT Muslim Organization

…and inconvenient resistance; courageous and inconvenient resistance always changes things—even if that change is slow. As a Muslim, I draw great strength from my faith, which commands me to resist oppression, speak against injustice, and live as an example of God’s mercy and compassion—even [when] doing so is inconvenient, scary, isolating, and difficult. Tynan: I am cautiously optimistic about resistance over the long haul, but less so in the sho…

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Irony Repeats Itself: Reconsidering Reinhold Niebuhr in the Trump Era

…hate them even more for being untrustworthy and weak. Niebuhr’s courage to change was one of his chief strengths, although some things about him did not change. He always aspired to realism, even as a pacifist. He thrived on paradox almost to the point of treating it as a criterion of truth. He never relinquished the defining Social Gospel conviction that Christianity needed to be a force for peace, social change, and social justice. And he never…

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What ‘Faith Groups Do X’ Journalism Reveals About the Press’s Priorities

…millennials for “killing” industries that are succumbing to macroeconomic changes driven by greed at the top. Did you know, for example, that “Faith Groups Increasingly Join the Fight Against Climate Change”? At least that’s the claim made in an article published earlier this month that provides no data to support the notion that faith groups are more involved in fighting climate change now than they’ve been in the past. Toward the end, this arti…

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It’s the Theology, Stupid: Why the Shocking SBC Report is Anything But Surprising

…ystem. Also, as we both are alluding to, there may not be much substantive change after all is said and done despite the report’s findings, which hardly warrants an “apocalypse.” It’s an indirect way of saving face for the SBC itself, in light of all the abuse uncovered. An apocalypse would mean destruction (and potentially, resurrection). We’re not there yet. Not even close. I’m also very tired of the ways in which these Manichaean us v. them “te…

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The Origin Story of the Evangelical Mindset: A Conversation with Frances FitzGerald

…suggest that this figure obscures some fundamental splintering. How so? A change is taking place in evangelicalism, and the change is generational. The young tend to be much more social justice-minded than their elders. They care about abortion, but they don’t care about gay marriage or a lot of the other national sins that Jerry Falwell mentioned. They tend to be more tolerant, more outgoing, more receptive to the ideas of their own peers. But t…

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Intolerance in Indonesia Extends to Religious Minorities; Lutheran Church in Norway OK’s Same-Sex Marriage, But Not in Finland; Catholic Church Warns Australian CEOs to Back Off Marriage Equality Support; Global LGBT Recap

…ours or incorrect information hold sway. “This referendum does not seek to change Bahamian society or our traditional values – instead it seeks to change the Constitution so that it more clearly reflects those values, and our shared belief in fairness.” Bermuda: Anti Marriage Equality Group Granted Charitable Status An anti-marriage equality group led by religious leaders, Preserve Marriage, was granted charitable status even though its applicatio…

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Taking the Economy Back From the Elites: Blessed Are the Organized

…indering social mobilization against the economic order today. What has to change for this to change? Are new kinds of theologies or religious organizations necessary? A lot of people—some religious, some not—are quite confused these days about how a market economy works and largely ignorant about the nature and causes of the transfer of wealth to the top one percent of the top one percent of earners. There are a lot of people between the 50th per…

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Why The Church Can’t Stop Gun Violence

…however, and in combination with a strong, single-minded constituency such as the NRA’s, this can lead to an extremely effective lobbying game. I think that doesn’t change my point about what it would take to create political change on gun reform, but it is worth noting….

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Historic Pro-Gay Equality Shift Led by Millennials—Evangelicals Included

…found majority support among Americans for marriage equality, marked a sea change in public opinion. Karlyn Bowman, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute who commented on the new report, used historical data to highlight the dramatic change in public opinion on gay rights issues over the past quarter century, during which she said attitudes on reproductive choice, by contrast, were relatively stagnant. She said, for example, that th…

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Obama, MLK, Not “Nice” Enough to Moderates?

…the problem and that it has no great role to play in this period of social change because you’ve got to change the heart and you can’t change the heart through legislation. You can’t legislate morals. The job must be done through education and religion. Well, there’s half-truth involved here. Certainly, if the problem is to be solved then in the final sense, hearts must be changed. Religion and education must play a great role in changing the hear…

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