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The Black and White (and Blood-Red) Roots of ISIS

The latest gruesome video released by ISIS showing the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff, just thirteen days after the execution of James Foley, is a stark reminder – if such reminders are necessary – of the blood-thirsty brutality of ISIS. ISIS’s flag is black and white, the perfect colors for a group that seeks to implement “Islam,” which it sets against a world of disbelief (kufr). Christians, who’ve been living amongst Muslims f…

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Accept Gays? Only If They Know Their Place

…ians crushed and torn by religious hatred in his review of the book in the latest issue of The Christian Century. As an evangelical Christian whose career has been spent in the South, I must say I find it scandalous that the most physically and psychologically dangerous place to be (or even appear to be) gay or lesbian in America is in the most religiously conservative families, congregations and regions of this country. Most often these are Chris…

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Wesolowski Sexual Abuse Case a New Approach or Same Old Same Old?

…re the news of his crimes hit. But it could, so it would, and it did. This latest twist about lifting immunity is meant to convince that they were really doing the right thing all along. It rings suspiciously hollow. A certain slime factor hovers over this case—evil so deep and enduring that few people want to talk about it. The sheer number of victims and their willingness to come forward despite whatever stigma they might endure give this case s…

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Why Al Mohler offered to “Host” Kentucky’s U.S. Senate Race Debates

…’s motives may primarily be self-serving. He perhaps is hoping that this project will establish his position as the preeminent standard-bearer for “evangelical morality” in Kentucky and, by political extrapolation, in the Southern Baptist Convention. This latest political exhibition could also just be that of a Baptist peacock displaying his feathers to impress a powerful Republican who may be a needed ally in the days to come. If this is so, an o…

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Violent, Genocidal Anti-Palestinian Rhetoric Moving to US?

…an life and expressed regret for the souls lost on both sides. As Israel’s latest assault on Gaza enters its fourth week, however, we are witnessing a significant rhetorical departure. Yet as reprehensible as remarks from American Jewish leaders have been, the dehumanizing discourse among political and religious leaders in Israel—where I live and work—has for years been moving toward the grotesque. The images that have emerged from the Gaza Strip…

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Monstrous Futures: Dungeons & Dragons, Harbinger of the “None” Generation, Turns 40

…elling, edition of D&D, and with it they will, later this month, issue the latest incarnation of the single most important and widely read bestiary ever published: The Monster Manual. New generations will wonder at the immensity of our monstrous imaginations while many relish anew their dreams of an enchanted world. And so, thanks to the game and The Monster Manual, we have a moment to contemplate what it means to imagine monsters and what it mean…

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The Big Lie Misrepresentation in Louisiana “Seal of Confessional” Case

The systematic abuse of the free exercise clause strikes again. In this latest episode, according to bloggers at Hot Air and the American Conservative, “[t]he Louisiana Supreme Court has ruled that a priest must testify in a case about what he heard in a confessional,” and “Fr. Bayhi will have to go to jail to protect the seal of the confessional.” These pundits can, to some extent, be forgiven for these misleading statements since the Catholic C…

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Black Masses Continue to Titillate Conservative Catholics

…er general manager Jim Brown answered, “We’ve had none.” However, Daniels’ latest announcement to hold a black mass at the Civic Center on September 21 has generated unprecedented attention. Mayor Mick Cornett has already received 450 emails and phone calls opposing the event. Archbishop Paul Coakley has also condemned the event and called on Catholics to protest if it moves forward. Daniels, naturally, has expressed delight that his antics are fi…

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India’s Elections and the “Doniger Affair”

…ed what they believed was the country’s selective secularism—appeasing and promoting religious minorities at the expense of the Hindu majority. Both sides became forceful critics of the Indian state model, but they emerged with two completely different takeaways, which would shape many of the discourses about both India and Hinduism within the country and among its expatriate population living in the West. After the start of the Naxalite movement…

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International “Religious Freedom” Agenda Will Only Embolden ISIS

…vocacy is considerably more complex than is suggested by such accounts. To promote religious rights is to promote a particular mode of governing social diversity that implicates religion in complex and variable ways, depending on the context. Legal and political advocacy for religious freedom tends to mask other contributors to social tension and conflict, amplify and entrench the religious divisions it seeks to manage, and force political authori…

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